Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

Limba romana


Chisinau-01.12.2000/10:26:07/(BASA-economic) As the parliament
managed to pass the 2001 budget in the final reading just one day
before the deadline, Moldova signed on early Friday a three-year
memorandum with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which now
will go for approval by the Managing Board in Washington.

The document was signed at 8:00 by National Bank Governor Leonid
Talmaci, Deputy Premier Andrei Cucu and Finance Minister Mihai

The memorandum will be released to the IMF Managing Board for
examination on December 15, 2000.

If the document is approved, the Chisinau government hopes to
receive foreign credits and grants worth 35 million dollars by the
end of the year, including the second 20-million-dollar tranche of
the Structural Adjustment Credit from the World Bank and another 5
million dollars to cover the consequences of the May-July drought.
Chisinau also expects 10 million dollars from the Dutch government.

By voting the 2001 budget on Thursday, Moldova meets one of the main
conditions of the international lenders to resume the financial
assistance frozen in November 1999.

Contacted by BASA, Deputy Premier Andrei Cucu described the adoption
of the budget as a "confidence vote to the cabinet."

Moldova has also asked USAID, the World Bank and other creditors to
assist the repair and restoration works in the counties hit by the
November 26-27 rains and frosts. The disaster was estimated by the
Civil Protection and Emergency Situations Department at 105 million
lei (8.5 million dollars) in damages for the former Soviet republic
- the poorest in Europe.

Cucu said the Dutch Government already announced Chisinau of its
readiness to offer 10 million dollars.

The IMF and other lenders halted the financial assistance for
Moldova in November 1999, as a response to the Communist-dominated
parliament's failure to adopt laws on privatisation of the main wine
and tobacco companies. The projects were approved this autumn after
controversial debates.


Chisinau-01.12.2000/10:26:07/(BASA-economic) Republica Moldova a semnat in dimineata zilei de astazi Memorandumul ce urmeaza a fi incheiat cu Fondul Monetar International pe o perioada de trei ani, dupa ce ieri Parlamentul a adoptat in lectura definitiva Legea Bugetului pe anul 2001.

Documentul a fost semnat, la ora 8.00, de guvernatorul Bancii Nationale a Moldovei, Leonid
Talmaci, vicepremierul, Andrei Cucu, ministrul Economiei si Reformelor, si Mihai Manoli,
ministrul Finantelor.

Memorandumul va fi remis Consiliului de directori ai Fondului Monetar International spre
examinare la 15 decembrie 2000.

Dupa aprobarea documentului, Guvernul de la Chisinau asteapta sa obtina pana la sfarsitul anului curent credite externe si granturi in suma de circa 35 de milioane de dolari SUA, inclusiv de la Banca Mondiala transa a doua in suma de 20 milioane USD, din Creditul pentru Ajustari Structurale si alte 5 milioane USD pentru diminuarea consecintelor secetei din vara anului curent si de la Guvernul Olandei 10 milioane USD.

Prin adoptarea de joi a Legii bugetului pe anul 2001, Republica Moldova a indeplinit una dintre
conditiile principale inaintate de organismele financiare internationale pentru deblocarea
finantarii, stopata in noiembrie 1999.

Solicitat de BASA-press, vicepremierul Andrei Cucu a apreciat decizia legislatorilor drept "un
vot de incredere acordat Guvernului". Republica Moldova a solicitat USAID, Bancii Mondiale si altor creditori externi sprijin financiar pentru lichidarea consecintelor calamitatilor de la
26-27 noiembrie care au provocat pierderi estimate de Departamentul Protectie Civila si Situatii Exceptionale la 105 milioane lei (8,5 mln USD).

Andrei Cucu a declarat ca in dimineata zilei de astazi Guvernul Olandei a anuntat deja Chisinaul
ca este disponibil sa acorde Republicii Moldova 10 mln USD.

FMI si alti creditori externi au stopat finantarea Republicii Moldova in noiembrie 1999, dupa ce
Parlamentul a respins proiectele de privatizarea a unor combinate din vinificatie si tutunarit.
Proiectele respective au fost adoptate, dupa discutii controversate, in toamna curenta.