Limba romana
Chisinau-24.02.2001/12:49:00/(BASA-economic) The recommendations of
the International Monetary Fund for drafting of laws on the free
economic zones were released on Friday to the Economics and
Reforms Ministry.
After a first reading, ministry specialists said these
recommendations would better fit countries with developed
economies than Moldova. However, no official reactions were made
A ministry commission will meet next week to examine the project of
the law drafted by the Economics Ministry and adjust it to the IMF
According to representatives of the Economics Ministry, the IMF
recommended the Government to offer to the free economic zones the
status of economic agent at self-administration and not to name
administrators as it does now.
Recently, the head of the International Monetary Fund mission,
Richard Haas, said the legislation on free economic zones should
meet certain requirements, in particular to limit the types of
activities to the production of wares for export or to their
transportation and limit the period within which these zones can be
According to the law drafted by the Ministry, the activity of the
zones will be regulated by a single law. Currently, each zone is
operating according to an individual law. Residents of the zones
will be exempted from the value-added tax for the products
manufactured in the zone and then exported.
Moldova operates five free economic zones now. After the
cancellation, in 1998, of facilities on trade in retail, their
activity reduced significantly.
According to the memorandum on economic and financial policy of the
Government and the National Bank, Chisinau assumed to release to
the parliament draft laws which will reduce the activity of the
free economic zones to the manufacturing of products for export and
would limit the facilities for these zones. The government should
also set the date when these zones will be closed down.
Recomandarile Fondului Monetar International cu privire la legislatia Zonelor Economice Libere au
parvenit ieri la Ministerul Economiei si Reformelor.
La o prima lectura, specialistii MER au declarat ca recomandarile respective s-ar potrivi mai mult unor
tari cu economii dezvoltate decat Republicii Moldova, reactii oficiale insa inca nu au fost date
publicitatii. Comisia speciala a MER se va intruni saptamana viitoare pentru a examina proiectul de lege
elaborat de MER si a-l racorda la recomandarile FMI.
Potrivit unor surse din cadrul Ministerul Economiei si Reformelor, FMI a recomandat Guvernului de la Chisinau
sa acorde Zonelor Economice Libere statut de agent
economic la autogestiune si sa nu mai numeasca administratorii, cum se intampla in prezent.
Recent seful misiunii Fondului Monetar International la Chisinau, Richard Haas, a declarat ca legislatia cu
privire la Zonele Economice Libere trebuie sa intruneasca anumite rigori, in particular sa limiteze
tipul de activitati la cele de producere a marfurilor
pentru export sau la transportarea acestora si sa limiteze timpul pe parcursul caruia aceste zone vor fi
Proiectul legii elaborat de MER, prevede ca activitatea ZEL-urilor va fi reglementata de o lege
unica, in prezent fiecare avand o lege individuala. Rezidentii zonelor vor fi scutiti de taxa pe valoare
adaugata pentru produsele originare din zone, care vor fi exportate in afara teritoriului vamal al R.Moldova.
їn R. Moldova exista in prezent cinci Zone economice libere. Dupa anularea facilitatilor la comertul cu
amanuntul, in 1998, activitatea lor s-a redus insa esential.
Potrivit Memorandumului privind Politica economica si financiara a Guvernului si Bancii Nationale a
Moldovei, Chisinaul s-a angajat sa remita Legislativului proiecte de legi prin care ar reduce
activitatea zonelor economice libere la fabricarea produselor de export si ar limita facilitatile pentru
aceste zone. Guvernul mai urmeaza sa stabileasca termenele de lichidare a zonelor economice libere.