IMF Aims at Building Stronger Post-Crisis
Global Economy and International Monetary System
Press Release No. 09/441
December 3, 2009
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) will continue to help bolster the
nascent global economic recovery and build a stronger post-crisis world economy
through its policy advice and by advancing the objectives for reform of the four
Istanbul decisions: the Fund’s mandate; its financing role; multilateral
surveillance; and governance. The work program discussed by the Fund's Executive
Board, as outlined below, aims to achieve these objectives.
“While the Fund has been able to meet the crisis with a range of innovative
responses, the formal mandate of the Fund may not fully capture what is now
expected of an effective guardian of global macro-financial stability,” IMF
Managing Director Dominique Strauss Kahn told the Executive Board during
discussion of the
Work Program.
“This work program is ambitious and achievable and, in any event, necessary. The
Fund’s ability to deliver the demanding tasks assigned to it has been a key to
its ability to help countries address the crisis and we must keep up the
Exit Strategies
The IMF’s member nations have committed to maintaining policy support for
their economies until a firmer recovery is underway, and to working together in
communicating and implementing exit strategies. To help its members meet that
goal, the IMF is now undertaking a thorough examination of exit strategies
including the unwinding of accommodative fiscal, monetary and financial sector
policies. This work will involve practical considerations that will pose
challenges and trade-offs as nations unwind crisis-related programs, reorient
their traditional growth models, and reshape policy frameworks to foster greater
macro-financial stability.
Strengthening the International Monetary System
In reviewing its mandate, the IMF will deliver a broad outline of what’s
expected of the Fund in today’s world, including surveillance, lending, and
functioning of the international monetary system. This review will include a
consideration of the appropriate size of IMF resources and its composition
between quota and borrowed resources. It will also entail a discussion of the
Fund’s financing role and of further developing IMF instruments as credible
alternatives to self-insurance and excessive reserve accumulation. This
discussion will assess how to build on resources like the Flexible Credit Line
and High Access Precautionary Arrangements to better help members cope with
financial volatility while preserving adequate safeguards. The Executive Board
will also consider sources of instability in the international monetary system
and the scope for diversifying the supply of reserves assets. The review will
also take a fresh look at the modalities of economic surveillance.
Further Enhancing Fund Policy Advice
The request for the Fund to assist in the implementation of the G20’s
Framework for Strong, Sustainable, and Balanced Growth, offers the potential to
increase significantly the traction of surveillance on the Fund’s most systemic
members. The Executive Board will discuss the framework and process underlying
the IMF’s role in G-20 mutual assessments. The IMF will also continue examining
global thematic issues, including the policies of countries with large financial
sectors relative to the size of their economies and how emerging markets have
coped with the crisis.
Quota and Governance Reform
The International Monetary and Financial Committee has called on the
Executive Board to meet the January 2011 target for Quota reform with the
objective of a shift in quota share to dynamic emerging and developing countries
of at least five percent from over-represented to under-represented countries,
using the current quota formula as a basis to work from, while also protecting
the voting share of the poorest countries.
Furthermore, the IMF will continue to work on governance reform including the
development of an open and transparent process for selecting IMF management. The
Dean of the Executive Board has formed and is leading a Working Group of
Executive Directors to that effect.
Low-Income Country Agenda
The IMF is advancing toward full implementation of the new income model,
including gold sales, and is seeking contributions of loan and subsidy resources
to support the agreed doubling of the IMF’s concessional lending capacity.
To further respond to its most vulnerable members’ needs in the wake of the
crisis, the IMF will examine which post-crisis policies in some low-income
countries may need to adapt to preserve debt sustainability while supporting
growth and managing macro-financial stability.
“This work program is no less ambitious and taxing than the one we have just
completed, but I am sure that we can successfully meet this challenge,” said Mr.
Strauss Kahn.
