The supplement to the Memorandum with IMF - everything works
according to the plan. But whose plan is that?
InfoMarket.MD News Agency comment
The supplement to the Memorandum with the
International Monetary Fund, elaborated during the
last visit of the representative of this
organization Richard Haas, which was
the top secret, is finally made public (Logos-press).
While studying thoroughly the supplement it becomes
unclear, why the administration of the country kept
it in secret. In general it is a classical and even
typical document. Its specifics is only that the
supplement has an official stamp of the new
Moldavian government, which was proposed and
approved by the party in power - communists. |

Thus, the new government has agreed
with the conditions and market principles of the
international financial organizations. And one more fact -
many articles of Memorandum contradict the real actions of
the administration.
First of all, the government is obliged
to continue the market policy, "…creating the
necessary conditions for the development of the private
business and economic growth
while the main role private sector will play." The cabinet
of ministers also promises to
hold well-grounded financial policy and program of
privatization, to support the liberal
currency and trade regime. The following phrase is of great
interest - "We understand
that the price and marketing margin control system we had
before was not effective.
Moreover, the price control is also a "non-effective tool
for the defense of the poor."
The phrase, more likely for the party of social - democratic
orientation, but not for
the communist one. We may believe that the cabinet of
ministers would turn down its
intention to regulate the prices of the most necessary
goods, or at least to reduce the
list of products. This desire is mentioned in the
supplement, but it is said there about
the exclusion from the list "… namely, of the construction
materials.." Nothing is said
about the bread, milk and medicine.
Besides, the government of Moldova hopes to register 4,5 -
percent growth of the
Domestic Gross Product in year 2001 and 3,5 -percent growth
in 2002. During this year
the government forecasts the coming of consolidated income
(including the grants), which
will amount to 5556 million leis, and the expenses - to 6727
million lies. The cabinet
of ministers also commits itself to strengthen the partial
moratorium for the hiring of
personnel in the entire state sector; to annul the weak
social aid programs, such as the
organization of summer camps and the sea treatment for the
employers and members of
their families (what do the trade unions do?); and also to
shift the responsibility for
the payment of the first month of the employee's sick leave
to the employer. According
to the supplement, " … we will increase the salary fund only
if we have enough resources
(besides the incoming from privatization)." However, as it
is known, there is never
enough money (or resources). In addition - " … no additional
resources will be allocated
for the sate reserve funds (except for those included in the
budget), and the operation
with the state reserve funds will be repeated only on the
commercial basis".
Nevertheless, notwithstanding all the claims of the Finance
minister Mihai Manoli that
the reserve fund of the government is for along time empty,
the cabinet of ministers
unceasingly obliges the Ministry of Finance to allocate
funds for the non-planned
In the supplement the government declares its adherence to
"…remove the mutual report,
current tax payments and natural arrears operations".
However, the power structures do
not waver to propose the "budget officers" (voluntarily) to
get the arrears of wages by
means of cereals. Isn't it the mutual report?
We continue - "…we abstain from introduction of any tax
liberation, recesses, amnesties
or postponements". Recently, during the negotiations with
the IMF mission, the cabinet
of ministers approved the bill about the writing-off the
penalties and fines of
enterprises, which regularly paid out the current budget
receipts. At the same time, the
government is ready to abstain from the nationalization of
the companies, having debts
to the state, except for special cases, when they have an
agreement with the World Bank.
It is hard to imagine, that the World Bank would ever agree
with the term
The administration of Moldova swears not to expose the law
about the National Bank of
Moldova to any amendments, saving its status of the
independent public juridical person.
In connection to this, according to the supplement, the
money and credit policy of the
NBM will be directed to the achievement and support of the
low inflation on the level of
10%. The government is also ready to propose the law about
the money laundering to the
parliament, to continue the process of privatization of
"Moldtelecom", of the
electricity distribution network, of wine factories, to
impose the pre-shipment
inspection. Besides, they promised IMF not to introduce the
export prohibitions, quotes
and licenses. The cabinet of ministers promises to save the
liberal trade regime, and
also "…permanent control indices of the structure reforms
concerning the import tariffs".
In return, Moldova requests only one thing - to support its
efforts in the
restructuring of the external debt within the framework of
the Paris Club. Moldova will
ask the administration of Netherlands to assist in "… the
organization together with the
World Bank of the meeting of the consulting group for the
mobilization of the necessary
donors' support". The future of Moldova is behind these two
brief proposals. If the
government does not come to an agreement about the
restructuring of the debt (for that
they formally should not implement one of the conditions of
Memorandum or of its
supplement), the default will be announced to Moldova. Many
people say that it is not
that terrible and give as an example the situation in Russia
and Ukraine in 1998. But
Moldova does not have such minerals and big internal markets
as these countries. In case
of Moldova, default means very serious problems. Because of
this the government has to
follow the conditions of IMF, which essentially contradict
with the election platform of
the communist party. But what to do - the policy is the art
of probability.