INFO-PRIM-NEO 2007-12-20/06:38
IMF does not regard Moldova as a country that depends
remittances anymore
Chisinau (IPN) The International Monetary Fund does not consider and
does not regard anymore Moldova
as a low-income country that depends
mainly on remittances, the head of the Mission of the IMFs European
Department Graeme Justice told a news conference on December 20. We
consider and regard Moldova as
a country that goes through the early
transition period, Justice said. The IMF Mission has been in Chisinau
between December 5 and 21 to carry out the third assessment of the programme regarding the financing
mechanism for poverty reduction and
economic growth.

The IMF official said that the economic situation in Moldova has
considerably improved since the program with the IMF was signed. At the
same time, the rate of inflation remains a reason for concern and the
risks of a rising inflation are persistent. At the same conference,
Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev said that the Government and the National
Bank are making every effort to curb inf lation and reduce its impact.
The economic growth was important despite a number of shocks like the
ban on wine imports, the doubling in energy prices, the drought and now
the winter with snow, Graeme Justice said. According to him, very few
countries could have positive results after such shocks. If speaking
about the future, Justice said, the emphasis must be put on economic
growth stimulated by the development of the private sector and by an
optimised and improved public administration. The head of the IMF
Mission says that Moldova needs a public service that would offer good
salaries in order to attract the most skilful personnel.
As to public finances, they are in a good condition, Justice said. The
budget for 2008 with a deficit of 0.5% of the GDP is of a good quality
from out viewpoint, while the prospect of robust income growth offers
the opportunity of promoting reforms in the public sector, the IMF
official said. As regards the financial sector, it is still
underdeveloped, Justice said. The lending rate in economy is lower than
in other countries of the region. Only 10% of the rural population has
bank accounts. This sector must be developed into a modern, European
one, the official added.

The head of the Mission of the IMFs European Department said that he is
a little disappointed at the situation created in the heating sector. He
stated that the situation is worrying, especially after the Chisinau
authorities decided to reduce the heating charge. The given decision
exacerbated the situation and undermined the financial viability of this
important sector, which is to no ones benefit. The IMF official said
that the charges should be increased so as they enable to recoup the
costs, while the poor families should benefit from compensations as part
of a well-planned social assistance programme.
The IMF Mission and the Moldovan authorities reached a preliminary
agreement over a new Mem orandum of Economic and Financial Policies for
2008. The agreement is to be examined by the IMFs administration.