Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

Limba romana

April 19, 2000

Press Statement

1. The IMF would first like to commend the Government of Moldova for the important achievements it has made over the past four months, particularly in the areas of the budget, privileges, and, importantly, the energy sector. These achievements are beginning to bring tangible results.

2. The privatization bill on wineries and tobacco has always been an integral part of the Government's program, a program the IMF has supported. Experience has shown that structural reforms--particularly in the agricultural sector, which is the backbone of the Moldovan economy--are critically important for investment, growth, employment, and poverty reduction.

3. Accordingly, we deeply regret that the privatization bill has been rejected by parliament. Because of this, the IMF staff will not be able to recommend to its Executive Board a resumption of Fund lending before the expiration of the current arrangement on May 19, 2000.

4. The IMF urges the authorities to continue with reforms, which could allow for a resumption of IMF lending later in the year. Its stands ready to assist the authorities in any way possible.

Hassan Al-Atrash
IMF Resident Representative
to the Republic of Moldova 

19 aprilie, 2000

Comunicat de presa

1. Pentru inceput FMI dori sa comlimentam Guvernul Republicii Moldova pentru realizarile importante din ultimile patru luni, in special in domeniul budgetului, privilegiilor, si ce e foarte important in sectorul energetic. Aceste realizari au inceput sa aduca deja rezultate tangibile.

2. Legea privind privatizarea combinatelor de vin si tutun intotdeauna a fost parte integrala a programului Guvernului, program sustinut de FMI. Experienta ne-a demonstrat ca reformele structurale - in special in domeniul agriculturii, care este baza economiei Moldovei - sunt de o importanta critica pentru investitii, crestere, majorarea locurilor de munca si reducerea saraciei.

3. Noi regretam profund ca legea privind privatizarea a fost respinsa de catre Parlament. Din acest motiv, personalul FMI nu va putea recomanda Consiliului Executiv al Fondului reluarea creditarii pana la expirarea acordului curent pe data de 19 mai, 2000.

4. FMI recomanda insistent autoritatilor sa continue reformele ceea ce ar permite reluarea creditarii mai tarziu pe parcursul anului. Noi suntem gata sa asistam autoritatile in orice mod posibil."

Hassan Al-Atrash
Reprezentantul permanent al FMI
in Republica Moldova