Limba romana
Chisinau, June 28 /Moldpres/ - Premier Vasile Tarlev told a
Wednesday news conference that at the moment there is no danger
of suspension of the relations between Moldova and the
International Monetary Fund. He mentioned that in late July an
IMF mission is to arrive in Chisinau.
The Premier reconfirmed the Government's decision to carry
out the stipulations of the Memorandum concluded with IMF during
the activity of the previous Cabinet. However, he did not exclude
the possibility to renegotiate certain items.
Vasile Tarlev said that the Government is prepared for the
IMF mission visit, and that the IMF had been already informed
about the Cabinet's intentions regarding the accomplishment of
the Memorandum's provisions, which were not fulfilled on the
established terms, - till May 1, 2001. Among them were
the announcement of a tender on privatization of "Moldtelecom"
joint-stock company and of two wine-making enterprises, the
elaboration of a post-privatization strategy in the agriculture,
the making of several legislative amendments.
Referring to Moldova's foreign debt problem, the Premier
mentioned that a governmental commission was set up, which
includes National Bank and Finance Ministry representatives, who
study possibilities to reschedule the foreign debt.
Vasile Tarlev said that the American Government, WB and IMF
experts will give consultation on the matter to the Chisinau
The Premier reminded that in case the foreign debt of
Moldova is not rescheduled, in 2002 the country will have to
return to foreign creditors about USD 200 mln, which is equal to
the 70 per cent of Moldova's budget. Vasile Tarlev said that the
negotiations for the rescheduling of the foreign debts should
have been started at least two years ago.
Chisinau, 27 iunie /MOLDPRES/. Premierul Vasile Tarlev a
declarat miercuri, intr-o conferinta de presa, ca la moment nu
exista pericolul suspendarii relatiilor Republicii Moldova cu
Fondul Monetar International, precizand ca in a doua jumatate
a lunii iulie la Chisinau va sosi o misiune FMI, informeaza
Premierul a reconfirmat hotararea cabinetului sau de a
indeplini prevederile Memorandumului incheiat cu FMI de
Guvernul anterior, neexcluzand totusi posibilitatea
renegocierii unor puncte.
Vasile Tarlev a mentionat ca Guvernul este pregatit pentru
vizita misiunii si ca a informat deja conducerea FMI despre
intentiile sale privind indeplinirea acelor prevederi din
memorandum care n-au fost indeplinite in termenele stabilite,
pana la unu mai 2001. Printre acestea figurau anuntarea
concursului de privatizare a "Moldtelecom"-ului si a doua
fabrici de vinificatie, elaborarea unei strategii de
postprivatizare in agricultura, operarea unor modificari
Referindu-se la problema datoriei externe a Republicii
Moldova, Premierul a mentionat ca a fost creata o comisie
guvernamentala, formata din reprezentanti ai Ministerului
Finantelor, Ministerului Economiei si ai Bancii Nationale,
care studiaza posibilitatile de restructurare a datoriei
Vasie Tarlev a relevat ca Guvernul de la Chisinau va fi
consultat in aceasta problema de experti din Guvernul
american, Banca Mondiala si FMI.
Seful Executivului a reamintit ca in cazul nerestructurarii
datoriei externe Moldova va avea de achitat in 2002
creditorilor straini circa 200 mln de dolari, ceea ce
echivaleaza cu 70 la suta din bugetul tarii. Vasile Tarlev a
opinat ca negocierile privind restructurarea datoriei externe
trebuiau incepute cel putin doi ani in urma.