Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

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The accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) will open for the 
Republic of Moldova a larger access to international markets and could 
spur investment in Moldova. It could also result in more stability in Moldova's 
trade regime, declared the Resident Representative of the International 
Monetary Fund (IMF) in Chisinau, Hassan Al-Atrash.

This is why the IMF welcomes Moldova's accession to WTO, this being 
an important step for any small open economy.

Hassan Al-Atrash considers the accession to WTO as an important signal 
for foreign and local investors, a proof that Moldova is ready to promote 
a liberal trade regime. This way, said the Representative of the IMF, 
more investments could be attracted to Moldova.

As regards the impact of the accession to WTO on the future relations 
with the IMF, the Memorandum signed with this international financial 
organization at the end of last year contains several provisions regarding 
the trade regime. Thus, there exists some complementarity between the 
requirements of the WTO and agreements with the IMF, these being 
part of the memorandum.

The final documents of accession of the Republic of Moldova to WTO
have been signed on May 8, in Geneva. For Moldova to become
full-fledged member of WTO, the documents should be ratified by the
Parliament in Chisinau.


Chisinau-10.05.2001/(BASA-economic) Aderarea la Organizatia Mondiala a Comertului (OMC) va deschide pentru Republica Moldova un acces mai mare pe pietele internationale si va accelera investitiile in Moldova. Ea de asemenea ar putea duce la o mai mare stabilitate a regimului de comert a Moldovei, a declarat reprezentantul permanent al Fondului Monetar International (FMI) la Chisinau, Hassan Al-Atrash.

Din aceste motive, FMI saluta aderarea R.Moldova la OMC, acesta fiind un pas important pentru orice economie mica.

Hassan Al-Atrash considera ca aderarea la OMC va constitui si un semnal important pentru investitorii straini si locali, o dovada ca Moldova este gata sa promoveze un regim comercial liberal. In felul acesta, a opinat reprezentantul FMI, vor putea fi atrase mai multe investitii in R.Moldova.

In ceea ce priveste impactul aderarii la OMC asupra relatiilor de perspectiva cu FMI, in Memorandumul semnat la sfarsitul anului trecut cu acest organism financiar international sunt continute mai multe prevederi referitoare la regimul comercial. In felul acesta, exista o anumita completare intre cerintele OMC si intelegerile cu FMI, acestea fiind o parte componenta a Memorandumului.

Documentele finale de aderare a Republicii Moldova la OMC au fost semnate la 8 mai curent la Geneva. Pentru ca R.Moldova sa devina membru plin al OMC, documentele trebuie sa fie ratificate de Parlamentul de la Chisinau.