Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

Limba romana                                                                    

IMF remarks problems with the implementation of policies in the Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy

International Monetary Fund chief negotiator for Moldova, Marta de Castello Branco, announced on Wednesday the results of the IMF evaluation mission that arrived a week ago in Chisinau to monitor especially the last version of the Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Project (EGPRSP) which anticipates the negotiation of a new program of external financing of Moldova.

Marta de Castello Branco, who headed the evaluation mission of the Fund, remarked during a press conference that is called “Moldovan Government’s progresses in the elaboration of the EGPRSP”, mentioning in this respect the successful structuring of the strategy and its improvement at the level of diagnosis and objectives. In her opinion, the policies of strategy’s implementation remain yet the most problematic ones. IMF is disturbed that Moldovan authorities are still at the chapter “intentions”, postponing the moment of its implementation.

The officials of the Fund have also discovered certain implementation policies that oppose the EGPRSP objectives. They noted restrictions on export, monopoly intensification in the absence of rivalry, presence of protectionism as well as the “worrying” content of some legislative acts, as for example the Law on the setting up of a 15% tax on the transactions performed by the residents of Moldova via off-shore zones and the modification of the Law on oil products.

On the whole, IMF expects on the part of Moldova, concrete actions at the level of EGPRSP which would condition efficient results. Marta de Castello Branco mentioned also the necessity of declaring incomes by public officials which in her opinion, “would contribute to the avoidance of conflicts of interests”.

The last variant of EGPRS project, elaborated at the beginning of March, will be submitted for approval to the Moldovan Government at the beginning of April. Till then, a special group of the Government will evaluate strategy’s costs. Moldova expects that the World Bank will approve the final version of EGPRSP at the meeting of the World Bank Board of Executive Directors from 17 June.

EGPRSP is a strategy of development on medium term (2004-2006), which foresees for the next years, an annual economic growth of at least 5%. After 3 years of implementation, EGPRSP is supposed to be actualized. //REPORTER.MD

FMI-ul remarca problematica politicilor de implementare a SCERS

Negociatorul principal al Fondului Monetar International pentru Moldova, Marta de Castello Branco, a anuntat, miercuri, rezultatele evaluarilor misiunii FMI sosita acum o saptamana la Chisinau pentru a monitoriza, in special, ultima varianta a Strategiei de Crestere Economica si Reducere a Saraciei, care anticipeaza negocierea unui nou program de finantare externa a Moldovei.

Marta de Castello Branco, care a condus misiunea de evaluare a Fondului, a remacat, intr-o conferinta de presa, ceea ce ea numeste “progresele Guvernului de la Chisinau in elaborarea SCERS”, mentionand in acest sens structurarea reusita a strategiei si imbunatatiri la nivelul diagnosticelor si obiectivelor. In opinia ei, politicile de implemenetare a strategiei raman insa cele mai problematice. FMI-ul este deranjat ca autoritatile moldovene se retin in continuare la capitolul “intentii”, amanand momentul implementarii.

Oficialii Fondului au descoperit si unele politici de implementare care se opun obiectivelor SCERS. Ei au sesizat restrictii la export, intensificarea monopolului in lipsa concurentei, prezenta protectionismului, precum si continutul “preocupant” al unor acte legislative, cum ar fi Legea cu privire la instituirea unei taxe de 15% la tranzactiile efectuate de rezidentii Moldovei prin zonele off-shore si modificarea Legii cu privire la produsele petroliere.

In linii mari, FMI-ul asteapta din partea Chisinaului actiuni concrete la nivelul SCERS, care ar conditiona rezulate eficiente. Marta de Castello Branco a mentionat si necesitatea declararii veniturilor de catre functionarii publici, care in opinia ei “ar contribui la evitarea conflictelor de interese”.

Ultima varianta a proiectului SCERS, elaborata la inceputul lunii martie, va fi prezentata spre aprobare Guvernului de la Chisinau, in prima decada a lunii aprilie. Pana atunci, un grup special al Executivului va evalua costurile strategiei. Chisinaul asteapta ca Banca Mondiala sa aprobe versiunea finala a SCERS in sedinta consiliului executiv al Bancii Mondiale din 17 iunie.

SCERS este o strategie de dezvoltare pe termen mediu (2004-2006), care prevede pentru urmatorii ani o crestere economica anuala de cel putin 5 la suta. Dupa 3 ani de la implementare SCERS ar urma sa fie actualizata. //REPORTER.MD