In limba romana
IMF Executive Board Completes First Review
Under the Extended Credit Facility and the Extended Fund Facility Arrangements
with Moldova
Press Release No. 10/291
July 16, 2010The Executive Board of the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) today completed the first review of Moldova's
economic performance under the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) and the Extended
Fund Facility (EFF) arrangements. The blended financing arrangements under the
ECF and the EFF for an amount equivalent to SDR 369.6 million (about US$559.18
million) were approved on January 29, 2010 (see
Press Release No.10/21). The completion of the first review makes an amount
equivalent to SDR 60 million (about US$90.78 million) immediately available for
the authorities. The Executive Board also modified the end-September performance
criterion on the budget deficit in line with the reduced 2010 deficit target.
After the Executive Board's discussion, Mr. Naoyuki Shinohara, Deputy
Managing Director and Acting Chair, said:
“Moldova’s economy is recovering after the deep recession triggered by the
global economic crisis. In the context of the Fund-supported program, the
authorities have made encouraging progress in reestablishing economic stability
and rekindling growth.
“Fiscal policy has embarked on an adjustment path. Taking advantage of the
faster than expected recovery, the amended budget for 2010 appropriately saves
the bulk of the extra revenue while allocating more funds for public investment
and social protection. The new system of targeted social assistance has helped
reduce extreme poverty. To sustain the pace of fiscal consolidation going
forward, the focus should remain on restraining current spending and curtailing
the oversized public sector.
“The moderately accommodative monetary policy stance has been supporting the
growth recovery without losing sight of the inflation targets. After the
transitory impact of external upward pressures on prices and much-needed
adjustment of energy tariffs in early 2010, inflationary pressures have
subsided. The central bank closely monitors financial indicators of the banking
sector, which appears liquid and well-capitalized. The gradual shift of the
monetary policy framework towards inflation targeting should continue, while
interventions in the foreign exchange market should aim only at smoothing
erratic fluctuations without resisting sustained trends.
“The ongoing and envisaged structural reforms are appropriately focused on
stepping up liberalization and deregulation and creating a business environment
conducive to investments and exports. Building up export potential and expanding
access to the vast markets of Moldova’s major trading partners in the East and
West should provide a strong and sustainable boost to growth. Implementation of
government plans to divest state enterprises should help improve their
efficiency and attract additional foreign investments”.
