During February 1-10 an IMF mission
will be visiting Chisinau, this time its aim being to continue
consulting with Moldovan authorities during the development of a new
program with IMF. As far as we know, negotiations will be focused on the
Memorandum on Intentions developed by Moldova independently and
presented during the December mission to Chisinau. On the other hand,
one can judge, to some extent, about the IMF position on key issues by
the final overview of the December mission entitled „Concluding
Statement of the Mission” (www.imf.md). About 1/3 of the document
deals with the direct overview of the last year and the other 2/3 are
statements on desirable, in the opinion of IMF experts, actions of
Moldovan authorities in 2006 and in the mid-term perspective. Thus, the
exchange of opinions on the conditions underlying an agreement on a new
program with IMF in Moldova, has started already.
IMF Resident Representative in Moldova Johan Mathisen
We have not managed yet to obtain
permission to read the Memorandum drafted by Moldovan authorities,
however the newly-appointed IMF Resident Representative, Mr. Johan
Mathisen, has agreed to discuss key issues included in the Concluding
I have counted 15 recommendations in the
Concluding Statement that are based on the analysis of the situation as
of the end of 2005. Hence, we would like to comment with the assistance
of the IMF Resident Representative at least some of them, to make the
internal logic of this document even clearer.
In the beginning, we asked on purpose the IMF Resident Representative in
Moldova whether the lender’s approach towards issues to be agreed upon
with the borrower prior to signing a new program agreement has changed.
We asked this question, since prominent members of Government have
stated to press last year that, in their opinion, in future IMF could
focus exclusively on monetary policy and macroeconomic aggregates rather
than come down to issues regarding practical actions of the Government.
Mr. Mathisen answered that IMF has developed a single approach to the
interaction with the authorities of member states and the Republic of
Moldova is no exception. ‘Any IMF program focuses on two aspects –
macroeconomic issues and structural reforms’.
The IMF Resident Representative has referred to the text of the
Concluding Statement developed by the December mission, where
recommendations on macroeconomic policy implementation are linked to
practical actions of Moldovan authorities. The same – rather concrete –
nature of recommendations is characteristic of the comments of the IMF
mission on changes in the financial sector. Therefore, let us say that
it is axiomatic that IMF deems it necessary to discuss all issues that
affect, in one way or another, macroeconomics and the financial policy
of the country. This rule is true not only at the stage of drafting a
new agreement, but also at the stage of further monitoring of Program
implementation. It seems that, in case there are differences in
approaches to settling issues, they should not be kept secret but rather
agreed upon during negotiations. On the other hand, we do not know about
any notable stumbling block in the way of signing a new agreement.
Let us start from the opinion of IMF experts that economic growth in
Moldova is ‘likely to slow marginally in 2006 and over the next several
years, given the impact of higher energy prices and emerging tightness
in labor markets’. When commenting on this statement during out meeting,
Johan Mathisen has expressed satisfaction that Moldova has managed to
close a gas supply deal under rather good conditions. However, the new
gas price not being final in the mid-term perspective, it is a risk
factor and it should be taken into account. Moreover, this country does
not use its own energy resources and thus cannot vary them, depending
fully on energy import. Therefore, the IMF representative explained,
objectively, the increase of gas prices and of oil products – even to a
greater extent – do create a negative environment for Moldovan economy.
However, the overall decrease of growth because of the factors mentioned
above is not fatal. Moldovan authorities cannot prevent the external
increase of energy prices, but they do have possibilities to provide for
internal economy development incentives. In particular, IMF experts
consider that the significant slowdown of economic growth can be avoided
by encouraging investment, primarily in the private sector. “I am aware
that earlier were developed good strategies in this respect, they are
included in EGPRSP and in the EU-Moldova Action Plan. I think that it is
necessary to move purposefully in the chosen direction’, says Johan
Mathisen. The Concluding Statement of the December mission also states
rather mildly the desirability of further improvement of the business
environment and ‘clarifying the role of Government in the economy’.
Since we have touched upon the IMF ‘competence framework’, let me note
that in the latter case its suggestion fall outside the framework of
structural reforms and touches upon a more delicate area, i.e. the
institutional plane, philosophically speaking. Still, this fragment of
the IMF Statement states no novelty – our local ideologists of
developing liberal market economy have been talking and writing about
the need to define the role and authority of the Government and, in a
wider sense, of all state authorities. However, as IMF experts know too
well, changing the mentality of politicians and economic leaders is more
difficult than making formal changes to politics and economy. Perhaps it
is the main challenge in the way of necessary changes that are partially
traced in various strategies. One should take it into account at all
Let us get back to concrete recommendations spelled out in the latest
Concluding Statements. In the following paragraph IMF experts recommend
that ‘the monetary authorities should aim for inflation in the
single-digit range’. Out authorities have already achieved half of this
goal by stating that they would aim at reining inflation at the 10% mark
and they have managed to do so in the last year. Still, there are also
suggestions regarding inflation stability over longer periods of time.
‘The more self-organized and flexible (responsive to challenges) the
economy of a country is, the less the inflation fluctuation amplitude
is’, says Johan Mathisen. IMF has suggested that in future the
fluctuation of the inflation rate should be less significant than during
2004 and 2005.
Certainly, even the MDL exchange rate is more stable than inflation,
which is calculated based on a number of commodity items and thus is,
presumably, more inert to changes.
Inflation rate are paid so much attention not only because of its
relevance for macroeconomics. ‘Inflation is, after all, effectively a
tax on people’s holdings of domestic currency’, reasonably note IMF
experts. It should be also mentioned that it is an additional tax,
cutting down real current income of individuals and economic agents.
‘Achieving single-digit inflation in an environment of strong foreign
exchange inflows’, IMF experts state, ‘will demand continued
sterilization efforts by the National Bank, as well as tight fiscal
policy’. Here we would like to argue a bit with IMF experts, i.e. shift
accents a little in the above quote. I can prove that internal causes of
inflation in Moldova are not only the exchange of foreign currency
received from abroad into MDL by individuals, but rather the increasing
income from customs taxes received by the state budget from the
importers of goods.
Probably it is not a bad thing that due to resources collected by border
customs the state has the possibility to finance social programs.
However, every measure needs to be reasonable and appropriate, and this
principle should be complied with. Therefore, one cannot argue with the
IMF suggestion to the Moldovan Government to implement a prudent tax and
budgetary policy. IMF experts appreciate as positive budget execution
without deficit. On the other hand, they suggest that it would be
advisable to take a closer look and analyze the quality and composition
of public expenditures that have increased during the last two years
from 33% to 37% of GDP. It might mean, as we have understood from
explanations given, a warp towards excessive pressure on the private
Therefore, acknowledging a number of positive aspects in the 2006 Budget
Law, IMF experts note the planned significant wage increase in the
budget sector. In their opinion, it reduces the resources for greater
investment development contributing to economy growth, namely in
building and repairing roads and other infrastructure projects. It is
hard to argue with that. However, the comment in the Concluding
Statement that the increase of wages in the budget sector ‘could limit
the possibility of cushioning the blow of higher energy prices for
vulnerable groups’ is disputable, in our view, since a significant part
of budget workers are ‘vulnerable groups’ themselves. Thus, we could
suggest IMF experts to look into more detail: it is one thing when wages
of teachers are increased and quite another – when expenditures for the
Government machinery are increased, whose staff could and should be
reduced resolutely.
We could continue the analysis of comments and suggestions made by IMF,
but the restrictions on the length of a newspaper article makes us
postpone this exercise for a later date.
It seems that representatives of state authorities will be able to
clarify certain aspects during negotiations with the members of the
mission arriving to Chisinau next week and IMF suggestions will be
amended accordingly. After all, as we have been convinced after talking
with Johan Mathisen, IMF experts just want to help Moldovan Government,
within the limits of their authority, to overcome more effectively
existing problems and to tackle strategic tasks. The only thing that
could prevent successful negotiations and collaboration is the lack of
clarity about the reasons underlying somebody’s opinions and actions.
Alexander TAKII
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