Inflation in Moldova
Nikoloz Gigineishvili and Johan Mathisen (IMF)

Inflation is sometimes referred to as the “silent thief” as it erodes
the value of money—in your pocket, under your mattress, and your next
paycheck. Inflation is also detrimental to the economy as it tends to
reduce investment and slow down economic growth. Therefore, the
relatively high level of inflation in Moldova is indeed a cause for
Obviously the recent increase in food prices has made the achieving
of the objective of low and stable inflation more difficult in the short
term. This is because the so-called “first round effect” of the higher
food prices has been—as it should be—accommodated in the overall price
level. The unfortunate result is that many people find it harder to make
ends meet. There is therefore an increased urgency to put in place a
properly targeted social assistance system.
So as to not make the situation even worse, it is essential to halt
the “secondary round effect”, namely that the higher food prices spill
over into prices of other goods. What can be done? Inflation is not a
new phenomenon, and other countries in the region have been successful
in bringing down inflation to low levels.
The problem is that there is just too much money in the economy. In
the last year the stock of money grew at a phenomenal rate of 40
percent, and exceeded lei 27 billion. With weak growth following the
drought, this means that there was too much money chasing too few goods.
It is not surprising in these circumstances that prices have risen and
Moldova has been importing more and more foreign goods to make up for
the shortfall.
This is where the National Bank and the government can play a crucial
role. They have to make it less attractive to spend and more attractive
to save. That is monetary policy can lead to a reduction in the amount
of money in the economy, ultimately through shifts in borrowing and
lending rates. This makes it more costly to borrow for non productive
purposes and encourages households to save.
In Moldova, this means that higher interest rates is the first line
of defense against the secondary round effect of higher food prices A
second line of defense is to prevent speculation against the lei. At the
moment it is a highly profitable business to borrow at low interest
rates abroad and lend at high interest rates in Moldova. This adds to
money woes. The way the National Bank prevents this is through taxing
such operations through reserve requirements on banks.
This approach has been successful throughout Europe, and has been
successful in Moldova. In early 2007, inflation was coming down quickly,
as the National Bank of Moldova raised its base rate in line with best
international practices. With the impact of the drought beginning to
fade, strong action by the NBM should quickly reestablish price
stability. |