Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

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Edgardo Ruggiero: The resumption of financing is dependant on the economic program that will be prepared by the Moldovan Government

The resumption of Moldova’s financing is dependant on the economic program that will be prepared by the Moldovan Government, together with the Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy, mentioned for REPORTER.MD, the IMF resident representative in Chisinau, Edgardo Ruggiero. According to him, the International Monetary Fund Board of Directors will review at the end of January the report on Moldova’s economic situation, developed on the basis of the last IMF mission results.

Asked if the international donors’ community has responded to Moldovan Government request on financing the census in April while there is no program with the International Monetary Fund, Edgardo Ruggiero said: “We are working a lot to find this money, the census was going to be financed through the “Food Security Program” of the European Union, but the EU decided that it will not be able to finance this action without an agreement between the Government and IMF. Therefore, we and other bilateral donors, which I do not want to name now, tried to find a solution to this problem, which is not easy to do”.

Referring to the business environment in the Republic of Moldova, Edgardo Ruggiero stated that “sometimes it is not important to adopt a law but to implement it”.

“Let us take the Licensing Law as an example. The license for exporting scrap metals was introduced. However, the license was not issued to all companies meeting the license requirements, but only to one company. Licenses shall not be issued on tender basis but to all who meet the license requirements. Then, we should ask why it is necessary to have a license and what should be the conditions to operate. The IMF’s role is not to track these specific developments; however, these cases are a good indicator of business environment”, has asserted the IMF resident representative in Chisinau.

It should be mentioned that Edgardo Ruggiero wished Moldovan citizens “lower inflation in 2004 and a more equitable distribution of incomes in the society, so that the poor benefit from a bigger slice of the cake, i.e. of the goods produced in the country”.//REPORTER.MD

Edgardo Ruggiero: Reluarea finantarii depinde de programul economic pe care il va inainta Guvernul moldovean

Reluarea finantarii pentru Republica Moldova depinde de programul economic pe care il va inainta Guvernul moldovean, in paralel cu Strategia de Crestere Economica si Reducere a Saraciei, a mentionat pentru REPORTER.MD, Reprezentantul Permanent al FMI la Chisinau, Edgardo Ruggiero. Potrivit lui, Consiliul de directori al Fondului Monetar International va examina la sfarsitul lunii ianuarie un raport asupra situatiei economice din Republica Moldova, elaborat in baza rezultatelor ultimei misiuni a FMI.

Solicitat sa raspunda la intrebarea daca, organismele financiare internationale au acceptat sa finanteze recensamantul din aprilie anul viitor, in lipsa unui program cu FMI, Edgardo Ruggiero a declarat: ”Noi lucram mult pentru a gasi acesti bani, recensamantul urma sa fie finantat prin “Programul de securitate alimentara” al Uniunii Europene, insa UE a decis ca nu va putea finanta aceasta actiune fara existenta unui acord intre Guvern si FMI. De aceea, noi si alti donatori bilaterali, pe care nu vreau sa-i numesc aici, incercam sa gasim o solutie pentru aceasta problema, solutie care nu este deloc usoara”.

Referindu-se la climatul de afaceri din R.Moldova, Edgardo Ruggiero a opinat ca ”nu e atat de importanta adoptarea unei legi, ci implementarea ei”.

“Sa luam drept exemplu Legea privind licentierea. A fost introdusa licenta pentru exportul de metale uzate. Dar licenta nu a fost eliberata tuturor companiilor care respecta cerintele licentei, ci unei singure intreprinderi. Licentele nu trebuie eliberate prin concurs, ci tuturor celor care intrunesc cerintele licentei. Apoi, trebuie sa ne intrebam de ce e nevoie de licenta si care trebuie sa fie conditiile pentru a practica aceasta activitate. Nu este functia FMI de a urmari aceste evoultii specifice, insa aceste cazuri, atunci cand au loc, sunt un bun indicator al calitatii mediului de afaceri”, a mai precizat Reprezentantul Permanent al FMI la Chisinau.

Mentionam faptul ca, Edgardo Ruggiero le-a dorit cetatenilor moldoveni in anul 2004 “o inflatie mai mica si o distribuire mai echitabila a veniturilor in societate, astfel incat saracii sa beneficieze de o parte mai mare a tortului, adica a produselor fabricate in tara”. //REPORTER.MD