Limba romana
Interview for Radio Free Europe and Basa-Press News
by Edgardo Ruggiero, IMF Resident Representative in Moldova
Premier Tarlev has announced that an IMF mission is to
come to Chisinau in the nearest future. Does this mean that the prior actions
have been fulfilled by the Moldovan Government, or the mission will have other
objectives? In particular, did the Government announce the costs of
administrative reform, have they submitted a revised law on PSI and was the
business climate improved?
The Pre-Shipment Inspection is only one of the prior
actions that we are discussing with the government. There are a number of other
issues that we are discussing with them. For example, we are discussing how to
eliminate export restrictions. And we are discussing the budgets of the central
government and the Social Fund. We are also discussing a couple of prior actions
in the area of the National Bank.
Now, in all these prior actions we are at different levels
of agreement. In some cases we are very close to an agreement, in some of these
cases we are just doing the technical check, that everything is okay. For
example, for export restriction we will need to see that in fact these export
restrictions have been eliminated. And this is about the prior actions. But
beyond the prior actions there are other issues that undermine the government’
financial position in the medium term. There are a number of issues in the
fiscal area, for example, the territorial reform – we simply cannot accept that
there well be no cost associated to this territorial reform. Finally, the
government is working on these costs estimates and very soon we will be able to
sit with the government and look at these estimates. But we have not yet seen
these estimates. But the reform has been approved before actually having
recognized that there will be some costs associated to it.
In general, what we find is that measures are taken without
really fully taking into account the impact on expenditures. That is the key
We, as an institution that wants to safeguard the ability
of this country to grow, we also want to safeguard the budget of this country in
the medium term. We have to look ahead, we have to look at what’s going to
happen with the 2004 budget. So, for example, if there is a proposal for wage
increases, for a law that increases wages for 5 or 6 years, we want to know
first of all what’s going to happen to the budgets, what’s the impact of this
law on the budget for 2004 and beyond. 2003 is not enough, we need to look at
2004 and beyond.
A lot of what we are going to do during the next mission
has to do with sustainability in the medium term. It is not only about 2003, it
is also about 2004 and the following years. We have to be responsible.
Responsible is the key word. We need to look at what are the expenditure
commitments of the government in the medium term. So, when the government
approves a spending law – wages, territorial reform, pensions - we need to
compare that with the revenue the government is going to receive and
expenditures that are already planned and due for the following years. For
example, we need to look at when is the peak in interest payments to service
external debt. So, it’s a matter of medium term, it’s a matter of
Our job is to look ahead. But when a ministry makes a
proposal for spending increases in a particular sector, it does not look ahead,
it looks at what it can get for their ministry, what they can get for the people
that will vote for them.
Are you referring here to the local elections set for
May-25 and to personal interests that some people in the
government have towards this?
I’m referring to these laws, I’m not referring to this
particular election campaign. As you know, economists have written articles
about what is referred to as “electoral cycle” – in US, in Europe, in many
countries. What you tend to see near elections is, in 85% of countries in the
world, a pressure for spending increases. So, if it happens in Moldova, I would
not be surprised.
This is a very important part of the next mission. If we
cannot agree on the medium term financial position of the government, the
budgets in the medium term, then we cannot conclude the review.
A lot of decisions cost money and we’ll need to assess how
much do they cost. We cannot sign on a program that has too many decisions that
cost too much money.
Could you please tell us some key figures [general
aspects] from the government’s medium term program agreed with the Fund?
No, that we’ll discuss with the government. The government
is also looking at the medium term, they are now producing some medium term
estimates… We will discuss that.
And the key again here is, and I cannot underline this
enough, responsibility. We need to be responsible. We need to look ahead. If I’m
short sighted and I need to have a look at 2004, I need to put my glasses on, I
need to see what’s happening in the next year.
What can you say about the present relations between the
IMF and the Moldovan Government, while Premier Tarlev talks about some
suggestions made to IMF by some "pseudo-patriots” and “enemies of the country”?
I really do not know what Tarlev meant by “enemies of the
We talk to so many people. I talk to journalists, I talk to
representatives of non-government organizations, I talk to ministers, I talk to
employees of ministers, I talk to international consultants that are here for
technical assistance, I talk to members of parliament of every faction, I talk
to ambassadors, I talk to business people – it’s very difficult for me to
understand who these “enemies of the state” are. One thing I can tell you is
that we, as an institution, have a duty to talk to the people that want to talk
to us. And also we have a duty and a responsibility towards the people of the
country, to make sure that their living standards improve and to protect the
interests of the people, to make sure that a country grows without too much
inflation and the benefits of growth are shared by as many people as possible.
What are your present relations with the government, are
those at power sincere and open to collaboration with IMF, or it would be better
if we don’t tackle this subject?
It’s better not to talk about this now.
There were press reports that, according to National
Bank, that there are growing arrears on foreign debt service payments. Could you
confirm these reports and comment on them?
Arrears on foreign debt service… You need to ask the
National Bank of Moldova about this. As you know, there are some arrears on
some particular bonds but these have been there for a long time, it’s not news.
There were some press reports, in particular there were
a few news items released by BASA-press, which say that at the beginning of this
year there were accumulated new arrears on external debt service. But, as far as
we know, the government has the commitment not to allow for an increase in
This we will verify. All this information that we receive,
for example - in some cases an enterprise, or international institutions say
that the government is not paying them - then we need to go and check what the
situation is. It takes time. We check these things during the mission. I can not
tell you unless I am 100% sure that there are arrears.
The inflation in April was, according to the Statistics
Department, 1.5%, but cumulative inflation in the first 4 months, the inflation
stood at 6.2%. Does these facts bother IMF, and what would the Fund recommend in
matters of macroeconomic indicators?
Inflation was 1.5 percent in April. Actually, it was lower
than in April 2002 by 0.4%. As a monthly inflation, it is very high but not as
high as last year. What you say is correct in your question. Inflation in the
first four months has been very high, but we expect deflation in summer.
As every year in Moldova there’s deflation in summer -
prices will go down and inflation will be reduced. By how much it would be
reduced we really can not tell.
We expect at this point in time something like 7% by the
end of the year, but it could be anything between 6% and 8%. It is not much of a
What can you say now about other macroeconomic
Referring to GDP: we are currently projecting something
like around 5%. Something higher than 5%. These numbers will most probably
change during this mission. This is what the mission is about: revise these
numbers also.
Can you tell us now the exact date when the IMF mission,
that we referred to earlier, will come to Chisinau?
Very likely, we will start working on the 5th
through the 18th of June. These dates can change any time. You never
know. We will have a press conference before the mission, so that all the
journalists can come and we can discuss in more detail what the mission is going
to do etc.
acordat Postului de Radio Europa Libera si Agentiei BASA-press de catre Edgardo
Ruggiero, rezidentul FMI in Republica Moldova
Intrebare: Premierul Tarlev a anuntat ca o misiune a FMI
urmeaza sa soseasca la Chisinau in viitorul apropiat. Inseamna oare aceasta ca
Guvernul a realizat actiunile preliminare convenite cu Fondul sau misiunea va
avea alte obiective? In particular, a anuntat Guvernul costul reformei
administrative, a prezentat deja varianta revizuita a legii cu privire la
inspectia inainte de expeditie, a reusit sa faca ceva pentru a imbunatati
climatul de afaceri?
Raspuns: Inspectia inainte de expeditie este doar una
dintre actiunile preliminare pe care le discutam cu Guvernul. Exista si un sir
de alte probleme pe car ele discutam cu ei, ca, de exemplu, eliminarea
restrictiilor la export, bugetele de stat si cel al asigurarilor sociale.
Totodata, in discutie se afla si citeva actiuni preliminare ce tin de competenta
Bancii Nationale.
Si in privinta tuturor acestor actiuni preliminare ne
situam la diferite etape de intelegere. In unele cazuri suntem foarte aproape de
a ajunge la un acord, in cazul altora mai facem doar verificarile de ordin
tehnic, ca sa avem siguranta ca totul e in regula. De exemplu, in cazul
restrictiilor la export, trebuie sa vedem clar ca ele au fost realmente
eliminate. Dincolo de aceste actiuni preliminare, exista si o serie de alte
chestiuni care submineaza pozitia financiara a guvernului pe termen mediu.
Exista o serie de probleme ce tin de sistemul fiscal, de
exemplu reforma teritorial-administrativa. Nu putem accepta pur si simplu
declaratiile ca nu vor exista cheltuieli legate de efectuarea acesteia. Guvernul
definitiveaza aceste cheltuieli si foarte curind vom putea discuta cu guvernul
pe marginea lor. Insa noi nu am vazut inca aceste estimari. Reforma a fost insa
aprobata inainte de a recunoaste ca vor exista anumite cheltuieli legate de
In general, remarcam ca aceste masuri sunt luate fara a se
tine cont de impactul asupra cheltuielilor. Aceasta este problema cheie.
Fondul, ca o institutie ce ar vrea sa asigure cresterea
economica in aceasta tara, am vrea de asemenea sa asiguram bugetul acestei tari
pe termen mediu. Trebuie sa privim inainte, ce se va intimpla cu bugetul pentru
anul 2004. Astfel, daca, de exemplu, apare o propunere de fi majorate salariile,
sa zicem este propusa o lege prin care se majoreaza salariile pentru urmatorii
cinci sau sase ani, am vrea in primul rand sa stim care va fi impactul acesteea
asupra bugetelor pentru anii viitori. Anul 2003 nu este suficient, trebuie sa ne
uitam si la anul 2004, si la cei viitori.
Multe din chestiunile ce vor fi luate in discutie in cadrul
viitoarei misiuni a FMI tin de durabilitatea pe termen mediu. Nu este vorba doar
de 2003, este analizat si anul 2004, si anii urmatori. Trebuie sa fim
responsabili. Responsabilitatea e cuvintul cheie. Trebuie sa vedem cheltuielile
pe care intentioneaza sa le efectueze guvernul pe termen mediu. Astfel, în
momentul in care guvernul aproba o lege ce implica cheltuieli suplimentare -
salarii, pensii, reforma teritoriala - trebuie sa comparam aceste cifre cu
veniturile pe care le asteapta guvernul si cu cheltuielile deja planificate si
care vor trebui facute in anii urmatori. De exemplu, trebuie sa vedem cind este
virful de plata a serviciului datoriei externe. Este vorba, deci, de actiuni pe
termen mediu, de responsabilitate in abordarea acestora.
Trebuie sa privim in perspectiva. Insa cand un minister
face propunerea de a majora cheltuielile intr-un sector anume, acest minister nu
priveste in perspectiva, ei gandesc cum si ce ar putea obtine pentru sine, ce ar
putea obtine pentru oamenii care vor vota pentru ei.
I: Faceti cumva referinta la
alegerile locale din 25 mai si la interesele personale pe care unele persoane
din guvernul actual le au fata de alegeri?
R: Ma refer la legile de acest gen adoptate de Parlament,
nu ma refer la aceasta campania electorala in particular. Economistii au scris
articole intregi despre ceea ce se numeste "ciclul electoral" - in SUA, in
Europa, in multe tari. Se poate observa ca in preajma alegerilor in 85 la suta
din tari din lume se fac presiuni asupra majorarii cheltuielilor. Nu va fi o
surpriza, daca acest lucru se va intimpla si in Moldova.
Pozitia financiara si bugetul pe termen mediu a guvernului
- este o parte foarte importanta a viitoarei noastre misiuni. Daca nu vom atinge
un acord in aceasta privinta, atunci raportul misiunii nu va fi incheiat.
O multime de decizii costa bani, iar noi va trebui sa evaluam costul lor. Nu
putem aproba un program care implica prea multe decizii care la randul lor costa
prea mult.
I: Care sunt aspectele generale
ale programului pe termen mediu al guvernului convenit cu Fondul?
R: Aceste aspecte urmeaza sa le discutam cu guvernul, care
examineaza la moment acest program. Se fac niste estimari pe termen mediu... Noi
vom discuta acesta.
Si - iarasi accentuez - problema cheie in acest context
este respnsabilitatea! Trebuie sa fim responsabili. Trebuie sa privim inainte.
Daca eu as fi fost miop si as fi vrut sa arunc o privire asupa anului 2004,
atunci ar fi trebuit sa-mi pun ochelarii ca sa vad mai bine ce se va intampla
anul viitor.
I: Ce ne puteti spune despre
relatiile curente intre FMI si guvernul Moldovei? Premierul Tarlev a declarat ca
unele din sugestiile facute FMI-ului parvin de la niste "pseudopatrioti" si "dusmani
ai tarii"...
R: Nu stiu la cine s-a referit primul ministru. Membrii
misiunii FMI se intilnesc cu o multime de persoane. Eu vorbesc cu jurnalisti,
reprezentanti ai ONG-urilor, ministri si angajati ai ministerelor, consultanti
internationali care acorda tarii asistenta tehnica, parlamentari din toate
fractiunile, ambasadori si oameni de afaceri. Imi este greu sa spun cine anume
sunt acesti "dusmani ai statului". Un lucru va pot spune: noi, ca institutie,
avem obligatia sa vorbim cu persoanele care vor sa discute cu noi. De asemenea
noi avem o sarcina si o responsabilitate fata de oamenii care traiesc in aceasta
tara - sa ne asiguram ca standardele lor de viata sa se imbunatateasca, sa
protejam interesele oamenilor. Trebuie sa fim siguri ca tara va avea o crestere
economica fara o inflatie prea mare si ca beneficiile unei asemenea cresteri sa
fie simtite de cat mai multa lume posibil.
I: Care sunt actualele relatii ale
FMI cu guvern? Sunt oare cei de la putere sinceri si deschisi colaborarii cu
Fondul, sau ar fi mai bine sa nu atingem acest subiect?
R: Ar fi mai bine sa nu discutam acest subiect pentru
I: Presa a publicat articole in
care se spune ca, potrivit Bancii Nationale, arieratele la serviciul datoriei
externe continua sa creasca. Puteti confirma si comenta aceasta informatie?
R: Restantele la serviciul datoriilor externe... Ar trebui
sa-i intrebati pe cei de la Banca Nationala referitor la acest subiect. Dupa cum
stiti, sunt careva restante la unele hartiile de valoare emise, dar acestea se
mentin atare de mult timp, asa ca acest lucru nu este o noutate.
Au fost publicate cateva articole,
in particular BASA-press a difuzat cateva stiri, comunicand ca la inceputul
anului curent, Moldova a acumulat noi restante la serviciul datoriei externe.
Insa, din cite stiu noi, guvernul are obligatiunea sa nu lase aceste restante sa
Noi vom verifica aceast lucru. Toata informatia respectiva
pe care o receptionam - de exemplu in unele cazuri o intreprindere sau careva
institutii internationale afirma ca guvernul nu se achita cu ei - in asa cazuri
noi trebuie sa verificam care este situatia in realitate. Aceasta necesita timp.
Asemenea chestiuni sunt verificate pe parcursul misiunilor. Pentru moment, nu va
pot spune nimic referitor la aceste restante pina cand nu vom verifica si ne vom
convinge suta la suta ca ele exista.
I: Potrivit Departamentului de
Statistica, inflatia in aprilie a fost de 1,5 la suta, insa inflatia cumulativa
pentru primele patru luni s-a ridicat la 6,2%. Este Fondul ingrijorat de acest
fapt, si ce recomandari va face FMI referitor la indicatorii macroeconomici?
R: In aprilie inflatia a fost de 1,5 la suta. De fapt in
aprilie 2002 ea a fost cu 0.4% mai mare. Inflatia lunara, deci, este destul de
mare, insa nu atat de mare ca anul trecut. Ceea ce afirmati in intrebarea Dvs
este corect. Inflatia pe primele patru luni a foarte mare, dar noi contam pe o
deflatie in lunile de vara.
In fiecare an, Moldova inregistreaza o deflatie pe parcursul verii - preturile
se vor reduce, la fel si inflatia. Dar noi nu putem spune cu cit exact se va
Ne asteptam acum la o rata a inflatiei de 7 procente la sfarsitul anului, dar ea
ar putea oscila intre 6% si 8%, ceea ce nu constituie o diferenta prea mare.
I: Ce puteti spune despre alti
indicatori macroeconomici?
R: Referitor la PIB, prognozam o crestere de cca 5 la suta
sau un pic mai mare. Dar aceste cifre probabil vor fi revazute pe parcursul
misiunii ce va veni. De fapt asta si va fi una din functiile misiunii - sa
revada aceste pronosticuri de asemenea.
I: Ne puteti spune cand exact va
sosi misiunea FMI la Chisinau?
R: Misiunea ar putea sa-si inceapa vizita la Chisinau de la
5 pana pe 18 iunie. Dar aceste date se pot schimba oricand. Niciodata nu se stie
exact. Inainte de misiune vom sustine o conferinta de presa, in cadrul careia
vom comunica jurnalistilor mai multe detalii referitor la acest subiect.