Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

Limba romana


Edgardo Ruggiero, the new resident representative of the International
Monetary Fund (IMF), took over the office in Chisinau on July 9.

The post of resident representative to Moldova was vacant since
February 2002, when Hassan Al-Atrash was recalled to the Fund's
headquarters in Washington after three years of work in Moldova.

Ruggiero, 36, is Italian. Educated at Bocconi University (Milan) in
1987 - thesis on "Population Ageing and Social Expenditures in
Italy-1990-2025"; postgraduate studies at the London School of
Economics with specialization in Development Economics.

He worked as market analyst (European currencies and bonds) at
I.D.E.A, London (1990); and as European Economist for Carnegie
(London-based stockbroker; 1991).

Joined the Fund in mid-1992. Worked in the Fiscal Affairs Department
(FAD) until 1999; then joined the EU2 department and worked in
Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan.

While in FAD, worked on Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Hungary, Uganda
(fiscal economist in area department missions); and Romania,
Bosnia, Mongolia, and Uzbekistan (technical assistance on
expenditure and tax policy).

Academic interests and publications center on social expenditures;
intergovernmental fiscal relations; and social safety nets.

The new resident representative took over the office in Chisinau a
day prior to the meeting of the IMF Board of Directors who are to
weigh whether to resume the financing for Moldova that stopped in


Chisinau-09.07.2002/15:39:47/(BASA-economic) Noul rezident al Fondului
Monetar International in Republica Moldova, Edgardo Ruggiero, a intrat
marti, 9 iulie, in exercitiul functiunii.

Functia de rezident al Fondului in Republica Moldova a fost vacanta
din februarie 2002, cand Hassan Al-Atrash a fost rechemat in oficiul
central al FMI dupa trei ani de activitate la Chisinau.

Edgardo Ruggiero are 36 de ani si este de nationalitate italian. In
1987 a absolvit Universitatea Bocconi din Milan. A facut studii
postuniversitare la Scoala de Economie din Londra, specializarea
in economia de dezvoltare.

A lucrat in calitate de analist in domeniul studierii pietei (valute
si obligatiuni) la o firma privata de consultanta din Londra, in
calitate de economist al unei companii de brokeri cu sediul la
Londra (1991).

Ruggiero a fost angajat la Fondul Monetar International la mijlocul
anului 1992, unde a lucrat pana in 1999 in Departamentul Fiscal
(DAF) in calitate de economist fiscal in domeniul misiunilor
Departamentului pentru Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Ungaria si Uganda si a
oferit asistenta tehnica privind politica de cheltuieli si fiscala
pentru Romania, Bosnia, Mongolia si Uzbekistan. Dupa 1999 a fost
angajat in Departamentul Europa II in calitate de economist
principal pentru Ucraina si Kargazstan.

Noul rezident al FMI a intrat in exercitiul functiunii in preziua
examinarii de catre Consiliul director al Fondului Monetar
International a chestiunii privind deblocarea finantarii
Republicii Moldova, stopata in 2001.