Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

Limba romana


Chisinau, March 26 /Moldpres/ - The Republic of Moldova is
ready to honour the accords which have been previously concluded
with all the international financial bodies, including with the
International Monetary Fund, to further cooperate with them,
leader of the Moldovan Party of Communists /PCRM/ Vladimir
Voronin said at a meeting with Hassan Al-Atrash, Resident
Representative of the International Monetary Fund in Moldova, the
Parliament's press service said.

According to Voronin, this collaboration must have at its
basis the condition of up-grading of the situation in the
country's economy and finances, increase in the living standards
of the population.

In his turn, Hassan Al-Atrash congratulated Vladimir Voronin
on the occasion of the clear victory of the formation led by him
in the recent parliamentary elections. He expressed belief that
the IMF will continue to assist Moldova in fighting poverty.
Al-Atrash also said that immediately after the formation of the
new Cabinet the IMF will resume the negotiations with the
ministries in charge for the further carrying out of the
Memorandum, which has been concluded with the Fund in late 2000.

The principal items in the discussion between Vladimir
Voronin and Hassan Al-Atrash were the fight against the organized
crime and corruption aiming to improve the situation regarding
the replenishment of Moldova's budget, the activity in the field
of privatization and post-privatization, optimization of the
structure and activity of fiscal bodies, of the ones of financial
control etc., up-grading of the activity of export-import for the
counteraction of contraband, rise in the budgetary revenues and
other issues.

These and other matters dealing with the ties between the
Republic of Moldova and the international financial lenders will
be dabated more concretely within a visit to Moldova by a mission
of the IMF, which is scheduled for late April, 2001, following
the formation of the new Government, the quoted source added.


Chisinau, 26 martie /MOLDPRES/. Republica Moldova este dispusa
sa-si onoreze acordurile incheiate anterior cu toate
organismele financiare internationale, inclusiv cu Fondul
Monetar, sa conlucreze cu ele si in continuare, a declarat dl
Vladimir Voronin, liderul Partidului Comunistilor din
Republica Moldova, la intrevederea cu Hassan Al-Atrash,
reprezentant permanent al Fondului Monetar International in
Moldova, comunica Serviciul de presa al Parlamentului, citat
de MOLDPRES. Aceasta colaborare, potrivit dlui Voronin,
trebuie sa aiba la baza conditia imbunatatirii situatiei din
economia si finantele republicii, ridicarea nivelului de trai
al populatiei noastre.

La randul sau, dl Hassan Al-Atrash l-a felicitat pe dl
Vladimir Voronin cu ocazia victoriei convingatoare a formatiunii
conduse de domnia sa la recentele alegeri parlamentare si si-a
exprimat convingerea ca organizatia reprezentata de domnia sa
va continua sa ajute tarii noastre in combaterea saraciei, ca
imediat dupa formarea noului guvern Fondul Monetar
International va relua negocierile cu ministerele respective
in vederea realizarii in continuare a Memorandumului incheiat
cu aceasta organizatie financiara internationala la finele
anului trecut.

Principalele momente, punctate la intrevederea Vladimir
Voronin - Hassan Al-Atrash au fost: lupta cu crima organizata
si coruptia cu scopul imbunatatirii situatiei privind
completarea bugetului tarii, activitatea in domeniul
privatizarii si post-privatizarii, optimizarea structurii si
activitatii organelor fiscale, de control financiar etc.,
imbunatatirea activitatii de import-export in scopul
contracararii contrabandei, majorarii veniturilor la buget si

Mai concret asupra acestor si altor probleme ce tin de
relatiile dintre Republica Moldova si organizatiile financiare
internationale, precizeaza sursa citata, se va discuta in
cadrul unei vizite in tara noastra a unei misiuni a Fondului
Monetar International, vizita preconizata pentru jumatatea a
doua a lunii aprilie, dupa formarea noului Guvern al
Republicii Moldova.