Limba romana
Chisinau-21.12.2001/14:20:59/(BASA-economic) The International
Monetary Fund (IMF) mission, led by advisor of IMF's European II
Department, Richard Haas, ended its assessment visit in Moldova on
Friday. The results of talks with the Moldovan authorities were not
immediately available.
The IMF experts arrived in Moldova to assess the state of the ties
with the former Soviet republic following a series of objections
from the institution toward the controversial Moldovan-Russian gas
supply agreement.
Government officials admitted differences with the IMF as regards
the content of the agreement, but refused to give any details.
Certain analysts were surprised that Haas was met by presidential
advisor Victor Doras rather than the president himself, Vladimir
The presidency released a brief communique on the meeting between
Doras and Haas. It quoted the Bank official as saying that "the
mission had no complaints towards Moldova, because the conditions of
the memorandum have been generally fulfilled."
The IMF has postponed the the next tranche of its 142-million-dollar
loan for Moldova in connection with a disagreement over a number of
issues, including the gas supply agreement.
Moldova is losing another opportunity to resume the assistance from
the IMF this year, local observers warn.
Chisinau-21.12.2001/13:22:33/(BASA-economic) Deputy Premier Andrei
Cucu and IMF Regional Chief Richard Haas discussed on Thursday the
possibilities of re-negotiating of the new Moldova-Russia gas supply
The Economics Ministry said in a press release that the
representative of the International Monetary Fund expressed
disagreement toward this document. Haas pointed in particular to the
disadvantageous conditions of reschedule and guarantee of the debts
for natural gas consumption. In addition, he said, Moldova is
obliged to pay the afferent losses of the Russian gases transited
through its territory.
Cucu stated "there is nothing impossible about the agreement, but
this job may take time and efforts." An eventual decision to
re-negotiate the agreement must be taken by the top leadership of
Moldova, he specified.
According to Cucu, the Chisinau government is available to continue
the dialogue for the identification of a compromise solution.
The sides also discussed issues related to the inspection of imports
prior to their delivery to Moldova and the opening of a terminal of
the Romanian Commodity Exchange in Chisinau.
Premier Vasile Tarlev admitted after a meeting on Wednesday with
Richard Haas, head of a visiting International Monetary Fund (IMF)
mission, that the Fund's and Moldovan experts have split over the
interpretation of the new Moldova-Russia gas supply agreement.
In early December, the government released the Moldovan-Russian
agreement on gas supply to the Fund. Moldovan economics officials
said that IMF might have objections, because the interest rate of
5.75 and 7 percent in the document contradicted Chisinau's
commitments to take loans only at preferential interests (up to
1 percent).
In addition, a part of the payments for the gases were rescheduled
for a three-year period, while the debts for a 11-year period,
conditions that were not concessional (30-40 years).
A group of IMF experts is paying a three-day fact learning visit.
The group is led by Richard Haas, advisor in the IMF's European II
Department, and will clarify if their objections towards the recent
actions of the Moldovan leadership are founded.
The IMF retained the disbursement of the 142-million-dollar loan for
Moldova in July, after a mission of the Fund expressed objections
toward the governing program of the communists, including the
Moldovan-Russian gas supply agreement.
The Fund has also raised objections to the intention of the
communist authorities to reinstate the Soviet administrative-territorial system.
Misiunea FMI, condusa de consilierul in Departamentul II Europa al FMI, Richard
Haas, si-a incheiat astazi vizita de evaluare in Republica Moldova, fara a face
publice rezultatele discutiilor purtate pe parcursul a trei zile cu autoritatile
Expertii FMI au efectuat o vizita in Republica Moldova pentru a evalua starea
relatiilor cu Chisinaul, dupa ce au formulat mai multe obiectii privind acordul
interguvernamental moldo-rus privind livrarea gazelor naturale in R.Moldova.
Oficiali din Guvern au fost nevoiti sa recunoasca ca exista divergente in
aprecierea acestui acord, fara a preciza de ce natura sunt aceste divergente.
Unii analisti au ramas surprinsi de faptul ca Richard Haas a fost primit de
Victor Doras, consilier prezidential, Seful Directiei planificare politica al
Aparatului Presedintelui R.Moldova, ci nu de seful statului. Serviciul de presa
al Presedintiei a difuzat doar un comunicat sumar privind intalnirea lui Victor
Doras cu Richard Haas. Potrivit comunicatului, Richard Haas a sustinut ca "Misiunea
nu are pretentii fata de tara noastra, deoarece in fond conditiile
Memorandumului sunt indeplinite".
FMI a amanat examinarea chestiunii privind aprobarea transei urmatoare din
creditul in suma de 142 milioane USD pentru R.Moldova, preconizata pentru 21
decembrie a.c., dupa ce a formulat mai multe obiectii, inclusiv fata de acordul
moldo-rus de livrare a gazelor. Astfel, R. Moldova a pierdut sansa de a debloca
relatiile cu FMI in anul curent. Finantarea R.Moldova de catre FMI a fost
stopata in iulie anul curent, dupa ce o misiune a Fondului si-a exprimat mai
multe rezerve fata de programul de guvernare./BASA-press/
21.12.2001 (preluat de la