The International Monetary Fund is
satisfied with the cooperation with the Moldovan government, as well as
with the strides the republic has made in addressing the economic
challenges of externalities. Real growth exceeded the original
projections; the decline in industry is being overcome. If the trends
persist, the republic’s outlook for further cooperation with the IMF to
continue reform under the signed Memorandum is good.
IMF’s Resident Representative in Moldova Johan Mathisen is
concerned about the inflationary developments and unbalanced
budget indicators
This was the statement the IMF’s Resident
Representative in Moldova Johan Mathisen made to the journalists, when
he introduced the regular report on Moldova late last week. According to
the expert, recent years were specific for the republic; that is why
growth should be supported by further diversification of economy and
structural reforms. Visit of the IMF’s review mission, which is to take
place in November, will bring clarity to many issues that built up,
concerning both the macroeconomic indicators and budget planning. Labor
market and public administration reform will become separate topics for
discussion. There is no need to remind that disbursement of next tranche
of the IMF loan will hinge on the “manageability” of the executive
The Fund revised its projections
following the Russian embargo and energy prices increase last year.
Johan Mathisen did not rule out such a development this year as well.
Natural calamities might make the IMF concede this time. According to
the statistics, in the first half of 2007 the GDP amounted to Mdl 23.8
bn, having increased by 8 percent (in comparable prices) versus the same
period of the previous year. The GDP pattern is still described by a
decrease in the share of agriculture and industry and a major increase
in the specific weight of the service sector (65 percent), as well as
net taxes on products and imports, the contribution of which to the GDP
growth was one of the most significant ones (budget receipts went up by
17 percent) and amounted to 2.7 percent.
The pressure of imports and increase in
final consumption (by 7 percent) generated by the inflow of foreign
exchange from abroad still play a negative role in the stabilization of
the macroeconomic indicators. The Fund specialists focus first and
foremost on the inflation and budget indicators. High inflation rate in
Moldova is still a concern for the IMF, due to which “major impetus is
necessary so that the Moldovan government could maintain inflation
within the declared 10-percent rate this year.” Especially because, in
Mathisen’s opinion, there are some discrepancies in the calculations for
increase in inflation made by the Government and the Fund. According to
the IMF, the inflation rate that stabilized at year-beginning exceeded
the limit today and reached 13.5 percent in August (versus August 2006).
It is higher than in the neighboring countries of the region. According
to Mathisen, a serious discussion with the government is coming, in
order to understand to what extent the inflationary processes depend on
tariff increases and to what extent, on the pressure of imports:
“Moldova will not become a country one can invest in confidently until
it ensures low inflation rate and economic stability.” The IMF expert
sees two sides of the same coin -- on the one hand, vulnerable groups of
the population are affected by inflation; on the other, growing consumer
prices allow producers covering production costs, serving as a peculiar
incentive for economic development. The Fund is just as concerned about
the government policy aimed to contain prices for socially-sensitive
goods and lower the inflationary pressure – “we will try to persuade the
government not to use administrative methods and will suggest other
compensatory measures.” If necessary, the IMF mission will recommend its
ways of containing the inflation within the 10-percent limit,” promised
Western experts have always reacted
painfully to the compensatory policies of the government – be they
social protection measures, wage increases, or increase in other budget
expenditure. But the actions of the NBM to level off the negative impact
of the foreign exchange overhang on the economy do not cause any concern
yet. The Fund takes a favorable view of the NBM’s efforts to maintain
the leu. The situation whereby the domestic currency and the exchange
rate appreciate is typical not just for Moldova. Dollar depreciated by a
total of 8 percent on the world market. And by 3 percent against the
European currency. So it would be rather difficult to predict the future
exchange rate, believes Johan Mathisen. Although he acknowledges that
low exchange rate of foreign exchange lowers the competitiveness of the
domestic economy.
Economists doubt more often that only the
leu appreciation can help oppose the growth of prices. Thus, the
government policy becomes increasingly contradictory. On the one hand,
it fights against inflation by pumping money out of the economy and
reducing money supply. But, at the same time, it intends to immediately
inject money via growing social expenditure and pubic investment. As a
result, inflation projections look rather ephemeral both for this and
subsequent years. Local experts point out that the situation could
improve if the government fought against the inflation not by the
monetary means alone. For example, the cabinet could start improving the
investment climate and encourage output growth, it could deal with
market monopolies, as well as pay attention to the natural monopolies’
In the opinion of the Fund
representative, tax amnesty, capital legalization, as well as public
sector wage increase initiatives pose a certain risk to meeting the
requirements of the memorandum. Especially in 2008, when zero-rate tax
on reinvested profit will join them. The 2007 budget outlook is not bad,
the IMF has pointed out a steady increase in the fiscal revenue, despite
the natural calamities. But compensatory measures should be taken,
which, in the opinion of the experts, should reaffirm the government’s
objective to guarantee growth and social focus of the 2008 budget.
Such measures, the report says, should
become: drastic downsizing of the public employment and improvement of
the tax administration by delegating some functions of the Center for
Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption to the Main State Tax
Inspectorate. With a view to ensuring efficient operation of the
megaregulator, more powers should be granted to it – in particular, the
IMF insists on complete delegation of the right to issue and revoke
licenses to the National Commission for Financial Market.
The western experts are also concerned
about the budget indicators being balanced. Complaints can be heard that
the IMF sets vary stringent conditionality for Moldova regarding the
fiscal reform, fiscal balance, structural adjustment, claiming the role
of an arbiter in the management of financial security worldwide and
countering financial crises in specific regions. Answering the question
about his view about the economic liberalization campaign, Johan
Mathisen did not conceal the fact that the Fund is especially concerned
about the capital legalization launched in Moldova. Jointly with the
government, urgent measures were taken to amend the law on prevention
and combating of money laundering and financing of terrorism, as well as
the law on capital legalization. As regards the domestic effect, in the
opinion of the expert, one cannot expect much from capital legalization.
And application of the zero-rate income tax is a matter of budget
capacities. Losing a portion of revenue presumes that either it will be
covered from a different source or that expenditure would be cut.
Eventually, it is up to the policy-makers rather than the Fund. In any
event, the mission will demand clear answers to its questions.
The government seems confident in its
force. Although a number of economists find the projected macroeconomic
indicators used to draw up the 2008 budget not reliable enough. And this
might require another budget adjustment during its execution. Experts
prefer assessing just the most short-term plans of the government – they
point out that long-term projections tend to change rapidly and
drastically. Last year it was discussed that the public expenditure as
share of GDP should decrease. However, this year the concept might
change somewhat, given the changes introduced to the 2008 fiscal policy,
as well as the government’s strategic objective to implement the
National Development Plan and increase in the budgetary social
expenditure announced by the Minister of Finance.
According to department head Yuri
Torkunov of the Ministry of Economy and Trade, despite the course for
reducing the tax burden, the role of the tax component in budgeting will
be increasing. Fiscal-revenue-to-net-taxes ratio is about one third.
National public budget revenue as share of GDP has also been increasing.
Over seven month, over-execution of the fiscal revenue plan amounted to
Mdl 500 mln. According to current data, from 1 January until 31 August
this year, 26.4 percent more revenue, compared to the same period of
previous year, was transferred to the state budget for all the
components. Understating projected revenue and expenditure of the budget
is usual practice when the government seeks to be on the safe side.
Updated estimate of the country’s
medium-term development for this and subsequent years relies on
5-percent GDP growth and matches the Fund’s projections. However, the
Ministry of Economy has both better-case and worse-case growth
scenarios. Projection is not a rule set in stone, experts believe. Even
the Fund does not know which of them will come true.
Irina Kovalenko
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