Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

Limba romana

AP FLUX Chisinau, 30 Oct 2000 


The Government has finished the negotiations with the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) regarding the memorandum project that establishes the main
aspects of the relations between Republic of Moldova and IMF. The memorandum
will be concluded between the two parties for a period of one year, informs

According to the regional director of IMF, Richard Haas, the importance of
signing the memorandum lies not only in de-blocking the external financing
by IMF and the World Bank, but also in the fact that after this one's
signing there will increase republic's investment activity. He also said
that next year on the base of the memorandum elaborated by the Government
there would be increased the social expenses - from 8.1 percent of GDP up
to 8.5 percent.

At the same time, Richard Haas mentioned during a press conference that on
December 18, 2000, after the memorandum is examined by IMF administration,
Republic of Moldova would receive the first tranche of 12 million USD of the
credit of 150 million USD granted to the republic within the poverty
eradication Program, valued at 20 million USD, offered by the World Bank, as
well as a grant of 15 million USD offered by the Government of Holland.

In the same context, the prime minister Dumitru Braghis, present at the
conference, said that in 2001 on the base of memorandum's stipulations, the
Government would increase the social expenses, increasing the pensions in
the first place. At the same time, he said that the number of the
categories that benefited from nominal compensations could also be
increased. According to the premier, after December 18, 2000, when the
external credits are disbursed, the Executive will increase the value of the
compensations granted for the payment of the thermic power. Braghis added
that approximately 200 million USD were necessary to increase, next year,
the pensions and the number of beneficiaries of compensations, sum that he
hopes to obtain from grants and external assistance.

The premier mentioned that till April 2001, when a new IMF Mission will
arrive in Chisinau, the Government had to modify the Law about electric
power, to introduce excises at the import of cigarettes and to fulfill other
almost 30 conditions of IMF.

We remind that after the adoption of the individual projects of
privatization of the enterprises from the wine and tobacco industry, the
only condition for de-blocking the external financing is to adopt, till
December 1, 2000, the Budget Law for year 2001. To be noted that last week,
the deputies voted the Budget for the next year in two readings, informs AP

AP FLUX Chisinau, 30 Oct 2000 


Guvernul a finalizat negocierile cu Fondul Monetar International (FMI) privind proiectul de memorandum care stabileste principalele aspecte ale relatiilor dintre Republica Moldova si FMI. Memorandumul va fi incheiat intre cele doua parti pe termen de un an. 

Potrivit directorului regional al FMI, Richard Haas, importanta semnarii memorandumului rezida nu doar in deblocarea finantarii externe de catre FMI si Banca Mondiala, ci si in faptul ca dupa semnarea acestuia va spori atractivitatea investitionala a republicii. De asemenea, a spus el, in baza memorandumului elaborat de Guvern vor fi majorate in anul viitor cheltuielile sociale - de la 8,1 la suta din PIB pana la 8,5 la suta. 

Totodata, Richard Haas a mentionat in cadrul unei conferinte de presa ca la 18 decembrie curent, dupa ce memorandumul va fi examinat de administratia FMI, Republica Moldova va primi prima transa de 12 milioane USD din creditul in valoare de 150 milioane USD acordat republicii in cadrul Programului pentru eradicarea saraciei, cea de a doua transa a creditului pentru ajustari structurale, in valoare de 20 milioane USD, oferit de Banca Mondiala, precum si un grant in valoare de 15 milioane USD oferit de Guvernul Olandei. 

In acelasi context, primul ministru Dumitru Braghis, prezent la conferinta, a spus ca pe baza prevederilor memorandumului, Guvernul va mari in anul 2001 cheltuielile sociale, majorand in primul rand pensiile. Totodata, el a spus ca numarul categoriilor care beneficiaza de compensatii nominale ar putea fi, de asemenea, majorat. Potrivit premierului, dupa 18 decembrie curent, cand creditele externe vor fi disbursate, Executivul va mari valoarea compensatiilor acordate pentru achitarea energiei termice. Braghis a adaugat ca pentru majorarea in anul viitor a pensiilor si a numarului beneficiarilor de compensatii sunt necesare aproximativ 200 milioane USD, pe care spera sa le obtina din granturi si asistenta externa. 

Premierul a tinut sa mentioneze ca pana in luna aprilie 2001, cand la Chisinau va sosi o noua misiune a FMI, Guvernul trebuie sa modifice Legea cu privire la energia electrica, sa introduca accize la importul tigarilor si sa indeplineasca alte aproape 30 de conditii ale FMI. 

Reamintim ca, dupa adoptarea proiectelor individuale de privatizare a intreprinderilor din industria vinului si cea a tutunului, singura conditie pentru deblocarea finantarii externe este de a adopta pana la 1 decembrie curent Legea Bugetului pentru anul 2001. De notat ca saptamana trecuta deputatii au votat Bugetul pentru anul viitor in doua lecturi.