Limba romana
Chisinau, April 27 /Moldpres/ - The new Chisinau leaderhip
is ready to continue the collaboration with the IMF and other
international financial bodies, Moldovan Parliament's Speaker
Eugenia Ostapciuc said at a meeting with Richard Haas, Advisor in
the European II Department of the IMF, the Parliament's press
service said.
Eugenia Ostapciuc said that the cooperation aims to reduce
the level of poverty in the Republic of Moldova. She also said
that the parliamentary majority supports all the forms of
property. The Speaker stressed that in its further activity,
however, the Legislature will pay a special attention to the
efficiency of the activity of economic units in the
post-privatization period. A series of socially-oriented
legislative acts will also be adopted, Ostapciuc said.
Richard Haas said that the Republic of Moldova had lately
made certain economic progress. The IMF representative labelled
the reduction of the budget deficit as positive result. Richard
Haas also higly appreciated the activity of the National Bank of
Moldova. He said that the International Monetary Fund is willing
to back these positive processes.
After the definitive formation of the new Government, an IMF
mission will arrive in Chisinau to take knowledge of the
government programme, and to discuss the conditions of fulfilment
of the previously signed memorandum.
Chisinau, 27 apr. /MOLDPRES/. Noua conducere de la Chisinau
este dispusa sa continue colaborarea cu FMI si alte
organizatii financiare internationale, a declarat dna Eugenia
Ostapciuc, Presedintele Parlamentului Republicii Moldova, in
cadrul intrevederii cu Richard Haas, consilier in
Departamentul Europa II al FMI, a relatat pentru MOLDPRES
Serviciul de presa al Legislativului.
Scopul acestei colaborari, a mentionat dna Eugenia Ostapciuc,
este reducerea nivelului de saracie in Republica Moldova.
Majoritatea parlamentara sustine toate formele de proprietate.
In activitatea sa de mai departe Parlamentul va acorda insa o
atentie deosebita eficientei activitatii unitatilor economice
in perioada postprivatizare. Vor fi adoptate o serie de acte
legislative de orientare sociala, a specificat dna Eugenia
Richard Haas a mentionat ca Republica Moldova a inregistrat in
ultimul timp unele progrese economice. Reprezentantul FMI a
calificat drept rezultat pozitiv reducerea deficitului
bugetar. Richard Haas a dat, de asemenea, o apreciere inalta
activitatii Bancii Nationale a Moldovei. FMI, a afirmat el,
este dispus sa sustina aceste procese pozitive.
Dupa formarea definitiva a noului Guvern, o misiune a FMI va
sosi la Chisinau pentru a lua cunostinta in detaliu de
programul de guvernare si pentru a discuta conditiile
indeplinirii memorandumului semnat anterior.