Limba romana
Chisinau-06.11.2001/16:46:50/(BASA-economic) President Vladimir
Voronin said in a live broadcast on National Television on Monday
that Moldova would fulfill all conditions of the International
Monetary Fund "these days" in order to restore the relations with
the foreign creditors and obtain new assistance by the end of this
The president said the parliament would adopt this week several laws
which are demanded by IMF, including the law on bankruptcy and the
law on banks.
"Helping us, the donors help themselves," said Voronin in the
context of Moldova's large debt bills to the World Bank and IMF,
adding that the experts of the two institutions are also optimist.
At the end of his two-day visit to Chisinau, World Bank Regional
Director Pieter Stek expressed scepticism that Moldova will manage
to persuade its creditors to reschedule the foreign debts in 2001.
But he said Moldova was very close to the signature of a supplement
from IMF and normalization of ties with this body.
The resident representative of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
in Moldova, Hassan Al-Atrash, stated in a National Radio broadcast
early Monday that the republic has registered progress in the
implementation of the supplement to the Memorandum on Economic and
Financial Policies.
"If these two progresses maintain, then we hope to approach the
Board of Directors of IMF in December and seek the approval of the
next tranche of the 142-million-dollar credit," the Fund's official
was quoted as saying.
Al-Atrash also said that in case of essential changes or changes of
principle to the 2002 budget or social insurance fund, Moldova would
fail again to restore the ties with the international creditors.
If the Board of Directors of IMF takes a positive decision for
Moldova, the next tranche will be disbursed within three days,
Al-Atrash stated.
Chisinaul ar putea indeplini maine ultimele conditii ale donatorilor externi
pentru a primi pana la sfarsitul anului creditele prevazute de Bugetul pentru
anul 2001. Presedintele Vladimir Voronin a declarat ieri seara ca "joi vor fi
adoptate trei proiecte de lege prin care noi ne vom indeplini angajamentele
asumate de Guvernele anterioare". Printre aceste angajamente este si Legea
bugetului pentru anul 2002, Bugetul asigurarilor sociale pentru 2002, legea cu
privire la faliment, Codul Civil, etc.
Voronin a mai declarat ieri ca "ajutandu-ne pe noi ei(donatorii) se ajuta pe ei.
Trebuie sa ne invatam sa traim din ce facem si din ce posibilitati avem".
Cu toate acesta oficialii Bancii Mondiale considera ca pana la sfarsitul anului
Republica MOldova poate primi in jur de 15-20 de milioane de dolari. In acelasi
timp, dupa reluarea relatiilor cu FMI, Chisinaul poate incepe negocierile cu
Clubul de la Paris privind reesalonarea datoriilor externe.