Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

Limba romana


Chisinau-27.07.2002/13:42:57/(BASA-economic) The third tranche of
the SDR 110.88 million (147 million dollars) credit from the
Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) mechanism has been
made available to Moldova, National Television said quoting
official sources.

The money, in the amount of 12.5 million dollars, was transferred
to the account of the Moldovan central bank on Friday, July 26, the
report said.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) completed on July 10 the
first review of Moldova's performance under a three-year, SDR
110.88 million (about 147 million dollars) PRGF arrangement. This
decision entitled Moldova to the release of a further SDR 9.24
million (12 million dollars), which will bring total disbursements
under the program to SDR 27.72 million (about 37 million dollars).

The IMF interrupted the financing program for Moldova in March 2001
following objections to economic and financial policies of the
Chisinau government, which had failed to meet the performance
criteria to qualify for the next tranche of the credit. The second
tranche of the credit, which was approved in December 2000, was
disbursed in February 2001. So far, Moldova received 37 million
dollars under the PRGF facility.

In accordance with a supplement to the Memorandum on Economic and
Financial Policies [signed on June 24, 2002], the Fund is to
allocate another SDR 18.48 million to Moldova by mid-December. This
amount is equal to two ordinary tranches.

The IMF has twice interrupted its assistance program for Moldova.
Concerns over the grave financial situation and excessive
budgetary deficit in Moldova in 1997 determined the Fund to cut
off the aid, which resumed after 18 months.


Fondul Monetar International a transferat vineri 12 milioane de dolari in contul Bancii Nationale a Moldovei. Este a treia transa din imprumutul de 142 milioane de dolari in cadrul programului de reducere a saraciei si de crestere economica, semnat de guvernul Moldovei cu FMI in anul 2000.
Precum a mentionat pentru agentia INFOTAG Leonid Talmaci, guvernatorul BNM, cele 12 milioane de dolari vor fi utilizate pentru completarea rezervelor internationale (valutare) ale Bancii Nationale. Atit creditul respectiv, cit si dobinzile pentru el, vor fi rambursate de BNM, acest proces neafectind bugetul republicii.

Reluarea de facto a creditarii de catre FMI, dupa o intrerupere de peste un an si jumatate (de jure, decizia a fost luata de catre Consiliul directorilor FMI la 18 iulie), este o confirmare a eforturilor depuse de actualul guvern pentru a restabili relatiile cu organismele financiare internatioanle si a aprofunda reformenle in domeniile energetic, agrar si in alte domenii convenite in Memorandumul cu FMI, a apreciat premierul Vasile Tarlev. El a spus ca reluarea creditarii externe este un eveniment deosebit, cu atit mai mult cu cit unele forte politice din republica au pus in permanenta la indoiala capacitatea guvernului de a relansa relatiiile cu FMI si cu BM.

Guvernul este in asteptarea primelor 10 milioane de dolari din imprumutul de ajustari structurale SAC-III de la BM. Acest imprumut a fost aprobat de Consiliul directiorilior BM inca la 20 iunie.

Tarlev afirma ca reluarea creditarii republicii de catre FMI va fi un semnal pozitiv si pentru alti creditori multilaterali ai Moldovei.

INFOTAG, 29 iulie 2002