Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

Limba romana


Chisinau-10.07.2000/(BASA-press) A mission of the International Monetary Fund, led by Richard Haas, Advisor in the European II Department of the IMF, will arrive on Wednesday in Chisinau, on a working visit for two weeks.

The Resident Representative of the IMF in Moldova, Hassan Al-Atrash, declared for BASA that during the mission is going to initiate negotiations on a new crediting facility for Moldova, called Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility.

The facility, approved by the IMF's Interim Committee in September 1999, is designed for countries with a low GDP per capita. Credits under the facility are extended for a period of 10 years, with an interest rate of 0,5 percent, the grace period being five and a half years.

Hasan Al-Atrash mentioned that due to the big amount of work to be done, the expectation is that this mission will initiate negotiations on a new program, but a final agreement with Government in Chisinau is to be signed after the conclusion of another mission sometime in September October this year.

Another subject discussed with the Moldovan authorities during the IMF's mission visit is so-called "matrix of policy measures" for the following three years, meant to redress the situation in the national economy. The recommendations, elaborated by the IMF and the World Bank, have been submitted to the government for examination this week. The matrix includes about 80 measures in the field of fiscal reform, financial and structural. Further on, the list will be coordinated with the civil society and Moldova's donors.

Asked to make a forecast of the timeframe of the possible restart of Moldova's financing, Hasan Al-Atrash said that "We are working very hard to formulate an economic package that will promote growth and reduce poverty. If all goes well, we hope to submit the program to our Executive Board later in the year."

The IMF announced the suspension of financing for Moldova in April, this year, when the parliament did not manage to fulfil in time the conditions set in the memorandum, with this international financial institution. The intention to support logistically and financially the elaboration of the poverty reduction strategy was expressed also by the World Bank.  


Chisinau-10.07.2000/16:04:56/(BASA-press) O misiune a Fondului Monetar International (FMI), condusa de Richard Haas, consilier responsabil pentru RM din Departamentului II pentru Europa al FMI, va sosi miercuri la Chisinau, intr-o vizita de lucru de doua saptamani.

Seful reprezentantei permanente la Chisinau al FMI, Hassan Al-Atrash, a declarat pentru BASA-press ca in cadrul acestei vizite misiunea isi propune sa initieze negocieri pe marginea unui nou mecanism de creditare pentru RM, numit Atenuarea Saraciei si Cresterea Economica.

Mecanismul, aprobat de catre Comitetul interimar al FMI in septembrie 1999, este prevazut pentru tari cu un PIB scazut pe cap de locuitor. Creditele in cadrul acestui macanism sunt acordate pe un termen de 10 ani, cu o dobanda de 0,5 la suta si o perioada de gratie de 5,5 ani.

Un alt subiect care va fi discutat cu autoritatile moldovene in timpul vizitei misiunii FMI este asa-numita "matrice de masuri" pentru urmatorii trei ani, menite sa redreseze situatia din economia nationala. Recomandarile au fost elaborate de FMI si BM si prezentate saptamana trecuta Guvernului RM pentru examinare. Matricea include aproximativ 80 de masuri din domeniul reformei structurale, fiscale si financiare. Ulterior, lista va fi coordonata cu societatea civila si cu donatorii RM.

Hassan Al-Atrash a spus ca dat fiind volumul mare de lucru, se asteapta ca actuala misiune sa initieze doar negocierile pe marginea acestui program, un acord final cu Guvernul de la Chisinau urmand sa fie semnat la incheierea vizitei unei alte misiuni, care va avea loc in septembrie-octombrie a.c.

Solicitat sa dea un pronostic privind termenul de deblocare a finantarii RM, Hassan Al-Atrash a spus ca toti factorii implicati lucreaza foarte intens asupra formularii unui pachet economic care ar promova cresterea si ar reduce saracia. "¿n cazul in care totul va merge bine, speram sa prezentam programul Consiliului executiv al FMI pe parcursul anului curent", a spus reprezeintantul FMI.

FMI a anuntat despre suspendarea finantarii RM in luna aprilie curent, dupa ce Parlamentul de la Chisinau nu a reusit indeplinirea in termen a conditiilor fixate in acordul-memorandum cu acest organism financiar international.