Limba romana
Chisinau-14.11.2001/13:44:36/(BASA-economic) The resumption of the
international financing for Moldova is a strategic objective of
the government, Premier Vasile Tarlev told Tuesday a meeting of the
commission coordinating the actions to fulfill the commitments
towards the international financial structures.
"If until now nobody was responsible for the talks with the
international bodies, now this responsibility rests with a
government commission and a technical committee, which coordinate
this activity," said the premier. The Moldovan authorities try thus
to improve the relations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
and World Bank.
Tarlev stated during the meeting that all conditions assumed towards
the IMF and World Bank have been fulfilled, including the
introduction of the inspection prior to the delivery of imports and
law on bankruptcy, which had be adopted on Wednesday in
parliament. The premier expressed hope that the IMF and World Bank
would resume the financing for Moldova this year.
The premier also told journalists that the foreign donors, including
the Netherlands and European Union, have been informed about the
fulfillment of the IMF conditions. Chisinau hopes to receive this
year a 4-million-dollar loan from the Dutch government to cover
the budgetary deficit, and another 6.3 million dollars from the
European Union. This money was included in the 2001 budget.
Tarlev also said that the government had negotiated a supplement
to 8 million dollars from the E.U.
Tarlev also stated that Moldova had honoured all conditions to
receive the 5-million-dollar supplement to the SAC II from the
World Bank in September.
The government commission and technical committee that monitor how
the government fulfills its commitments towards the international
lenders were set on October 31 and includes representatives of the
top leadership.
Premierul Vasile Tarlev a declarat ieri seara ca toti donatorii externi au fost
informati despre faptul ca Moldova a indeplinit toate conditiile puse de FMI si
Banca Mondiala. Ultima problema este adoptarea definitiva a legii
insolvabilitatii, lucru pe care il va face maine parlamentul.
Dupa adoptarea de astazi a Legii insolvabilitatii, guvernul va reincepe
negocierile cu Banca Mondiala si cu Fondul Monetar International privind
reluarea creditarii externe. Premierul Vasile Tarlev a declarat ca aceste
organisme financiare au fost informate despre faptul ca Moldova si-a onorat
angajamentele externe. El a mai spus ca FMI-ul a acceptat sa ofere Chisinaului o
scrisoare de garantie, ca Uniunea Europeana si Guvernul Olandei sa poata acorda
Republicii Moldova bani pentru sustinerea bugetului de stat.
Pentru a putea plati salariile si pensiile, executivul are nevoie pana la
sfarsitul anului de cel putin 20 de milioane de dolari. Cel putin 5 milioane
executivul va primi de la Banca Mondiala, 10 de la Guvernul Olandei si 6,3
milioane de dolari de la Uniunea Europeana.