IMF and ILO Launch Background Paper on
the “Challenges of Growth,
Employment and Social Cohesion” for High-Level Conference
on September 13 in Oslo
Press Release No. 10/324
September 2, 2010
The International Monetary Fund and the International Labour Organization
have issued a stark assessment of the outlook for employment in the wake of the
global financial crisis, saying that the world faces major challenges in
creating enough quality jobs to sustain growth and development.
The assessment is contained in a discussion
document issued for a joint high-level IMF-ILO conference on September 13 in
Oslo, hosted by Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, to explore new ways
of forging a sustainable, job-rich economic recovery. The one-day conference on
“The Challenges of Growth, Employment and Social Cohesion” will bring together
political, labour and business leaders, as well as leading academics. Lead
speakers include President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia; Prime Minister
George Papandreou of Greece; Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero of
Spain; Finance Minister Christine Lagarde of France; U.K. Secretary of State for
Labour Iain Duncan Smith; and International Trade Union Confederation General
Secretary Sharan Burrow.
The conference will be chaired by IMF Managing Director Dominique
Strauss-Kahn and ILO Director General Juan Somavia.
“The Great Recession has created a painful legacy of unemployment,” Mr.
Strauss-Kahn said, “and this devastation threatens the livelihood, security, and
dignity of millions of people across the world. The international community must
rise to meet this challenge. Now is the time for our collective action.”
“We are now seeing signs of a fragile recovery, but for millions of people
and enterprises around the world the crisis is far from over,” Mr Somavia said.
“A jobs-centered growth strategy should be our number one priority. Otherwise,
the economic recovery may take years to reach those who need it most, or it may
not reach them at all. We must connect our policies with people’s legitimate
aspirations for a fair chance at a decent job.”
Two years after the onset of the global economic crisis, unemployment remains
at record levels in many countries—the ILO estimates that unemployment is up by
more than 30 million worldwide since 2007—with little sign of an early decline.
As world leaders seek the appropriate short-term and longer-term policy
responses, the IMF and ILO have come together to stimulate discussion of the
international cooperation and policy innovation that can improve the capacity of
economies to generate enough good jobs to strengthen social cohesion. The
conference paper is intended to promote debate, with an online discussion forum
simultaneously being launched on the conference website (
The IMF and ILO have different mandates and constituencies, although in more
or less the same member states. As a result, they bring different analytical
approaches to the paper, which contains a joint overview; an IMF section on the
human cost of recessions, and how to assess and reduce that cost; and an ILO
section on building an employment-oriented framework for strong, sustainable and
balanced growth.
“Our objective at the Oslo Conference is to improve the integration of
employment and social policies with international and national macroeconomic
policy strategies,” the discussion document says, and “focus thinking and action
on how to ensure that policies have the same priorities as people – more and
better jobs.” Improving policy coherence “is likely to play a big part in
finding a better way to shape a fairer globalization,” the paper says.
The IMF reports that “if the effects of past recessions are a guide, the cost
to those who become unemployed could be a persistent loss in earnings, reduced
life expectancy, and lower academic achievement and earnings for their children.
And unemployment is likely to affect attitudes in a manner that reduces social
cohesion, a cost that all will bear.” The IMF states that the impact on lifetime
earnings is demonstrated in studies in the U.S. that show that “even 15-20 years
after a job loss in a recession, the earnings loss amounts on average to 20 per
cent.” In terms of health, layoffs “are associated with higher risk of heart
attacks and other stress-related illnesses in the short run. In the long run,
the mortality rate of laid-off workers is higher than that of comparable workers
who kept their jobs.”
The IMF adds that “a recovery in aggregate demand is the single best cure for
unemployment.” It states that “as a general strategy, most advanced economies
should not tighten fiscal policies before 2011, because tightening sooner could
undermine the recovery. The consolidation plans that these countries have for
2011 imply an average change in the structural balance of 1¼ percentage points
of GDP. Clearly, however, the fiscal situation varies across countries,
requiring adaptation of this general strategy to the available fiscal space.”
Monetary policy can also remain supportive of aggregate demand as inflation
pressures remain subdued.
Referring to the public debt challenges many countries are facing, the ILO
warns that “a premature fiscal retrenchment could damage growth and lead to even
larger deficits and debts.” It also calls for “well-sequenced coordinated
short-term exit strategies and deficit reduction policies,” that are linked to
“a progressive recovery of the real economy and jobs and are fair in the sharing
of the benefits and burdens of adjustment, especially in the protection of the
most vulnerable.”
The ILO paints a grim picture of the current global employment situation,
with 210 million people out of work – the highest level in history – and 80
percent of the global population without any access to social protection. It
also says that “despite impressive gains in recent years, approximately 1.2
billion women and men, or 40 per cent of the world’s labour force, still did not
earn enough to keep themselves and their families above the $2-a-day poverty
level in 2008.”
Analyzing the longer-term policy challenges of unemployment, the ILO
estimates that “in the next 10 years, more than 440 million new jobs will be
needed to absorb new entrants into the labour force, and still more to reverse
the unemployment caused by the crisis.”
The ILO goes on to explain that the pressures of globalization have increased
the vulnerability of workers through increased intensity of work, a shift
towards more flexible contracts, diminishing social protections, and decline in
workers’ bargaining power and voice, adding: “Improving the quality of
employment – more productive jobs offering better earnings – is also essential
to sustain poverty reduction and development.”
“The strength and quality of labour market institutions can make a
substantial contribution to international efforts to generate sustainable growth
and development," the conference document says. "Although each country’s labour
market institutions have a particular history and character, countries face many
common challenges in shaping policies that create decent work opportunities for
all. A consensus is building for the coordination of efforts to prioritize
employment growth, because strong and steady growth in jobs and household
incomes in many countries at the same time will buttress global demand, creating
still more jobs.”
Note to Correspondents
For more information about the conference, please visit:
statements about the conference by Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg of
Norway, IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss Kahn, and ILO Director General
Juan Somavia are also available on the conference website.
Journalists interested in covering the conference should please visit for registration and practical
information. Full video coverage of the conference and press conferences will be
available through the conference website.
