Limba romana
IMF waits for achievements from
Moldovan Government
At the end of a familiarization
visit to Moldova, the new head of the IMF Mission to Moldova, Thomas Richardson,
stated that no negotiations for a new financing program between IMF and Moldova
are planned for the nearest time.
“We must wait for a while and see what results will be achieved by the Moldovan
authorities,” specified Richardson at a press conference.
According to the IMF official, the mission that will visit Moldova in June will
have as aim to evaluate the economic accomplishments of the Moldovan Government,
and not to negotiate for a new financing program.
On the other hand, Richardson mentioned that IMF will cooperate with the
Moldovan authorities about resumption of financing if they prove they are ready
to implement a program of reforms that would enable a macroeconomic stability, a
reduced inflation, and in the end, an economic growth.
The IMF expert stressed the necessity of improving the business climate and of
reducing corruption in Moldova. According to Richardson, the executive council
of the fund will analyze and decide which of the Government’s plans: Plan of
Actions Moldova-EU, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper,
“Moldovan Village” etc have a greater importance. “In these policies the stress
must be laid on structural reforms relevant at macroeconomic level,” said the
“We are only at an initial stage of such discussions with the Moldovan
Government,” stated Thomas Richardson.
//REPORTER.MD, 20.05.05 / 17:32
FMI asteapta
performante de la Guvernul moldovean
La finele vizitei de documentare
in Republica Moldova, noul sef al Misiunii FMI pentru Moldova, Thomas
Richardson, a declarat ca, in timpul apropiat, nu se prevad negocieri asupra
unui nou program de finantare intre FMI si Moldova. “Trebuie sa asteptam un timp
si sa vedem realizarea unor performante pozitive din partea autoritatilor
moldovenesti”, a precizat Richardson, in cadrul unei conferinte de presa.
Potrivit oficialului de la FMI, misiunea care va vizita Moldova in luna iunie va
avea drept obiectiv evaluarea realizarilor in plan economic ale Executivului
moldovenesc, si nu negocierea unui nou program de finantare.
Pe de alta parte, Richardson a mentionat ca FMI va colabora cu autoritatile
moldovene in vederea reluarii finantarii, daca acestea vor demonstra ca sunt
gata sa implementeze un program de reforme capabile sa conduca la o stabilitate
macroeconomica, o inflatie redusa si, in final, la o crestere economica”.
Expertul FMI a mai relevat necesitatea imbunatatirii mediului de afaceri si
reducerii coruptiei in Moldova. Potrivit lui, Richardson, consiliul executiv al
fondului va analiza si va decide care dintre politicile planurilor Guvernului:
Planul de Actiuni Moldova-Uniunea Europeana, Strategia de Crestere Economica si
Reducere a Saraciei, “Satul Moldovenesc” etc au o prioritate mai mare. "Accentul
in aceste politici trebuie pus pe reformele structurale relevante la nivel
macroeconomic", a mentionat expertul.
FMI este doar la etapa initiala a unor discutii cu Guvernul moldovean despre un
posibil nou program de finantare, a concluzionat Thomas Richardson.
//REPORTER.MD, 20.05.05 / 16:16