English Language Supplement to the
Chisinau Observer Weekly Newspaper – 17 May 2001
Economics -
upset at Communists' plans

The IMF delegation recently finished their visit to Moldova. At the final
press-conference, Moldova's Prime Minister Vasilii Tarlev gave a rousing speech,
although the' head of an IMF mission Richard Haas was quite brief in his
comments. He could not have acted otherwise for he would have to reveal the
content of a secret document entitled "International Monetary Fund. Aide-Memoire.
1 May 2001", which presents the outcome of the Fund visit in detail.
The IMF mission left Moldova totally dissatisfied, The new
Communist leadership of the country agreed upon the market economy and a close
relationship with the Fund, when in fact, they did quite the opposite, having
ratified the government programme, which is not consistent with an IMF
memorandum/agreement signed last November. Although a release says
diplomatically that "several articles and issues of the (government)
programme cause anxiety", there is actually a long list of issues that
caused stress between the government and IMF.
The Government intends to control the prices of some indispensable goods. IMF
strongly objects to both direct tariff and price regulation and the introduction
of the rate of return limit. Experts' opinion is that this policy will result in
a deficit of the so-called "social goods", and that this policy will
prove un-profitable for the businesses involved In return, the L\IF offered to
consider an option of improving the system of financial assistance to the most
needy, instead of granting aid to the entire population.
Fund experts were also unhappy with trade import
limitations, which the Government is going to impose to protect local
manufacturers. The IMF regarded this mea-sure as preventing economic reforms,
since it will dramaticallv increase consumer expenses. They also observed that
state orders regarding agricultural products would have a negative effect on the
market development and agricultural reforms.
In the IMF's opinion. the Government's intention to extend
soft and special credits to agriculture will have a destructive impact, and that
these re-forms will lead to economic inflation and consequently to a crisis.
They warned that granting of special loans to the agrarians is viewed as an
unreasonable crediting and a threat to the banking sector. The IMF experts had
the same negative attitude towards the restructuring in the field of electric
power undertaken by the Communists. The lack of money in the budget hinders loan
granting. Moreover, it is a serious deviation from the "Law of Social
Assistance" ratified in April, 2000.
The intention of the country's new leaders to restore
monopolies in the field of wine-making and tobacco met with stiff opposition
from the mission. The IMF experts did not remind the current government of the
parliament's refusal to adopt the "Privatization Law" of the
enterprises, which was a turning point in the breaking-off of relations with
foreign creditors in 1999.
The IMF Requirements
For the newly formed cabinet it will be quite a task to
earn trust and therefore attract foreign financing. The government programme
will have to be changed in accordance with the terms of the IMF memorandum. This
is a matter of prime importance. The IMF thought several issues were paramount.
First and foremost, the Parliament must consider laws
concerning pre-shipping inspection. the 5th part of the Tax Code, Tax
Administration, and a free enterprise zone and amendments of the Law of
Financial Institutes. Projects regarding free enterprise zones must limit the
sphere of their activity by means of export production and transit. By amending
the Law of Financial Institutes, responsibility for bank liquidation will be
shifted from the National Bank to the courts. It will also give the National
Bank of Moldova authority in the field of bank administration.
Next, the government will have to revoke an order to issue
export activities licenses. The Government will have to hold the import tariffs
increase back as well as introduce the non-profit trade barrier, which prevents
the protection of the local manufacturers.
And finally, one of the most important conditions to
consider is the privatization programme. First, the new financial councilor for
the Moldtelecom privatization has to be acceptable to the World Bank. Secondly,
Moldova will announce a tender in order to sell two wine-making companies, after
prior consultations with the same bank. The last order foresees "regular
consultations with the Fund experts before making any decision about economic
What Are Moldova's Perspectives?
The IMF mission has barely left Moldova, when all its
recommendations were immediately forgotten. On May 3, the Communists voted
against the IMF when they passed a resolution called the Law of Additional
Social Assistance for the war invalids. World War II veterans and their families
would get a monthly bonus of 50-400 lei. When discussing this bill, the IMF
experts strongly objected to it. When they pay a visit next time, they are sure
to pose questions to clarify such an open infringement on the agreement.
The year 2001 bud-get suffers from a 1.5 billion lei shortage. This financial
gap includes 151 million lei worth of RED Nord and Nord-Vest privatization
revenues that have not been received yet. And the chances of receiving this
money are increasingly dim, since the president's goal is to make concession
with 'ltera'. The IMF's Richard Haas spoke on this subject specifically. He said
that, "traditionally, the concession matters are decided on an open auction
allowing the government to select the most profitable offer". But the IMF
is not the one to make decision. So it is still a dim question whether our
budget receives money after this transaction with 'ltera'; and if it does, what
sum of money it would be.
The second part of the budget deflcit consists of 430
million lei, which the Government is called to find in order to execute the
parliamentary resolution No.1426-XIV adoptedonDecember 28,2000. The problem is
that during the election campaign, the Parliament approved a resolution to
increase crediting of the Individual Farms Fund by 60 million lei and promised a
20 percent increase in wages by March 1, and a 10% increase in pensions by July
36.6 million lei make up the third part of the deficit.
This is the World Bank and European Union money, which our Government had to
receive this year to repay credits by the expiration date. However, the
financing has been suspended. The next IMF mission planned for this summer will
pay less attention to the policy of foreign crediting to observe Moldova's
fulfillment of the memorandum obligations. Having ratified the Law of Social
Assistance, the Moldovan Parliament has ignored the IMF requirements. The
Government was supposed to abide by the Fund's request to receive foreign
financing, but instead, they presented defaults on obligations.
Moldova and IMF
Moldova became a member of the IMF on August 12,1992. The quota amounts to
approximately $160 million or 0.96% from the total quota sum. Our republic has
representation with 1482 votes, making 0.07% out of the total number of votes.
Since 1993, Moldova has received credits. in the sum of about $144 mil-lion. The
IMF loans are intended to preserve the rate of the national currency, the
Moldovan lei.
Moldova's Perspectives From the IMF Point of View
1999 actual
2000 prelim.
avg during 2001-2005
avg during 2006-2010
scenario 1
scenario 2
scenario 1
scenario 2
Nominal GDP, US$ mln
Real growth of GDP, %
Exchange rate, Mold lei/US$
Export, % from GDP
Import, % from GDP
Current payment balance, % from
Note: The table is composed on the basis of the
information provided by the IMF and World Bank estimations. The first
scenario is possible if indicators. of economic growth, foreign trade and
business prove to be accurate and consistent with requirements of the
assistance programmes offered by the IMF and WB. The second scenario is
regarded as a negative outcome.