Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

Limba romana                                                                        

"ECO" WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, January 5, 2005 issue

Interview with Edgardo Ruggiero, Resident Representative of the
International Monetary Fund in Moldova

Question: Your assessment of Moldova's economic developments in 2004 -

Answer: There were many positive developments in 2004. In my view, the positive
developments outweighed the negative ones.

On the economic side, the country continues to grow, although this
growth is still too dependent on record levels of remittances from
migrants, and high levels of economic growth in trading partners of
MDA--Russia, Ukraine, Romania.

However, poverty remains a major problem. In that context, the approval
of the first Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy is a major
step forward towards designing policies that will directly contribute to
eradicate poverty. It will be very important to implement it without

On the external front, the proposed Action Plan for Moldova in the
framework of the European Union Neighborhood Policy will be, when
implemented, the most important factor that will move reforms in the

Finally, I have detected a growing interest from small and medium sized
foreign investors coming to explore Moldova--although all of them are
taken aback by the administrative and regulatory impediments to invest
and some actually give up.

On the social front, I have already mentioned how important it is the
approval of the Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy. Although
the extent of poverty has reduced as a result of economic growth and
remittances-which are the most important social safety net in Moldova-a
lot remains to be done to better target to the social assistance
programs to only the vulnerable people. A high inflation hurts the poor
most. Therefore, to reduce poverty, inflation needs to be kept under


Among the failures, I have already mentioned the fact that Moldova is
still the poorest country in Europe--although poverty has reduced
considerably. In fact, it is difficult ot label this a failure, because
it takes many years of good economic policies to improve on this front.

The high level of migration, and the willingness of many people that are
now in Moldova to migrate, is a major problem. At this point, the
decision to migrate is a rational choice. It is a copying mechanism with
the lack of income and economic and social opportunities at home.

Structural reforms--the key to sustain economic growth--have not made
much practical progress yet. There are a lot of good initiatives, but it
takes time to implement them. The Ministry of Economy has some very good
initiatives that will help business blossom, but it will take time to
implement them.

Question: What are the 2005 prospects? What policies the government
should focus on for implementation of reforms and economic

Answer: Prospects for continued growth are good in the short term. The
government should focus on actual implementation of the EGRPS, the EU
action plan, and the Anti-Corruption Strategy. You know that previous
programs or action plans to reduce corruption had already been approved
by the government in December 2002 and again in November 2003? This is
the third one already. Effective and actual implementation, in a
cooperative manner with civil society, is the key here.

Question: Your projections about Moldova-IMF relations?

Answer: Very good. I have very good hopes for our relations.

SAPTAMANALUL "ECO", 5 ianuarie 2005

Interviu acordat de catre Edgardo Ruggiero, reprezentantul permanent al Fondului Monetar International in Republica Moldova

Intrebare: Cum apreciati evolutiile economice inregistrate de R.Moldova in
2004 - care au fost succesele?

Raspuns: In 2004 s-au inregistrat mai multe evolutii pozitive. Dupa mine,
evolutiile pozitive au prevalat asupra celor negative.

Pe plan economic, se inregistreaza in continuare o crestere desi
aceasta crestere depinde prea mult de nivelurile record ale
transferurilor banesti de la migranti si nivelul sporit al dezvoltarii
economice a partenerilor comerciali ai Moldovei - Rusia, Ucraina,

Totodata, saracia continua sa fie o problema majora. In acest context,
aprobarea primei Strategii de Crestere Economica si Reducere a
Saraciei este un pas important spre elaborarea politicilor ce vor
contribui nemijlocit la eradicarea saraciei. Implementarea
neintarziata a acestora este foarte importanta.

Pe plan extern, Planul de Actiuni pentru Moldova propus in cadrul
Politicii de Vecinatate cu Uniunea Europeana va fi la etapa de
realizare unul din cei mai importanti factori, care va contribui la
avansarea reformelor in viitor.

In fine, eu am observat un interes tot mai mare din partea
investitorilor straini mici si mijlocii pentru a veni si explora
Moldova--desi ei toti ramin surprinsi de impedimentele administrative si
regulatorii cu care se confrunta atunci cind investesc, iar unii din ei
chiar si au renuntat la intentia de a investi.

Pe plan social, deja am mentionat cit de importanta este aprobarea
Strategiei de Crestere Economica si Reducere a Saraciei. Cu toate ca
nivelul saraciei s-a redus in rezultatul cresterii economice si
transferurilor banesti, acestea din urma fiind un mijloc de protectie sociala in
Moldova - mai este mult de facut intru directionarea programelor de
asistenta sociala exclusiv catre categoriile social-vulnerabile. Nivelul
inalt al inflatiei afecteaza cel mai mult pe saraci. Astfel,
pentru a reduce saracia, inflatia trebuie tinuta sub control.


Printre insuccese, deja am mentionat ca Moldova continua sa fie
cea mai saraca tara din Europa--desi nivelul saraciei s-a redus
considerabil. De fapt, nu putem eticheta acest lucru drept un insucces
fiindca obtinerea unor rezultate pozitive la acest capitol necesita
mai multi ani de implementare a reformelor economice bune.

O problema majora este nivelul inalt al migratiei si faptul ca in
prezent in Moldova sunt multe persoane care doresc sa migreze. La
momentul dat, decizia de a migra reprezinta o alegere rationala. Este
intr-un fel un mechanism de copiere (cind unii urmeaza calea celor
care deja au plecat la munci peste hotare) atunci cind oamenii nu pot
cistiga si nu dispun de oportunitati economice si sociale acasa.

Reformele structurale--cheia fiind in sustinerea cresterii
economice--deocamdata nu au inregistrat un progres important de ordin
practic. Exista multe initiative bune dar implementarea acestora
necesita timp. Ministerul Economiei a venit cu un sir de initiative
bune insa este necesar de timp pentru a le implementa.

Intrebare: Care credeti ca vor fi evolutiile in 2005? In opinia dvs., pe ce
politici ar trebui sa puna accentul Guvernul in promovarea reformelor
si dezvoltarea economiei?

Raspuns: Pe termen scurt, perspectivele dezvoltarii economice continuie
sunt bune. Guvernul ar trebui sa puna accentul pe implementarea de facto a
SCERS, planul de actiuni UE si strategia de combatere a coruptiei.
Cunoasteti despre programele anterioare sau planurile de actiuni
privind reducerea coruptiei, care au fost aprobate de Guvern deja in
2002 si inca o data in noiembrie 2003? Aceasta este a treia oara. In
cazul dat, cheia este implementare efectiva si reala, in colaborare cu
societatea civila.

Intrebare: Ce prognoze aveti in ceea ce priveste relatia R.Moldova-FMI?

Raspuns: Foarte bune. Am sperante bune in ceea ce priveste relatiile noastre.