IMF Overhauls Lending Framework
Press Release No. 09/85
March 24, 2009
The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) today approved a
major overhaul of the IMF’s lending framework, including the creation of a new
Flexible Credit Line (FCL).
“These reforms represent a significant change in the way the Fund can help
its member countries—which is especially needed at this time of global crisis,”
said IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn. “More flexibility in our
lending along with streamlined conditionality will help us respond effectively
to the various needs of members. This, in turn, will help them to weather the
crisis and return to sustainable growth.”
Mr. Strauss-Kahn invited strong-performing countries that may be hit by the
global crisis to use the new Flexible Credit Line which he said “could
strengthen further their economic position.”
The changes to the IMF’s lending framework include:
• modernizing IMF conditionality for all borrowers,
• introducing a new Flexible Credit Line,
• enhancing the flexibility of the Fund’s traditional stand-by arrangement,
• doubling normal access limits for nonconessional resources,
• simplifying cost and maturity structures, and
• eliminating certain seldom-used facilities.
Reforms of concessional lending instruments for low-income members are also
in train. In addition, the IMF is consulting with its members to secure a sharp
increase in its lending resources.
“Today’s action represents an important evolution in the Fund’s lending
framework,” said Mr. John Lipsky, First Deputy Managing Director. “We arrived at
these reforms by listening to our membership, consulting with a variety of
stakeholders, and reviewing past experiences. These reforms will pave the way
for countries to work more effectively with the Fund on crisis prevention and
crisis resolution.”
IMF implements major lending policy improvements
In response to the deepening global economic difficulties, the IMF is
implementing a series of reforms that will strengthen its lending framework.
These measures reflect consultations with Fund members and stakeholders, and
will enable the Fund to respond more effectively to the evolving challenges of
crisis-affected countries.
Emerging market and developing countries are facing increasing strains from
the global economic downturn. As the crisis is becoming more prolonged, many of
these countries are finding that their room for policy maneuver is becoming more
constrained. In these circumstances, timely IMF financing—if provided in an
appropriate amount and form—can cushion the economic and social costs of
external shocks. In some cases Fund assistance could help prevent crises
Against this background, the IMF Board has approved a major overhaul
to the Fund’s lending framework by:
• modernizing IMF conditionality,
• introducing a new flexible credit line,
• enhancing the flexibility of the Fund’s regular stand-by lending
• doubling access limits,
• adapting and simplifying cost and maturity structures for its lending, and
• eliminating facilities that were seldom used.
In addition, the IMF is seeking to sharply increase both its nonconcessional
and concessional lending resources, which would enable it to meet expanded
financing requirements in the crisis. Reforms of concessional lending
instruments for low-income members are also in train.
Modernizing conditionality. The IMF aims to ensure
that conditions linked to IMF loan disbursements are focused and adequately
tailored to the varying strengths of countries’ policies and fundamentals. In
the past, IMF loans often had too many conditions that were insufficiently
focused on core objectives.
This modernization is to be achieved in two key ways. First the IMF will rely
more on pre-set qualification criteria (ex-ante conditionality) where
appropriate rather than on traditional (ex post) conditionality as the basis for
providing countries access to Fund resources. This principle is embodied in a
new Flexible Credit Line. Second, implementation of structural policies in
IMF-supported programs will from now on be monitored in the context of program
reviews, rather than through the use of structural performance criteria, which
will be discontinued in all Fund arrangements, including those with low-income
countries. While structural reforms will continue to be integral to
Fund-supported programs where needed, their monitoring will be done in a way
that reduces stigma, as countries will no longer need formal waivers if they
fail to meet a structural reform by a particular date.
Flexible Credit Line (FCL). The IMF is introducing
a new credit line for countries with very strong fundamentals, policies, and
track records of policy implementation. Access to the FCL credit line will be
particularly useful for crisis prevention purposes. FCL arrangements would be
approved for countries meeting pre-set qualification criteria. Access under the
FCL would be determined on a case-by-case basis. Disbursements under the FCL
would not be phased or conditioned to policy understandings as is the case under
a traditional Fund-supported program. This flexible access is justified by the
very strong track records of countries that qualify for the FCL, which give
confidence that their economic policies will remain strong.
The terms of the FCL represent a strengthening of the earlier Short-Term
Liquidity Facility (SLF), which therefore will be discontinued. While the SLF
was also designed to cater only to very strong-performing members, several of
its design features—including its capped access and short repayment period, as
well as the inability to use it on a precautionary basis—limited its usefulness
to potential borrowers. The concept of a credit line available for either crisis
prevention or resolution and dedicated for only very strong-performing
countries, with all its flexible features is new.
The FCL’s flexibility includes:
• Assuring qualified countries of large and upfront access to Fund resources
with no ongoing (ex post) conditions;
• Renewable credit line, which at the country’s discretion could initially be
for either a six-month period, or a 12-month period with a review of eligibility
after six months;
• Longer repayment period (3¼ to 5 years versus maximum rollover period of 9
months in the SLF);
• No hard cap on access to Fund resources, which will be assessed on a
case-by-case basis (the SLF had a cap on access of 500 percent of quota); and
• Flexibility to draw at any time on the credit line or to treat it as a
precautionary instrument (which was not allowed under the SLF).
The pre-set qualification criteria are at the core of the FCL and serve to
signal the Fund’s confidence in the qualifying member’s policies and ability to
take corrective measures when needed. At the heart of the qualification process
is an assessment that the member (a) has very strong economic fundamentals and
institutional policy frameworks; (b) is implementing—and has a sustained track
record of implementing—very strong policies, and (c) remains committed to
maintaining such policies in the future. The relevant criteria for the purposes
of assessing qualification for an FCL arrangement include: (i) a sustainable
external position; (ii) a capital account position dominated by private flows;
(iii) a track record of steady sovereign access to international capital markets
at favorable terms; (iv) a reserve position that is relatively comfortable when
the FCL is requested on a precautionary basis; (v) sound public finances,
including a sustainable public debt position; (vi) low and stable inflation, in
the context of a sound monetary and exchange rate policy framework; (vii) the
absence of bank solvency problems that pose an immediate threat of a systemic
banking crisis; (viii) effective financial sector supervision; and (ix) data
transparency and integrity. Strong performance against all these criteria would
not be necessary to secure qualification under the FCL, as compensating factors,
including corrective policy measures under way, would be taken into account in
the qualification process.
Enhancing Stand-by Arrangements (SBA).Reforms to
the SBA—the Fund’s workhorse lending instrument for crisis resolution—aim to
increase its flexibility and ensure its availability as a crisis prevention
instrument for members that may not qualify for the FCL. The new SBA framework
will enable high-access on a precautionary basis and provide increased
flexibility by allowing frontloading of access and reducing the frequency of
reviews and purchases where warranted by the strength of the country’s policies
and the nature of the balance of payments problem faced by the country.
Doubling access limits. Nonconcessional loan access
limits for countries are being doubled, with the new annual and cumulative
access limits for Fund resources being 200 and 600 percent of quota,
respectively. These higher limits aim to give confidence to countries that
adequate resources would be accessible to them to meet their financing needs.
Access above these limits will continue to be provided on a case-by-case basis
under Exceptional Access procedures, which are also being clarified and
Adapting and simplifying cost and maturity structures.
To create the right incentives for borrowing from the Fund, the cost and
maturity structures for high-access and precautionary Fund lending are also
being overhauled. The elimination of the time-based repurchase expectations
policy—an administrative mechanism meant to induce early repayments—will
effectively lengthen grace periods and simplify the repayment schedules of Fund
lending. This administrative mechanism is replaced by the introduction of a new
time-based surcharge, which together with streamlined level-based surcharges,
will help mitigate credit risks without increasing the cost of borrowing to
countries that make timely repayments to the Fund. The new schedule of
commitment fees, which increases with the size of precautionary lending, would
help mitigate liquidity risks to the Fund without discouraging early access to
IMF resources.
Reform of facilities for low-income country members.In
addition to the reform of structural conditionality, which applies also to
concessional loan facilities available for low-income countries, the Fund is
considering modifications to its concessional lending facilities to strengthen
the IMF’s lending tools for providing short-term and emergency financing to low
income countries.
Simplifying lending toolkit.Some facilities that
have not been recently used (Supplemental Reserve Facility and the Compensatory
Financing Facility) are being eliminated.
Boosting the Fund’s resources.A substantial
increase in the IMF’s resources is required to give full confidence to countries
that the Fund will have sufficient money available should they need to borrow.
Japan has already provided the IMF with an additional US$100 billion to bolster
the Fund’s lendable resources available to address the current crisis to about
US$350 billion, and the European Union has committed €75 billion. Efforts are
under way to further increase IMF resources in the run-up to the April 2 London
summit of the G-20, and to at least double concessional resources for low-income
