Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

Limba romana


Chisinau, July 19 /Moldpres/- Premier Vasile Tarlev affirms
that the Moldovan Government fulfilled practically all the
"remaining" clauses of the Memorandum with the International
Monetary Fund, and is ready for the negotiations with the IMF
mission expected on July 25 in Chisinau.

Within a Wednesday meeting, the Cabinet approved, without
long discussions, several draft legislative documents stipulated
in the Memorandum. The Premier expressed conviction that the
projects would obtain the favourable vote of the MPs till the
parliamentary recess.

Referring to other clauses of the Memorandum, the Prime
Minister said that a privatization tender of two wine factories
might be announced on Friday, provided that the Parliament on
Thursday adopts the necessary amendments to the legislation on
privatization, which are essential for the announcement of the

According to the specifications made by Deputy Premier
Andrei Cucu, the wine-making factories "Nis-Struguras" from
Nisporeni and "Vismos" from Chisinau will be put out for

Premier Vasile Tarlev said that the Government does not
intend to sign a new Memorandum with IMF. He has not excluded,
however, the negotiation of several amendments, avoiding to
specify them.

The resumption of Moldova's crediting by the Fund depends on
the results of the negotiations with the IMF mission, and this
will be a signal for other creditors as well.

Minister of Finance Mihai Manoli said that even if the
results of the negotiations are positive, a new tranche of the
IMF loan worth USD 142 mln could be disbursed only at the end of
the current year.

According to Mihai Manoli, the Government hopes for a loan
from the EU worth USD 5.5 mln, several credit instalments for
some projects financed by the World Bank. However, the Cabinet
has to rely especially on home sources of revenues for the
covering of the budgetary dificit.

The Minister of Finance also stressed that till the end of
the year the Government has to pay off circa USD 50 mln, of which
circa USD 7 mln until end-August.


Chisinau, 18 iulie /MOLDPRES/. Premierul Vasile Tarlev sustine
ca Guvernul a indeplinit practic toate clauzele "restante" ale
Memorandumului cu Fondul Monetar International si este
pregatit pentru negocieri cu misiunea FMI asteptata la
Chisinau pe 25 iulie, informeaza MOLDPRES.

In sedinta de miercuri Cabinetul de ministri a aprobat, fara
prea mari discutii, cateva proiecte de acte legislative
stipulate in Memorandum, Premierul exprimandu-si certitudinea
ca acestea vor obtine votul favorabil al deputatilor pana la
vacanta parlamentara.

Referitor la alte clauze ale Memorandumului, Primul-Ministru a
informat ca vineri ar putea fi anuntat concursul de
privatizare a doua fabrici de vinificatie, cu conditia ca
Parlamentul va adopta joi modificarile de rigoare in
legislatia despre privatizare, necesare pentru anuntarea
acestui concurs. Potrivit precizarilor facute de vicepremierul
Andrei Cucu, vor fi scoase la privatizare fabricile
"Nis-Struguras" din Nisporeni si "Vismos" din Chisinau.

Premierul Vasile Tarlev a relevat ca Guvernul nu intentioneaza
sa semneze un nou memorandum cu FMI, dar n-a exclus negocierea
unor modificari, evitand sa precizeze care vor fi acestea.

De rezultatele negocierilor cu misiunea FMI depinde reluarea
creditarii Republicii Moldova de catre fond, ceea ce va fi un
semnal si pentru alti creditori. Ministrul finantelor Mihai
Manoli a declarat presei ca si in cazul unor rezultate
pozitive ale negocierilor, o noua transa din imprumutul de 142
mln dolari de la FMI ar putea fi disbursata doar spre
sfarsitul anului curent.

Potrivit lui Mihai Manoli, Guvernul spera la un imprumut de
5,5 mln dolari de la Uniunea Europeana, cateva transe de
credite pentru unele proiecte finantate de Banca Mondiala,
insa pentru acoperirea deficitului bugetar este nevoit sa
conteze, in special, pe sursele interne de venituri. Ministrul
finantelor a mai precizat ca pana la finele anului Guvernul
are de achitat circa 50 mln de dolari, inclusiv circa sapte
mln pana la sfarsitul lunii august.