Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

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Chisinau, 16 December /MOLDPRES/ - A new International Monetary Fund's (IMF) mission will arrive in Moldova in February 2006 to complete negotiations on a new financing programme for Moldova. The 1-16 December IMF mission's head, Thomas Richardson, today made statements to this effect within a news conference. Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev also attended the event.

Richardson underlined that a report on the economic situation in Moldova will be worked out by the end of the future IMF Mission which, later on, will be submitted for
approval to the IMF Executive Board. Richardson voiced hope that "if the negotiations conclude successfully, a new financing programme will be signed with Moldova in 2006".

Richardson hailed the programme on economic policies worked out by the Moldovan authorities and said "it will be the document to be presented to the IMF Executive Board". "The programme worked out by the Moldovan government is a good start for our discussions as it is based on the Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper and the European Union Action Plan for Moldova. Our intention is to back the Moldovan authorities in implementing their own economic policies," Richardson said.

The IMF Mission members ascertained certain achievements registered by the
Moldovan authorities over the last years, as regards the economic growth. Richardson
stressed, particularly, the inflation's reduction over 2005. He said that it was possible
due to the active policies implemented by the BNM in order to sterilize the foreign
currency flow, as well as due to careful budget management policies.

We are enthusiastic about the Moldovan authorities plans in the field of public
administration reform. It is a very important reform, but also a difficult one, because it
sees improving services the state bodies provide to the society. At the same time,
Richardson said that they appreciate the Moldovan authorities' plans to continue
the fiscal administration reform, regulatory reform's implementation, etc. He added
that the government has to manage more effectively the state-owned enterprises and
voiced hope that in 2006, it will undertake more active steps regarding the privatisation

At the end of the conference, Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev said that "the government is
willing to sign a new programme with the IMF as soon as possible. We hope that the IMF Executive Board will speed up the programme's signing. Forecasts show that it will be possible in the first half of 2006," Tarlev said.


Chisinau, 16 dec. /MOLDPRES/. La luna februarie 2006 in Republica Moldova va
sosi o noua Misiune a Fondului Monetar International pentru a finaliza
negocierile cu Guvernul de la Chisinau in vederea unui nou program de
finantare pentru RM. Acest lucru l-a declarat astazi intr-o conferinta de
presa, Thomas Richardson, seful Misiunii FMI, care s-a aflat in Moldova, in
perioada 1 - 16 decembrie 2005. La conferinta a participat, de asemenea,
primul-ministru Vasile Tarlev, informeaza MOLDPRES.

Thomas Richardson a subliniat ca dupa incheierea viitoarei Misiuni a FMI va
fi elaborat un Raport despre situatia economica in RM, care ulterior urmeaza a
fi aprobat de Consiliul de Directori al Fondului si a exprimat speranta ca
"daca negocierile se vor incheia cu succes, pe parcursul anului 2006, va fi
semnat un Program de finantare cu Moldova".

Richardson a apreciat ca autoritatile Moldovei au pregatit un Program privind
politicile economice si "acesta va fi documentul care va fi prezentat
Consiliului de Directori al FMI. "Programul elaborat de Guvernul Moldovei este
un bun inceput al discutiilor noastre si el se bazeaza pe SCERS si pe Planul
de Actiuni RM-UE. Intentia noastra este de a sustine autoritatile RM in
implementarea propriilor politici economice", a relevat seful Misiunii FMI.

Membrii Misiunii FMI au constatat anumite succese inregistrate de
autoritatile Moldovei pe parcursul ultimilor ani, in ceea ce priveste
cresterea economica. In context, seful Misiunii a mentionat, in special,
reducerea pe parcursul anului 2005, a nivelul inflatiei. In opinia lui,
aceasta a fost realizata datorita politicilor active implementate de catre BNM
in vederea sterilizarii fluxului valutar, precum si datorita unor politici
prudente de gestionare a bugetului.

De asemenea, "sintem entuziasmati de planurile autoritatilor RM in domeniul
reformei administratiei publice. Aceasta este o reforma foarte importanta, dar
si dificila, dat fiind ca ea tine de imbunatatirea serviciilor care sint
acordate societatii de catre organele de stat. Totodata, apreciem si planurile
autoritatilor Moldovei de a continua Reforma administrarii fiscale,
implementarea Reformei regulatorii, etc. a spus Thomas Richardson. El a
adaugat ca Guvernul trebuie sa gestioneze mai eficient intreprinderile de stat
si in acest sens a exprimat speranta ca in anul 2006 vor fi intreprinsi pasi
mai activi in vederea Programului de privatizare.

In finalul conferintei, primul-ministru Vasile Tarlev a accentuat ca
"Guvernul este dispus sa semneze un nou program cu FMI, intr-un timp cit mai
scurt. Speram ca Consiliul de Directori al FMI va urgenta semnarea acestui
program. Prognozele arata ca acest lucru va fi posibil in prima jumatate a
anului 2006", a conchis premierul.