The IMF oversees the international monetary system and monitors
the economic and financial policies of its 188 member countries.
This activity is known as surveillance. As part of this process,
which takes place both at the global level and in individual
countries, the IMF highlights possible risks to stability and
advises on needed policy adjustments. In this way, it helps the
international monetary system serve its essential purpose of
facilitating the exchange of goods, services, and capital among
countries, thereby sustaining sound economic growth.
Why is IMF surveillance important?
In today's globalized economy, where the policies of one country
typically affect many other countries, international cooperation is
essential. The IMF, with its near-universal membership of 188 countries,
facilitates this cooperation. There are two main aspects to the IMF’s
surveillance work: bilateral surveillance, or the appraisal of and
advice on the policies of each member country; and multilateral
surveillance, or oversight of the world economy.
Consulting with member states
IMF economists continually monitor members’ economies. They visit
member countries—usually annually—to exchange views with the government
and the central bank and consider whether there are risks to domestic
and global stability that argue for adjustments in economic or financial
policies. Discussions mainly focus on exchange rate, monetary, fiscal,
and financial policies. During their missions, IMF staff also typically
meets with other stakeholders, such as parliamentarians and
representatives of business, labor unions, and civil society, to help
evaluate the country’s economic policies and direction.
On return to headquarters, the staff presents a report to the IMF’s
Executive Board for discussion. The Board’s views are subsequently
transmitted to the country’s authorities, concluding a process known as
an Article IV consultation. In recent years, surveillance has become
increasingly transparent. Almost all member countries now agree to
publish a
Press Release summarizing the views of the Board, as well as the
staff report and accompanying analysis. Many countries also publish a
statement by staff at the conclusion of an IMF mission.
Overseeing the bigger world picture
Overseeing the bigger world picture The IMF also monitors global and
regional economic trends, and analyzes spillovers from members’ policies
onto the global economy. The key instruments of multilateral
surveillance are the regular publications
World Economic Outlook (WEO),
Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR), and
Fiscal Monitor. The WEO provides detailed analysis of the
state of the world economy, addressing issues of pressing interest, such
as the current global financial turmoil and economic downturn. The GFSR
provides an up-to-date assessment of global financial markets and
prospects, and highlights imbalances and vulnerabilities that could pose
risks to financial market stability. The Fiscal Monitor updates
medium-term fiscal projections and assesses developments in public
The IMF also publishes
Regional Economic Outlook reports, providing more detailed analysis
for five major regions of the world. It cooperates closely with other
groups such as the Group of Twenty (G-20) industrialized and emerging
market economies, since 2009 supporting the G-20’s efforts to sustain
international economic cooperation through its
mutual assessment process. The IMF provides analysis of whether
policies pursued by member countries are consistent with sustained and
balanced global growth.
Since 2011, the IMF has prepared
spillover reports analyzing the impact of economic policies in the
world’s five largest economies—China, the euro area, Japan, the United
States, and the United Kingdom—on partner economies. And since 2012, it
has prepared a
Pilot External Sector Report, which places the external positions of
systemically large economies in a globally consistent setting. Twice a
year, the IMF also prepares a
Global Policy Agenda that pulls together the key findings and policy
advice from multilateral reports and defines a future agenda for the
Fund and its members.
Keeping surveillance relevant
Surveillance in its present form was established by Article IV of the
IMF’s Articles of Agreement, as revised in the late 1970s following the
collapse of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates. Under
Article IV, member countries undertake to collaborate with the IMF and
with one another to promote stability. For its part, the IMF is charged
with (i) overseeing the international monetary system to ensure its
effective operation, and (ii) monitoring each member's compliance with
its policy obligations.
The IMF regularly reviews its surveillance activities. The 2011
Triennial Surveillance Review (TSR) highlighted progress in
addressing weaknesses in
pre-crisis surveillance but also found gaps. In particular, IMF
surveillance was seen as too fragmented, with risk assessments lacking
depth and insufficient focus on interconnections and transmission of
shocks. Surveillance was also found to have less impact for larger
member countries. The subsequent recommendations focused on improvements
in six key areas: interconnectedness, risk assessments, external
stability, financial stability, traction and the legal framework. A
progress report was issued in 2012.
Work is now under way on the 2014 TSR. As outlined in the
Concept Note, this latest TSR will consider how effectively the Fund
is implementing its “integrated” surveillance framework; examine the
consistency and focus of the IMF’s policy advice; and look at the
evenhandedness of IMF surveillance across its membership. Concurrently,
a review of the
Financial Sector Assessment Program is being carried out.
As part of broader efforts to continue improving surveillance, the
Executive Board in July 2012 adopted a new
Decision on Bilateral and Multilateral Surveillance (Integrated
Surveillance Decision) to strengthen the underlying legal framework for
surveillance, and discussed the first
Pilot External Sector Report. In September 2012, the Executive Board
endorsed a new
Financial Surveillance Strategy that proposes concrete and
prioritized steps to further strengthen financial surveillance. These
actions will help ensure that the IMF is in a better position to address
the possible effects of spillovers from members’ policies on global
stability; monitor the stability of members’ external sectors in a more
comprehensive manner; and engage members in constructive dialogue
safeguard the effective operation of the international monetary system
and support global economic and financial stability.