Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

Limba romana

International Monetary Fund’s Office in
Chisinau, Moldova
October 12, 2000

An International Monetary Fund mission is expected to visit Chisinau during October 18-30. The mission will be led by Mr. Richard Haas, Advisor in the European II Department of the IMF. The objective of the mission is to continue (and, perhaps, finalize) negotiations on a new three year program that could be supported under the Fund's Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF).

The main tasks of the mission will be to:

· review recent economic and financial developments;
· review the draft 2001 budget; and
· negotiate a new Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies with the Government and the National Bank of Moldova.

The PRGF is a new facility, approved by the IMF's Interim Committee in September 1999. It aims at making poverty reduction efforts among low income countries a key and more explicit element of a renewed growth-oriented economic strategy. The facility has a large concessional element: interest rate under the facility is 0.5 percent and the repayment period is 10 years (with a grace period of 5.5 years).

The IMF office in Chisinau will provide information on the outcome of the discussions shortly after the mission's departure.

Hassan Al-Atrash
Resident Representative
Chisinau, Moldova


Reprezentanta Fondului Monetar International
in Chisinau, Moldova
12 octombrie, 2000

O misiune a Fondului Monetar International este asteptata la Chisinau pe parcursul perioadei 18-30 octombrie. Misiunea va fi condusa de catre Dl. Richard Haas, Consilier in Departamentul Europa II al FMI. Obiectivul misiunii este de a continua (si posibil a finaliza) negocierile privind un nou program de trei ani, care ar putea fi sustinut in cadrul Mecanismului de Reducere a Saraciei si Crestere Economica (PRGF).

Sarcinile principale ale misiunii vor fi de a:

· revizui evenimentele recente economice si financiare;
· revizui proiectul bugetului pentru 2001; si
· negocia un nou Memorandul de Politici Economice si Financiare cu Guvernul si Banca Nationala a Moldovei.

PRGF este un mecanism nou, aprobat de catre Comitetul Interimar al FMI din Septembrie 1999. El are ca scop sa faca eforturile de reducere a saraciei printre tarile cu un venit jos drept un element cheie si mai explicit al unei strategii economice reinnoite orientate spre crestere. Mecanismul contine un element concesional mare: dobanda in cadrul mecanismului este de 0.5 procente si perioada de rambursare este de 10 ani (cu o perioada de gratie de 5.5 ani).

Biroul FMI din Chisinau va asigura informatie privind rezultatele discutiilor imediat dupa plecarea misiunii.

Hassan Al-Atrash
Reprezentantul permanent
Chisinau, Moldova