Workshop on
Effective Implementation of Customer Due Diligence Requirements
With a grant from the government of the Netherlands, the Legal Department of
the International Monetary Fund (IMF) started a project to assist the
Moldovan authorities in the implementation of the Anti Money Laundering and
Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) law, revised in July 2007
with the assistance of the IMF.
the context of this project a workshop on the new customer due diligence
requirements is being conducted from July 24-25, 2008 at the National Bank
of Moldova. The workshop has been organized in collaboration with the
National Bank of Moldova and the Council of Europe- MOLICO Project.
Representatives of the banking sector, NBM officials, and international
experts , as well as of the IMF are participating.
Speakers from the IMF, the Council of Europe, the Moldovan Banking
Association, the National Bank of Ukraine, and the National Bank of Moldova
will make presentations on various aspects and challenges faced by financial
institutions in the implementation of these new anti-money laundering
requirements and international best practice on customer due diligence.
Also, participants will engage in practical exercises dealing with internal
customer due diligence measures, AML/CFT procedures and controls.
For further
information about the anti-money laundering workshop, please contact
Mr. Giuseppe Lombardo, Consulting Counsel, Project Coordinator, IMF Legal
Department, Financial Integrity Group, through the office of the IMF
Resident Representative in Moldova (tel.: 23-32-32, email:
Project Information
Opening Remarks by Johan Mathisen, IMF Resident
Representative in Moldova
More information about the event can be found
on the NBM's website
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