Limba romana
Chisinau-11.12.2001/17:20:08/(BASA-economic) Moldova has lost the
chance to resume the relations with the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) this year after failing to sign a report on the way it has
honoured its commitments towards this body by the deadline.
Chisinau had to sign this document by December 7 in order to forward
it to discussion at the IMF's Board of Directors in December, but
the report has not been signed so far.
"We have honoured all conditions and we were ready to sign the
document on December 2-3, but we did not do so because of some
questions which the IMF was waiting for an answer," Alexandru
Cebotari, the premier's advisor in economics and international
relations issues, has stated to BASA.
A group of IMF experts is expected in Chisinau on December 19 for
a three-day fact learning visit. The group will be led by Richard
Haas, advisor in the IMF's European II Department, and will clarify
if their objections towards the recent actions of the Moldovan
leadership are founded.
In early December, the government released the Moldovan-Russian
agreement on gas supply to the Fund. Moldovan economics officials
said that IMF might have objections, because the interest rate of
5.75 and 7 percent stipulated in the agreement contradicted
Chisinau's commitments to take loans only at preferential interests
(up to 1 percent).
Moreover, a part of the payments for the gases were rescheduled for
a three-year period, while the debts for a 11-year period, conditions
that were not rescheduled (30 - 40 years).
The leader of the parliamentary group Braghis Alliance, Dumitru
Braghis, has said at a news conference that the intention of the
communists to restore the Soviet administrative-territorial system
based on districts and to hold earlier local polls would harm even
more the ties with the international financial bodies.
And the intention to introduce an additional tax of 4.5 dollars
for the import of cigarettes violates Moldova's commitments towards
World Trade Organisation.
Chisinau waits for a final decision of the IMF on the promised
disbursement of an ordinary tranche of the 142-million-dollar loan
in December.
The IMF halted the financing for Moldova in July, after a mission
of the Fund expressed disagreement towards the governing program of
the communists.
Republica Moldova a pierdut sansa de a debloca relatiile cu FMI in anul curent,
dupa ce nu a reusit sa semneze in termenele stabilite raportul privind modul cum
si-a onorat angajamentele fata de aceasta institutie financiara. Chisinaul urma
sa semneze documentul respectiv pana la 7 decembrie, pentru a putea fi luat in
discutie de Consiliul director al FMI in luna decembrie a.c., insa la data
respectiva raportul nu a fost semnat.
"Am indeplinit toate conditiile si eram gata sa semnam documentul la 2-3
decembrie, dar nu am facut acest lucru, deoarece au aparut unele intrebari la
care FMI asteapta raspuns", a declarat pentru BASA-press Alexandru Cebotari,
consilier al primului ministru cu probleme economice
si relatii internationale. La 19 decembrie urmeaza sa soseasca la Chisinau intr-o
vizita de trei zile un grup de experti ai Fondului, condus de consilierul in
Departamentul II Europa al FMI, Richard Haas, pentru a clarifica daca sunt
intemeiate obiectiile pe care le au fata de unele actiunii sau intentii de
ultima ora ale puterii din Republica Moldova.
La inceputul lunii decembrie Guvernul a expediat Fondului, la solicitarea
acestuia, acordul interguvernamental moldo-rus privind livrarea gazelor naturale
in R.Moldova. Oficiali de la Ministerul Economiei au declarat ca FMI ar putea sa
aiba obiectii, deoarece ratele dobanzii de 5,75% si de 7% prevazute de acord
contravin angajamentelor Chisinaului de a contracta doar credite la dobanzi
preferentiale (pana la 1%). In plus, o parte din platile pentru gaze au fost
reesalonate pe un termen de 3 ani, iar datoriile pe o perioada de 11 ani,
conditii care nu sunt concesionale (30 ani - 40 ani). Liderul grupului
parlamentar "Alianta Braghis", Dumitru Braghis, a declarat ieri intr-o
conferinta de presa ca intentia comunistilor de a reveni la raioane si de a
convoca alegeri anticipate va tensiona si mai mult relatiile cu organismele
financiare internationale. Iar intentia de a introduce o taxa suplimentara de
4,5 USD la importul de tigari contravine angajamentelor R.Moldova fata de
Organizatia Mondiala a Comertului.
Chisinau astepta in decembrie o decizie favorabila a Fondului Monetar privind
alocarea transei ordinare din creditul in suma de 142 milioane USD. Finantarea
R.Moldova de catre FMI a fost stopata in iulie anul curent, dupa ce o misiune a
Fondului si-a exprimat mai multe rezerve fata de programul de guvernare./