Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

Limba romana


Chisinau-22.10.2002/10:34:13/(BASA-economic) An International
Monetary Fund (IMF) mission led by Marta Castello-Branco, assistant
director in the IMF's European Department II, begun Tuesday an
assessment visit to Chisinau.

On October 22 and 30, the five-member delegation will assess the
program agreed with Moldovan authorities and will review the
government's performance in September under the Poverty Reduction
and Economic Growth facility in order to decide whether Moldova
qualifies for the ordinary tranche from this mechanism.

The IMF will use the mission's report to take a decision on the 4th
tranche of the 110.88-million-SDR (147 million dollars) credit,
which approved in December 2000. So far, Moldova has received 37
million dollars of this credit.

The IMF experts are scheduled to meet with government, Finance
Ministry and National Bank officials.

Analysts would not comment on the outcome of the mission, while
government officials say Moldova has honored all commitments
agreed upon in the supplement to the Memorandum on Economic and
Financial Policies.

John Odling-Smee, director of the IMF's European Department II, is
also expected to Chisinau this week.

In mid-December, Chisinau expects to receive from the IMF a
18.48-million-SDR (some 25 million dollars) loan package.


Chisinau-22.10.2002/10:34:13/(BASA-economic) O misiune a Fondului
Monetar International, condusa de Marta Castello-Branco, sef
adjunct al Diviziunii B in Departamentul Europa II, si-a inceput
marti, 22 octombrie, vizita de evaluare la Chisinau.

In perioada 22 - 30 octombrie, delegatia FMI din care fac parte cinci
experti vor analiza programul convenit cu Guvernul si indeplinirea
criteriilor de performanta pentru sfarsitul lunii septembrie,
criterii necesare acordarii transei ordinare din creditul privind
Mecanismul de Crestere Economica si Reducere a Saraciei.

In functie de concluziile misiunii, FMI va lua decizia privind transa
a patra din creditul in valoare de 110,88 mln DST (147 mln USD),
aprobat in decembrie 2000. Pana in prezent Chisinaul a primit circa
37 mln USD din acest credit.

Expertii FMI vor avea intalniri la Guvern, Ministerul Finantelor,
Ministerul Economiei si Banca Nationala.

Analistii ezita sa faca comentarii privind rezultatele misiunii, in
timp ce oficiali din Guvern sustin ca Republica Moldova si-a onorat
toate angajamentele stipulate de suplimentul la Memorandumul
de politici economice si financiare.

In saptamana curenta Republica Moldova va fi vizitata de Directorul
Departamentului Europa II John Odling-Smee.

Chisinaul asteapta sa primeasca, pana la mijlocul lunii decembrie
2002, de la FMI imprumuturi in suma de 18,48 mln DST (circa 25
mln USD).