Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

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Office of the IMF Resident Representative
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova


IMF Staff Visit


An IMF mission headed by Thomas Richardson visited Chisinau during July 12-21, 2006 to review performance over the first three months of the PRGF program and discuss the Government’s economic reform plans for 2006/07 in light of recent economic developments, in particular difficulties caused by the shrinking of the wine market and the higher natural gas price.

During its visit, the IMF mission met the Speaker of Parliament, the First Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Economy and Trade, the Governor of the National Bank of Moldova, as well as other senior officials and a broad range of representatives of the civil society, businesses, donors, academics, the financial sector, and mass-media. The talks focused on the macroeconomic situation and the outlook for the coming period in the context of the government's economic reform program.

The next IMF mission is expected to take place in late October, aiming at completing the first review of Moldova’s performance under PRGF during the first 6 months of the program implementation. Upon the completion of the review, Moldova would become eligible to draw the next tranche under the PRGF.


July 21, 2006