Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

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Chisinau, 6 October /MOLDPRES/ - International Monetary Fund (IMF) experts
will visit Moldova on 13-20 October. The mission's aim is to make sure that
the Moldovan decision-makers have carried out the reforms that would justify
the initiation of debates on a new programme with the IMF.

The IMF permanent representative in Moldova, Edgardo Ruggiero, made a
statement to this effect today at his last news conference occasioned by the end
of his mandate.

Ruggiero stressed that if the mission's members find out that sufficient
reforms have been carried out and that macroeconomic policies have been
implemented, another IMF mission will come to Moldova till late 2005 to start
talks on a new programme with the fund.

The mission will focus on the budgetary, fiscal and monetary policies, and
the structural reforms for the 2005-2006 years. The IMF experts will also
point to the public administration's reform, privatisation, state property
management, policy in the field of trade and budgetary and fiscal management.

In the context, Ruggiero hailed the achieved low inflation level and enhanced
sterilisation efforts made by the Moldovan National Bank. As for the country's
budget, Ruggiero said it is austere and contains good results in terms of

The IMF official positively appreciated the adoption of the European Union
Action Plan for Moldova and the Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction
Strategy Paper. At the same time, he specified that part of actions seen in
these documents are being implemented already.

I have a quite positive opinion about Moldova's economy. Your country is now
at the united Europe's border, and the Europeans offer more opportunities for
investors. According to Ruggiero, investors say that Moldova is an
interesting and attractive country, including from the geographical
viewpoint, being a linking bridge between the East and the West.

Edgardo Ruggiero told journalists that, after ending his mandate in Moldova, he
will work in an African country, but will live in Washington. As to his
successor, Ruggiero said he was born in Norway, and will be appointed to the
office of IMF permanent representative in Moldova till late 2005.


Chisinau, 6 oct./MOLDPRES/. In perioada 13-20 octombrie, in Republica Moldova se va afla o misiune de experti a Fondului Monetar International (FMI). Scopul
misiunii este de a se convinge ca factorii de decizie din Moldova au efectuat
reformele, care ar justifica initierea discutiilor asupra unui nou program cu
FMI, informeaza MOLDPRES.

Despre acest lucru a declarat, astazi, in ultima sa conferinta de presa,
prilejuita de expirarea mandatului, Edgardo Ruggiero, reprezentant permanent al
FMI in Republica Moldova. El a accentuat ca daca membrii misiunii vor constata ca
s-au realizat suficiente reforme si au fost implementate politici macroeconomice,
pina la finele anului curent va sosi o alta misiune a FMI, pentru a initia
discutii privind noul program cu FMI.

Misiunea se va axa pe politicile bugetar-fiscale si monetare si reformele
structurale pentru anii 2005-2006. De asemenea, expertii FMI vor atrage atentia
asupra reformei administratiei publice, privatizarii, gestionarii proprietatii de
stat, politicii in domeniul comertului si gestionarii bugetar-fiscale si vor
purta discutii cu reprezentantii Guvernului asupra evenimentelor ce au avut loc
in ultimele luni.

In context, Ruggiero a constatat ca in Republica Moldova "s-au produs multe
lucruri pozitive. Este vorba de nivelul scazut al inflatiei, datorita factorilor
sezonieri si eforturilor sporite in vederea sterilizarii intreprinse de Banca
Nationala a Moldovei. In ceea ce priveste bugetul tarii, in opinia sa, "acesta
este unul auster si contine rezultate bune la capitolul venituri".

Oficialul FMI a apreciat pozitiv si adoptarea Planului de Actiuni RM-UE si a
SCERS si a specificat, totodata, ca o parte din actiunile prevazute de aceste
documente se implementeaza deja.

"Eu am o opinie foarte pozitiva fata de economia Republicii Moldova. Tara dvs.
se afla acum la hotarul Europei unite si europenii ofera mai multe oportunitati
pentru investitori, care sustin ca Moldova este o tara interesanta si atractiva
inclusiv din punct de vedere geografic, fiind o punte de legatura intre Est si
Vest, a mai spus Ruggiero.

Edgardo Ruggiero i-a informat pe ziaristi ca, dupa incheierea mandatului in
Republica Moldova, el va activa intr-o tara din Africa, dar va locui la
Washington. In ceea ce priveste succesorul sau, el a afirmat ca acesta este
originar din Norvegia si pina la finele anului curent va fi confirmat in functia
de reprezentant permanent al FMI in Republica Moldova, noteaza MOLDPRES.