Limba romana
Chisinau-06.02.2002/11:33:39/(BASA-economic) Moldova will lose the
chance to restructure foreign debts, if it fails to honor the
international commitments toward the creditors.
"If the ties with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) remain
broken, it will be difficult for Chisinau to reschedule its debts
in the Paris Club," IMF Resident Representative Hassan Al-Atrash
stated, adding "I know not one precedent when a nation obtains the
debt reschedule without maintaining ties with the Fund."
The year 2002 is critical for Moldova as regards the foreign debt
service, which has soared to 250 million dollars. The external debt
of the government amounts to 175 million dollars, plus another 25
million dollars to the central bank. The foreign debt service, if
paid entirely, has to eat out 75 percent of the public revenue.
In case the new IMF mission that is expected in Chisinau at the end
of February finds that Moldova has fully honoured its obligations
toward the creditors, the IMF Board of Directors will meet in March
or April to decide whether to resume the assistance program for the
republic. Also at that time, the Paris Club may be convoked to
discuss Moldova's debt burden issue.
Al-Atrash warned: "There is also another scenario: the Board of
Director does not meet, and the debts are not rescheduled." The
next few months will be very important for the country, he
To regain the confidence of the IMF until its mission arrives on
February 25, Moldova has to eliminate the state guarantees from the
bilateral gas agreement with Russia, to adopt a new, market-directed
civil code, and to register progress in the talks with the World
Bank concerning the third Structural Adjustments Credit (SAL-III).
"Some people say that the IMF will never lend money to a communist
government, irrespective of its policies, and others believe that
the Fund will give that money anyway, in order to avoid Moldova's
default toward the IMF. Neither one, nor the second claim is true,"
said Al-Atrash.
The IMF is ready to help any government, if the sides reach a
policy agreement. Implementation of a few structural measures is
not sufficient, if the general strategy does not correspond to the
program stamped out with the Fund, observed the official.
Earlier, Deputy Finance Minister Mariana Durlesteanu had said
Moldova was capable of covering its external debt until March 2002.
The months of April, June and December will be the peak of the
foreign debts service, she warned.
Chisinau-06.02.2002/10:28:13/(BASA-economic) Republica Moldova are
sanse minime sa restructureze datoriile externe la Clubul de la
Paris, daca nu-si va onora angajamentele fata de creditorii
"Daca nu va avea un program cu FMI, va fi foarte dificil de
reesalonat datoriile la Clubul de la Paris", a declarat ziaristilor
Hassan Al-Atrash, reprezentantul permanent al FMI la Chisinau. El
a spus ca nu cunoaste un precedent, cand o tara ar fi obtinut
restructurarea datoriilor fara a avea program cu
2002 este pentru Republica Moldova anul de varf in ceea ce priveste
plata serviciului datoriei externe, care se ridica la 250 de
milioane USD. Datoria externa a Guvernului pentru anul curent este
de circa 175 mln USD, iar a Bancii Nationale - de 25 mln USD. Plata
serviciului datoriei externe reprezinta 75% din veniturile
In cazul in care misiunea FMI, care va sosi la sfarsitul lunii
februarie la Chisinau, va constata ca Republica Moldova si-a onorat
angajamentele fata de creditorii externi, consiliul executiv al
Fondului se va convoca in martie-aprilie si tot atunci ar putea sa
aiba loc sedinta Clubului de la Paris. Exista insa si un alt
scenariu, sedinta consiliului executiv care sa discute chestiunea
privind reluarea finantarii pentru RM nu va avea loc in anul
curent si atunci nici datoriile nu vor fi
"Urmatoarele luni vor fi foarte importante pentru R.Moldova" in
planul deblocarii finantarii externe si restructurarea
Pentru a intra in gratia consiliului executiv, Chisinaul urmeaza
pana la sosirea misiunii FMI, la 25 februarie, sa elimine
garantiile de stat ce se contin in acordul moldo-rus de livrare a
gazelor, sa adopte un Cod civil orientat spre piata, precum si sa
obtina progrese in negocierile cu Banca Mondiala privind
SAC-III etc.
Unii sustin ca "FMI nu va aloca niciodata bani unui Guvern
comunist, indiferent de politicele promovate, iar altii considera
ca Fondul oricum va aloca bani, deoarece nu va dori ca Republica
Moldova sa intre in incapacitate de plata fata de FMI". Nici prima
afirmatie, nici cea de-a doua nu este adevarata, sustine
Hassan Al-Atrash.
Potrivit acestuia, FMI este gata sa ajute orice Guvern, daca se va
ajunge la un acord comun privind politicele promovate. "Nu este
indeajuns sa fie implementate cateva masuri structurale, daca
strategia generala nu corespunde programului semnat cu FMI",
a spus rezidentul Fondului Monetar International.
Anterior ministrul adjunct al Finantelor, Mariana Durlesteanu, a
declarat ca RM are mijloace pentru acoperirea datoriei externe doar
pana in luna martie. Apogeul platilor externe pe anul 2002 coincide
cu lunile aprilie, iunie si decembrie.