Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

Limba romana


Chisinau-30.10.2000/10:11:48/(BASA-economic) The International
Monetary Fund's board of directors will examine the draft
memorandum with the Moldovan government on December 18, 2000.

Premier Dumitru Braghis told Monday a press conference that the
first 12-million-dollar tranche of the credit is expected to be
released immediately after the board of directors accepts the
memorandum. The total value of the credit is 150 million dollars
that are to be disbursed quarterly.

The signature of the memorandum allows Chisinau to restructure its
foreign debts and resume the relations with other creditors by the
end of the year. The cabinet relies on the credits of the U.S. and
Dutch governments to pay the compensations for heating in the
2000-2001 winter, Braghis was quoted as saying.

In April 2001 an IMF mission will check up how Moldova observes the
memorandum of financing. Until then, the Moldovan cabinet has to
meet many requirements, in particular to modify a number of laws
that regulate the activity in the energy sector, the law on
financial bankruptcy, as well as to introduce excise labels on
cigarette imports.

International financial organizations froze their relations with
the former Soviet republic of Moldova in late 1999, after the
Chisinau parliament rejected the privatization of the wine and
tobacco companies - a major condition of the credit agreement with
the IMF and the World Bank.



Chisinau-30.10.2000/10:11:48/(BASA-economic) La 18 decembrie 2000 Consiliul director al Fondului
Monetar International va examina Proiectul memorandumului cu Guvernul R.Moldova.
Premierul Dumitru Braghis a precizat astazi intr-o conferinta de presa cu ocazia finalizarii
negocierilor asupra acestui document ca prima transa a creditului, in valoare de 12 mln USD,
urmeaza sa fie disbursata imediat dupa acceptarea memorandumului de catre Consiliul de directori
al FMI. Valoarea totala a creditului este de 150 mln USD, banii urmand sa fie disbursati
Semnarea memorandumului acorda Chisinaului posibilitatea de restructurare a datoriilor externe
si restabilirea pana la inceputul anului viitor a relatiilor cu alti creditori. In acest sens,
Guvernul mizeaza pe credite din partea guvernelor SUA si al Olandei pentru plata compensatiilor
la agentul termic in iarna anului curent, a mai spus Braghis.
O misiune a FMI va intreprinde in luna aprilie a anului viitor un control al respectarii de
catre RM a prevederilor memorandumului de finantare. Pana atunci Executivul moldovean are o serie
de sarcini de indeplinit, in particular sa modifice mai multe acte legislative ce reglementeaza
activitatea in sectorul energetic, legea privind bancruta financiara s.a., precum si sa introduca
timbrul de acciz pentru importul de tigari.
Organismele financiare internationale au stopat creditarea RM la sfarsitul anului trecut, cand
Parlamentul nu a votat privatizarea unor intreprinderi din vinificatie si tutunarit, care era una
dintre conditiile acordului de creditare cu FMI si Banca Mondiala.