Limba romana
First comprehensive migration and
remittances study was launched in Chisinau
A comprehensive study dealing with
migration and remittances in Moldova, carried out in premiere in Chisinau, shows
that the financial sources transferred by the Moldovan migrants account for a
high percentage in GDP.
The offices of the International
Organization for Migration, the EU Food Security Programme and the International
Monetary Fund in Moldova launched today the first comprehensive study dealing
with migration and remittances in Moldova.
The research was based on a jointly developed set of methodologies and a survey
was carried out in October and November of 2004.
The migrant contingent at the time
of the survey is estimated at 571,000 people (39% of the economically active
population at end-2003 ) and the migrant potential, which includes Moldovans who
intend to depart in the near future, is estimated at around 690,000 people (48%
of the economically active population).
Remittances were estimated at $461
million (23.5% of GDP) in 2003, a figure statistically very close to the
National Bank of Moldova’s official estimates reported in the balance of
payments. Estimates for the first 10 months of 2004 confirmed the upward trend
in remittances and suggest that transfers from permanent migrants may grow in
importance. The official estimates of the National Bank that show that gross
remittances in 2004 grew further to $701 million (27% of GDP).
Most remittances are used to meet
basic current consumption needs. Migrants use large portions of their savings to
invest in housing and children education, with only marginal amounts invested in
business activities. Savings from remittances are typically kept “under the
mattress” rather than in bank deposits.
Most migrants go abroad
temporarily—either on a seasonal or non-permanent basis. Thus, both the number
of people working abroad and their remittances are highly seasonal. Push factors
(e.g., unemployment; low salaries in the formal economy; increasing prices;
large portion of population living in rural communities) will also continue to
motivate Moldovans to
migrate. //REPORTER.MD
Download the report from
Offices of IOM,
the EU Food Security Programme and the IMF announce the first comprehensive
study on migration and remittances in Moldova ( PDF , 700K )
La Chisinau a fost
lansat in premiera un studiu al migratiei si remitentelor
Un studiu al migratiei si
remitentelor in Moldova, efectuat in premiera la Chisinau, arata ca sursele
financiare transferate de migrantii moldoveni, constitutie un procent important
din PIB-ul pe tara.
Oficiile din Moldova ale Organizatiei Internationale pentru Migratie,
Programului UE pentru Securitatea Alimentara si Fondului Monetar International
au lansat, astazi, primul studiu al migratiei si remitentelor in Moldova,
chestionarul fiind realizat in lunile octombrie-noiembrie 2004.
Rezultatele studiului arata ca numarul migrantilor, la momentul efectuarii
chestionarului, a constituit 571.000 persoane, or 39% din populatia apta de
munca la sfarsitul anului 2003. In acelasi timp, potentialul migrational este
estimat la aproximativ 690.000 persoane, sau 48% din populatia apta de munca.
Studiul mai noteaza ca remitentele au fost estimate la 461 milioane dolari
americani (23,5% din PIB) in 2003. Totodata, estimarile pentru primele 10 luni
ale anului 2004 au confirmat tendinta ascendenta manifestata de remitente si
sugereaza ca transferurile parvenite din partea migrantilor permanenti ar putea
creste ca importanta.
Potrivit estimarilor oficiale ale Bancii Nationale, valoarea bruta a
remitentelor in 2004 a atins cifra de milioane dolari sau 27% din PIB.
Cea mai mare parte a remitentelor este folosita pentru acoperirea cheltuielilor
curente, investitii in locuinte si instruirea copiiilor si doar un mic volum se
investeste in activitati de afaceri. De asemenea, o mare parte din economiile
provenite in urma remitentelor nu sunt pastrate in depozite bancare.
Studiul mai arata ca majoritatea migrantilor pleaca peste hotare temporar, de
aceea remitentele transmise de acestia au un puternic caracter sezonier.
Factorii, care motiveaza emigrarea din Republica Moldova, raman somajul,
salariile mici in economia oficiala, preturile in crestere, proportia mare a
populatiei care locuieste in zone rurale. //REPORTER.MD
Faceti download la acest raport
de pe
site-ul OIM:
Transferuri de bani de la cetatenii Republicii Moldova, aflati
peste hotare la munca
( PDF , 909K )