News for the years 1992-2023:

22, 2023
- Press Line:
Central bank independence is a key
pillar of the IMF supported program...

21, 2023
- NBM's Podcast
"Give Sense to the Money", 12th edition. Topic: "The way the economy
the recent crisis and the role of the NBM". Guest: Mark Horton,
Deputy Director of the European Department of the
19, 2023
Publication of the
Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, and
Technical Memorandum of

■ December
19, 2023
- Publication of the
IMF Staff Report: Republic of Moldova: Staff Report for 2023 Article IV
Consultation, Fourth Reviews Under the
Extended Credit Facility and Extended Fund Facility Arrangements, Request
for Extension and Rephasing of the Arrangements, and Request for an Arrangement Under the Resilience and
Sustainability Facility - Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive
Director for Republic of Moldova

December 7, 2023
IMF Press Release: IMF Executive
Board Concludes 2023 Article IC Consultation and Fourth Reviews
Under the Extended Credit Facility and Extended Fund
Facility Arrangements and
Approves Request for Arrangement
Under the Resilience and Sustainability Facility

29, 2023
- Speech by Mark
Horton, Deputy Director of the European Department of the IMF, at the NBM's
official event dedicated to the 30th
anniversary of the Moldovan Leu
29, 2023
- Speech by Paul
Hilbers, Executive Director for Moldova at the IMF, at the NBM's official event
dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the
Moldovan Leu
■ November
13, 2023
- Publication of the
High Level Summary Technical Assistance Report: Republic of Moldova:
Climate Module of the Public Investment Management

October 17, 2023
IMF Press Release: IMF Staff Reach
Staff-Level Agreement on the Fourth Reviews for Moldova's
Extended Credit Facility and
Extended Fund Facility Arrangements, a new Resilience and Sustainability
Arrangement, and Complete the
2023 Article IV Consultation

21, 2023
- IMF Press Statement:
An IMF mission led by Ms. Clara
Mira will visit Chișinău during
September 25 - October 6,

August 21, 2023
Ms. Svetlana Cerović, the new IMF Resident Representative
in Moldova, started her assignment

21, 2023
Logos Press Weekly
Interview with Clara Mira: "Moldova's
partnership with the IMF: new opportunities"

June 26, 2023
Press Statement of the
Ministry of Finance of Moldova: Public Investment Management Assessment
visit of the IMF technical assistance mission

27, 2023
Publication of the
Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, and Technical
Memorandum of

27, 2023
- Publication of the
IMF Staff Report: Republic of Moldova:
Third Reviews Under the Extended Credit
Facility and the Extended Fund
Arrangements, and Request for a Waiver for Nonobservance of Performance
Criterion -
Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for
of Moldova

April 26, 2023
IMF Press Release: IMF Executive
Board Concludes Third Reviews Under the Extended Credit Facility
Extended Fund Facility Arrangements for the Republic of Moldova

March 14, 2023
IMF Press Release: IMF Staff Reach
Staff-Level Agreement on Third Reviews for Moldova's Extended
Credit Facility and Extended Fund Facility

March 10, 2023
A discussion with Alfred Kammer,
Director of the European Department of the IMF, by
Barbăroşie for
Realitatea TV and
State TV "Moldova 1"

March 10, 2023
Press Statement of the Government of Moldova:
Prime Minister Dorin Recean Discussed
Priorities with the Officials of the International
Monetary Fund

March 9, 2023
Press Statement of the
National Bank of Moldova: The National Bank's management had a meeting with
Alfred Kammer, the Director of the European Department of the International
Monetary Fund

March 9, 2023
Press Statement of the Presidency of Moldova:
Cooperation between Moldova and the IMF
Discussed by President Maia Sandu
Alfred Kammer, Director of the European Department
of the IMF
March 7, 2023
- IMF Press Statement:
Alfred Kammer, Director of the
European Department of the International
Monetary Fund, will visit Chișinău during
March 8-10

27, 2023
- IMF Press Statement:
An IMF mission led by Mr. Ruben
Atoyan will hold discussions with the
Moldovan authorities in the
context of the 3rd reviews under the ECF/EFF arrangements in Chişinău during
March 1-14,

14, 2023
- Publication of the
country report: Republic of Moldova:
Poverty Reduction and Growth
Strategy -
Development Strategy "European Moldova 2030" (English version

10, 2023
Statement by Mr. Ruben Atoyan on
the occasion of resignation of Prime Minister Gavrilița

13, 2023
Publication of the
Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, and Technical
Memorandum of

13, 2023
- Publication of the
IMF Staff Report: Republic of Moldova:
Second Reviews Under the Extended
Credit Facility and Extended Fund Facility
Arrangements, and Request for Waiver of Applicability for Performance
Criteria - Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for
Republic of

January 9, 2023
IMF Press Release: IMF Executive
Board Concludes Second Reviews Under the Extended Credit
and Extended Fund Facility Arrangements for the Republic of Moldova

15, 2022
Publication of the
IMF Country Report: Republic of Moldova:
Technical Assistance Report -
Performance Assessment Report

December 5, 2022
President of Moldova Maia Sandu met with the IMF

November 30, 2022
IMF Press Release: IMF Staff
Reaches Staff-Level Agreement on Second Reviews for Moldova
Credit Facility and Extended Fund Facility Arrangements

4, 2022
Publication of the
IMF Country Report: Republic of Moldova:
Technical Assistance Report -
Consumer Price Index Mission

27, 2022
- IMF Press Statement:
An IMF mission led by Mr. Ruben
Atoyan will hold discussions with the
Moldovan authorities in the
context of the 2nd reviews under the ECF/EFF arrangements in Chişinău during
October 31-
November 11, 2022

29, 2022
Publication of the
Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and
Financial Policies, and
Technical Memorandum of Understanding

29, 2022
- Publication of the
IMF Staff Report: Republic of Moldova: First Reviews Under the Extended
Credit Facility, and Requests for
Modification of Performance Criteria and Inflation Consultation Clause -
Press Release; Staff Report;
and Statement by the Executive Director for Republic of Moldova

23, 2022
Publication of the
IMF Country Report: Republic of Moldova:
Technical Assistance Report -
National Accounts Statistics Mission

September 21, 2022
IMF Press Release: IMF Executive
Board Concludes First Reviews Under the Extended Credit
and Extended Fund Facility Arrangements for the Republic of Moldova

10, 2022
IMF Press Release: IMF Team Reaches
Staff-Level Agreement on First Reviews for Moldova's Extended
Credit Facility and Extended Fund Facility Arrangements

19, 2022
- IMF Press Statement:
An IMF mission led by Mr. Ruben
Atoyan will hold discussions with the
authorities in the context of the first reviews under the ECF and the EFF arrangements in
Chişinău during
July 20-29, 2022

June 14, 2022
IMF Press Release: Statement by IMF
Deputy Managing Director Kenji Okamura at the conclusion of a
visit to Moldova

14, 2022
- IMF Press Statement:
IMF Deputy Managing Director Mr.
Kenji Okamura gave the following remarks
today at a joint press briefing with Prime Minister
of Moldova...

13, 2022
- IMF Press Statement:
IMF Deputy Managing Director Mr.
Kenji Okamura gave the following remarks
today following a meeting with President of

10, 2022
- IMF Press Statement:
IMF Deputy Managing Director Mr.
Kenji Okamura will visit Moldova during
June 12-15, 2022

May 31, 2022
- Ministry of Finance published the
Tax Expenditures
Assessment Report
May 19, 2022
"TV Moldova 1":
Rodgers Chawani invited to the "Thursdays with
Liliana Barbaroșie" weekly program
May 16, 2022
Publication of the
Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, Consultation
with the IMF Executive Board on the Missed
Inflation Target Under the Inflation Consultation Clause, and Technical
Memorandum of Understanding

May 16, 2022 -
Publication of the
IMF Staff Report: Republic of Moldova: Ad Hoc Review Under the Extended
Facility; Request for Augmentation and Rephasing of Access,
Modification of Performance Criteria, and
Completion of
the Inflation Consultation Under the Extended Credit Facility
and Extended Fund Facility Arrangements -
Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the
Executive Director for the Republic of Moldova

May 11, 2022
IMF Press Release:
IMF Executive
Board Concludes Ad-Hoc Review Under the Extended Credit Facility
and Approves Augmentation and Rephasing of Access under the Extended Credit
Facility and Extended Fund Facility
Arrangements for the Republic of Moldova

27, 2022
Press Statement of the
NBM: The delegation of the Republic of
participated in the
Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank Group
Washington D.C.
April 12, 2022
IMF Press Release: IMF Reaches
Staff-Level Agreement on Moldova's Extended Credit Facility and
Extended Fund Facility Arrangements, Request for

31, 2022
- IMF Press Statement:
An IMF staff team led by Mr. Ruben
Atoyan will conduct discussions with the
Moldovan authorities during
April 4-8, 2022

14, 2022
Press Statement of the Parliament of Moldova:
The management of
the energy and refugee crises
discussed at the meeting of Speaker Igor Grosu
the IMF team
11, 2022
Press Statement of the Government of Moldova:
The IMF-supported
program will be revised to
larger financing
11, 2022
Joint Press Conference of the Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița
and IMF Mission Chief Ruben Atoyan
in the Government Building
11, 2022
Press Statement of the Presidency of Moldova:
President Maia Sandu discussed with the IMF Mission
Chief for Moldova

9, 2022
Press Statement of the Government of Moldova:
IMF will support the
Republic of Moldova in
the Refugee Crisis
4, 2022
- IMF Press Statement:
Ruben Atoyan, mission chief of the
IMF for Moldova, will visit
Chisinau during
March 9-16, 2022

■ March 4, 2022
- Publication of the
IMF Working Paper: The Nexus Between Public Enterprise
Performance, and Macroeconomic Vulnerabilities: An
Application to Moldova

February 23, 2022
- Publication of the
IMF Staff Report: Republic of Moldova: Selected

17, 2022
"Profit" Magazine":
Interview with
Rodgers Chawani
"IMF-required reforms to facilitate
debut on capital market"

February 7, 2022
Publication of the
IMF Country Report: Republic of Moldova: Technical Assistance Report -
Sector Stability Review

28, 2022
Reformers in Moldova rewarded with
large IMF loans
interview by
Rodgers Chawani
6, 2022
Publication of the
Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, and Technical
Memorandum of Understanding
January 4, 2022
- Publication of the
IMF Staff Report: Republic of Moldova: 2021
Article IV Consultation and
for an Arrangement under the Extended Fund
Facility and an Arrangement under the Extended Credit
Facility -
Release; Staff
Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Republic of Moldova

December 21, 2021
IMF Press Release: IMF Executive Board
Concludes 2021 Article IV Consultation with Moldova

December 21, 2021
IMF Press Release: IMF Executive Board
Approves Moldova's Requests for Arrangements Under
Fund Facility and Extended Credit Facility

October 21, 2021
Concluding Statement: IMF Staff
Completes Discussions on the 2021 Article IV Consultations and
Reaches a Staff-Level Agreement on a New Economic Program

23, 2021
- IMF Press Statement:
The IMF mission led by Mr. Ruben
Atoyan will hold combined discussions
with authorities on the 2021
Art. IV
consultation and their request for
a new program...

6, 2021
Moldova will decide on its own on
how to use the $236m
interview by
NewsMaker with Rodgers
Chawani, IMF Resident
Representative in

August 25, 2021
Press Statement of the Presidency of Moldova:
President Maia Sandu discussed with the new IMF
Resident Representative in
Moldova Rodgers Chawani about the country's mid-term priorities

August 23, 2021
Press Statement of the Government of Moldova: Moldova to benefit from 236 million dollars on behalf
of the IMF

30, 2021
Press Statement of the Presidency of Moldova: Collaboration between the Republic of
Moldova and the
IMF, discussed by the President of Moldova
Maia Sandu and IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva

July 26, 2021
Publication of the
IMF Country Report: Republic of Moldova: Technical Assistance Report -
Country Governance Assessment

■ June
4, 2021
- Opening remarks by Rodgers
Chawani, IMF Resident Representative in Moldova, at the high-level
conference on post-pandemic economic recovery, organized by the National Bank of Moldova
4, 2021
- Statement dedicated to the
30th anniversary of the establishment of the National Bank of

7, 2021
- High-level roundtable at the NBM:
"The role of a central bank in
modernizing society - challenges in
emerging economies"

18, 2020
- Press Line:
Implementation of the recent legal
initiatives approved
by the Moldovan Parliament
would pose serious

16, 2020
- IMF Press Statement:
The IMF mission led by Mr. Ruben
Atoyan will hold discussions remotely during
October 19-27, 2020...

August 24, 2020
Mr. Rodgers
Chawani, the new IMF Resident Representative
in Moldova, started
(remotely) his
assignment today

17, 2020
- Press Line:
We take note of the Anticorruption
Prosecutor's indictment against Victoriabank...

4, 2020
of the IMF Country Report:
Republic of Moldova:
Assistance Report -
Government Finance Statistics Mission
July 27, 2020
IMF Press Release: IMF Staff
Concludes Consultations with Moldova on a New Economic Program

2, 2020
- IMF Press
The IMF mission led by Mr. Ruben
Atoyan will hold discussions
remotely during
July 7-22, 2020...

May 22, 2020
of PIMA report (from Dec-2019): Moldova:
Technical Report on Report on Public
Investment Management Assessment

May 22, 2020
of the IMF Country Report:
Republic of Moldova:
Technical Assistance Report -
Report on Sectoral Accounts Mission
24, 2020
Logos Press Weekly
Interview with Volodymyr Tulin
"IMF rushes to help"

22, 2020
Publication of the
Letter of Intent
of Moldova authorities

April 22, 2020 -
Publication of the
IMF Staff Report: Republic of Moldova: Staff Report for the 2020 Article
Consultation and Sixth Reviews Under the Extended Credit Facility and
Extended Fund Facility Arrangements -
Press Release; Staff
Report; and Statement by the Executive Director

April 17, 2020
IMF Press Release: IMF Executive
Board Approves US$235 Million in Emergency Assistance to Moldova to
the COVID-19 Pandemic

March 27, 2020
- IMF Press
In response to the authorities
request for IMF emergency financing assistance...

March 19, 2020
Infotag News Agency Interview with Ruben Atoyan
"Moldova successfully
completed the program
the IMF despite having three governments"

March 18, 2020
Radio Free Europe Interview with Ruben Atoyan
"Needless to say, it is
disappointing to see little
progress with recovering funds stolen from
Moldova's banking system"
March 18, 2020
Publication of
Republic of Moldova: Selected Issues
(Governance Assessment)
March 18, 2020
- Publication of the
IMF Staff Report: Republic of Moldova: Staff Report for the 2020 Article
Consultation and Sixth Reviews Under the Extended Credit Facility and
Extended Fund Facility
Arrangements -
Press Release; Staff Report; and
Statement by the Executive Director for the Republic of
March 18, 2020
Publication of the
Letter of Intent and Supplementary Memorandum of Economic and Financial
March 18, 2020
IMF Press Release: IMF Executive
Board Concludes 2020 Article IV Consultation with Moldova

March 11, 2020
IMF Press Release: IMF Executive
Board Completes Sixth and Final Review of Moldova's Extended Credit
and Extended Fund Facility
March 6, 2020
- Press Line:
We take note of criminal
investigation actions involving the NBM and will be closely
developments in this area...

February 5, 2020
Concluding Statement: IMF Staff
Completes the 2020 Article IV and Program Review Mission to

January 17, 2020
- IMF Press
An IMF mission will visit Chişinău
during January 22 - February 5, 2020...

November 13, 2019
Press Line:
We commend the government led by
PM Sandu for taking decisive measures to
advance reforms...

23, 2019
Informal Economy Data: Compilation Practices - Informal Economy Reports
October 9, 2019
IMF Press Release: IMF Staff
Completes Visit to Moldova

September 30, 2019
IMF Press
An IMF staff team led by Ruben
Atoyan will visit Chisinau during
October 2-8, 2019...

September 26, 2019
Excerpt from the IMF Staff Report:
HORECA - Trends and Policy Considerations
September 25, 2019
- Publication of the
IMF Staff Report: Republic of Moldova: Fourth and Fifth Reviews Under the
Extended Credit Facility and Extended Fund Facility Arrangements,
Completion of the Inflation Consultation, and Request
for Extension of the
Arrangements and Rephasing of Access -- Press Release; Staff Report; and
Statement by the
Executive Director for the Republic of Moldova
September 25, 2019
Publication of the
Letter of Intent, Supplementary Memorandum of Economic and Financial
Policies, and Technical Memorandum of Understanding
September 20, 2019
IMF Press Release: IMF Executive
Board Completes the Fourth and Fifth Reviews under the
Extended Credit
Facility and Extended Fund Facility Arrangements for the Republic of Moldova

September 4, 2019
of the IMF Country Report:
Republic of Moldova: Technical Assistance
Financial Soundness
Indicators Mission
August 1, 2019
"" Portal:
"Volodymyr Tulin/IMF about
government's fiscal policy: the point is
to have a fair and undistorted
distribution of the tax burden
July 26, 2019
"NewsMaker" News Portal:
Interview with Volodymyr Tulin
"What is really needed is not
to diminish the
tax rates, but to get an understanding of why taxes are not
being paid"

July 10, 2019 - IMF Press Release:
IMF Staff Concludes Review Visit to

June 19, 2019
IMF Press
An IMF mission led by Ruben Atoyan
will visit Chisinau during June 26-July 10,

28, 2019
"" Portal:
Interview with Volodymyr Tulin
"Realizing the full benefits of
single CSD entails
creative destruction of inefficient, risky, and outdated
features of Moldova's capital market infrastructure"
25, 2019
Press Line:
The IMF has always placed an
utmost importance on the issue of central bank institutional
and policy

April 12, 2019
"NewsMaker" News Portal:
Interview with Volodymyr Tulin
"IMF comes when the authorities
are ready"

April 12, 2019
Logos Press Weekly:
Article about the
2019 Spring Meetings

March 22, 2019 -
IMF Press
An IMF mission
will visit Chişinău during March 25-29, 2019...

February 26, 2019
- Publication of the Working Paper
Improving the Efficiency and Equity of Public Education Spending:
The Case
of Moldova

November 20, 2018 -
Press Line:
We commend Mr. Cioclea on the
significant progress achieved...

October 3, 2018
- Publication of the Country Report
Republic of Moldova: Technical Assistance Report - Public Sector

20, 2018 - IMF Press Release:
IMF Staff Concludes Visit to

September 11, 2018 -
IMF Press
An IMF staff visit - a working
mission rather than a formal program review -
will visit Chisinau during
September 13-20...

July 31, 2018
Press Release: STS will
be supported by a tax administration expert from IMF

July 26, 2018
Press Line:
In IMF staff's preliminary view,
the recently approved package of tax initiatives and capital

July 17, 2018
"Profit" Magazine:
Interview with Volodymyr Tulin
"NBM, government, parliament work
as a team"

July 5, 2018 -
Publication of the
Letter of Intent, Supplementary Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies,
and Technical Memorandum of Understanding
July 5, 2018 - Publication of the IMF Staff Report:
Republic of Moldova: Third Reviews under the Extended Credit
Facility and
Extended Fund Facility Arrangements and Request for Modification of
Performance Criteria -
Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the
Executive Director for the Republic of Moldova
29, 2018 - IMF Press Release:
IMF Executive Board Completes the
Third Reviews Under the ECF and EFF
Arrangements for the Republic of Moldova

May 30, 2018 - V. Tulin's Speech at the EU/FIU's High
Level Seminar: "Efficient
Implementation of the EU and
National Anti-Money Laundering Standards"
May 17, 2018 - V. Tulin's Speech at the EU/NBM's High
Level Seminar: "Banking Sector
Reforms, the Transition from
Basel I to Basel III"
March 27, 2018
- IMF Press Release:
IMF Staff Completes Review Mission
to Moldova

March 13, 2018
IMF Press
An IMF mission
will visit Chişinău during March 15-27, 2018...

21, 2017 -
Publication of the
Letter of Intent, Supplementary Memorandum of Economic and Financial
Policies, and
Technical Memorandum of Understanding
21, 2017 - Publication of the IMF Staff Report:
Republic of Moldova: Article IV Consultation and Second
Reviews under the
Extended Fund Facility and Extended Credit Facility Arrangements-Press
Release; Staff Report;
and Statement by the Executive Director for the
Republic of Moldova
21, 2017 -
Publication of
Republic of Moldova: Selected Issues
20, 2017 - IMF Press Release:
IMF Executive Board Completes the
Second Review Under the ECF and EFF
Arrangements for the Republic of Moldova
and Concludes 2017 Article IV Consultation

November 7, 2017 - Concluding Statement:
IMF Staff Concludes the 2017
Article IV Consultation with Moldova and
Reaches Staff Level Agreement on
the Second Review under the Extended Fund Facility and Extended Credit
October 24, 2017 -
IMF Press
An IMF mission
will visit Chişinău during October 25 - November 7, 2017...

6, 2017
Country Focus:
"Moldova: Back From The Brink, And
Getting Better"
August 22, 2017
Mr. Volodymyr Tulin, the new IMF Resident
Representative, arrived to Chisinau

July 15, 2017
- IMF Press
An IMF staff visit - a working
mission rather than a formal program review - led by
Ben Kelmanson will
visit Chisinau during July 17-21...

June 16, 2017
- Press
Ref.: Restructuring of Banca de
Economii (BEM) and BEM group banks...
May 2,
- Publication of the IMF Staff Report:
Republic of Moldova: First Reviews Under the Extended Credit Facility
Extended Fund Facility Arrangements and Request for Modification of
Performance Criteria
May 2, 2017
Publication of the
Letter of Intent, Supplementary Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies,
and Technical Memorandum of Understanding
May 2,
- Publication of the report:
Republic of Moldova: Economic Development Document
May 1, 2017 - IMF Press Release:
IMF Executive Board Completes the First Reviews under the Extended Credit
and Extended Fund Facility Arrangements for the Republic of Moldova

28, 2017
- IMF Press
Release: IMF Staff and the Moldovan
Authorities Reached a Staff-Level Agreement

February 2, 2017
- IMF Press
An IMF mission
will visit Chişinău during February 14-28, 2017...

December 22, 2016
- Press
On draft law on capital
liberalization & tax amnesties...
December 5, 2016
- IMF Press
An IMF mission
visited Chişinău during November 29-December 2, 2016...
November 9, 2016
Publication of the
Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, and
Memorandum of Understanding
November 9,
2016 -
Publication of the IMF Staff Report:
Republic of Moldova: Requests for an Extended Arrangement
Under the Extended
Fund Facility and an Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility
November 7,
2016 - IMF Press Release:
IMF Executive Board Approves
US$178.7 million Arrangements under the
Extended Fund Facility and the
Extended Credit Facility for the Republic of Moldova

October 20, 2016
- IMF Press
In response to media inquiries...

21, 2016
Press Release: IMF
supports reforms initiated by STS
July 26, 2016 - IMF Press
IMF Staff and the Moldovan
Authorities Reached a Staff-Level Agreement

July 15, 2016
- IMF Press
IMF Staff Concludes Visit to

June 9, 2016
- IMF Press
An IMF mission will visit Chişinău
during July 5-15, 2016...

May 27, 2016
- IMF Press
An IMF mission visited Chişinău
during May 23-27, 2016...

May 16, 2016
- IMF Press
A selection of questions from

May 4, 2016
- IMF Press
An IMF mission will visit Chişinău
during May 23-27, 2016...

March 1, 2016 - IMF Press
IMF Staff Concludes Visit to Moldova

February 29, 2016
- Publication of Moldova 2014 FSAP Package

February 16, 2016
An IMF mission will visit Chişinău
during February 23-29,

January 20, 2016
- Publication of the Staff Report for the
2015 Article IV Consultation and Third Post-Program
Discussions-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive
Director for the Republic of

January 20, 2016
- IMF Press
IMF Executive Board Concludes 2015
Article IV Consultation and Third Post-
Program Monitoring with Moldova
October 6, 2015 - IMF Press
IMF Staff Statement at the
Conclusion of the Mission to Republic of Moldova

September 22, 2015
- IMF Press
An IMF mission will visit Chişinău
during September 22-October 6, 2015...

April 28, 2015
"Structural Reforms and Growth", by
Norbert Funke and Martin Schindler at the JVI
Alumni Meeting in Chisinau
March 26, 2015
- IMF Press
An IMF mission will visit Chişinău
during March 30 - April 3, 2015...

December 19, 2014
- Publication of the Working Paper
Fragmentation and Vertical Fiscal Imbalances Lessons from

December 17, 2014
- Publication of the Republic of Moldova:
Second Post-Program Monitoring Discussions -
Staff Report; Staff Statement;
Statement by the Executive Director

December 17, 2014
- IMF Press
Release :
IMF Executive Board Concludes
Second Post-Program Monitoring Discussions
with the Republic of Moldova
October 7, 2014
- IMF Press
Release :
IMF Staff Concludes Second
Post-Program Monitoring Discussions in the Republic
of Moldova

October 7, 2014
Government of Moldova
Press Release: IMF experts
presented the results of the assessment made
during the 2nd PPM mission in

September 30, 2014
- Selection of Relevant Data on Moldova from the World Economic Outlook
(October 2014):
download PDF

September 30, 2014
Parliament of Moldova
Press Release: Igor Corman
met with IMF experts

September 29, 2014
Government of Moldova
Press Release: Prime Minister
Iurie Leanca met with IMF mission

September 22, 2014
- IMF Press
An IMF mission led by Mr. Max
Alier will visit Chişinău during September
25 - October 7, 2014 to conduct
the second Post-Program Monitoring...

July 22, 2014
Government of Moldova
Press Release: Premier, IMF
representatives address results of fact-collecting
mission to Moldova

July 8, 2014
- Publication of the 2014 Article IV
Consultation and First Post-Program Monitoring Discussions -
Staff Report;
Press Release; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Republic of

July 8, 2014
- IMF Press
IMF Executive Board Concludes 2014
Article IV Consultation and First Post-Program
Monitoring with the Republic
of Moldova
April 30, 2014
Republic of Moldova—Concluding
Statement for the 2014 Article IV Consultation Mission and First
Post-Program Monitoring Discussions

April 30, 2014
Government of Moldova
Press Release: IMF experts
gave a positive assessment to the evolution of
Moldova's economy
April 22, 2014
Government of Moldova
Press Release: Moldovan
premier meets IMF mission representatives

April 15, 2014
- IMF Press
An IMF mission headed by Max Alier
will visit Chişinău during April 22–30, 2014 to
conduct the discussions on
the 2014 Article IV consultation and Post-Program Monitoring...

April 10, 2014
Press Release: NBM Governor
and First-Vicegovernor Will Attend the Spring Meetings of the IMF
and the
World Bank

8, 2014
- Selection of Relevant Data on Moldova from the World Economic Outlook:
download PDF,
April 2014

April 7, 2014
Press Release: IMF
Technical Assistance for Investigation of Tax Frauds

March 6, 2014
Press Release: World Bank
and IMF have finalized the Financial Sector Assessment Program for

March 4, 2014
Government of Moldova
Press Release: Prime-minister
Iurie Leancă met the leadership of the IMF in
Washington today

February 18, 2014
Press Release: Data
Selection and Analysis Model for Compliance Risk Management Presented
by IMF's Technical Assistance Mission

February 18, 2014
Press Release: World Bank
and IMF have initiated the Financial Sector Assessment Program
for Moldova

February 5, 2014
Press Release: IMF Mission
Takes a Practical Approach to the Problems Related to the Reform
Modernization of the State Tax Service

January 30, 2014
- IMF Press
Statement at the Conclusion of an IMF Mission to the Republic of
January 27, 2014
Government of Moldova
Press Release: Prime-minister
Iurie Leancă met with Menno Snel, IMF's
Executive Director for Moldova

January 20, 2014
Press Release: Tax Gap
Assessment On the Agenda of Discussion Between STI and IMF

January 17, 2014
Parliament of Moldova
Press Release: Chairman of
the Parliament Met With IMF Officials

January 15, 2014
Government of Moldova
Press Release: Moldova, IMF
to negotiate new assistance programme
January 14, 2014
Press Release: IMF Experts
Offer Technical Assistance to the STI

November 28, 2013
Press Release: IMF Experts
Assist STI in the Reform and Modernization of the State Tax
October 13, 2013
Press Release: NBM
Officials at the IMF/WB Annual Meetings

October 1, 2013
- IMF Press
Statement by IMF Staff at the
Conclusion of the First Post-Program Monitoring
Mission to the Republic of
October 1, 2013
Government of Moldova
Press Release: IMF positively
appreciates program with Moldova
September 27, 2013
Press Release: IMF Mission
Discussed with STI About Budget Collections

September 18, 2013
Government of Moldova
Press Release: Moldova
interested to develop relations with IMF
September 13, 2013
- IMF Press
An IMF mission headed by Mr. Max
Alier will visit Moldova on September
18-October 1 to conduct the First
Post-Program Monitoring mission...

September 9, 2013
Press Release: IMF Expert
Supportes the Reform Agenda of the Management of the State Tax

September 6, 2013
Parliament of Moldova
Press Release: Igor Corman met
IMF's Resident Representative iin Moldova
Armine Khachatryan
August 28, 2013
Republic of Moldova: Poverty Reduction
Strategy Paper

August 28, 2013
Republic of Moldova: Poverty Reduction
Strategy Paper-Joint Staff Advisory Note (pdf)

August 22, 2013
Mrs. Armine Khachatryan, the new IMF Resident
Representative, arrived to Chisinau

August 20,
"Profit" Magazine:
The mission will
come back

August 20,
"Profit" Magazine:
Interview with Tokhir Mirzoev
IMF and Moldova: synchronization
of watches

August 8, 2013
"Rabotai & Otdyhai" Magazine:
Interview with Tokhir Mirzoev
The foundation can only be
secured by
the walls and the roof

July 12, 2013
President of Moldova
Press Release: President of the
Republic of Moldova Nicolae Timofti met with
Menno Snel, IMF's Executive
Director for Moldova
July 12, 2013
Government of Moldova
Press Release: Republic of
Moldova and IMF will initiate negotiations on a new
financing program in
July 11, 2013
Press Release: NBM Had
Discussions with IMF Executive Director

July 11, 2013
Parliament of Moldova
Press Release: Igor Corman met
IMF's Executive Director Menno Snel
July 11, 2013
Fiscal Monitor
Interview with Tokhir Mirzoev
Tax Service needs significant

June 28, 2013
Logos Press Weekly:
IMF comes back

June 26, 2013
Press Release: IMF Mission
Supports Tax Administration Modernization Efforts

June 25, 2013
Concluding Statement of the IMF
Mission to the Republic of Moldova

June 24, 2013
Infomarket: The IMF
is pleased with the results achieved in developing the economy in Moldova over
the last 3 years – Nikolay

June 24, 2013
Infotag: Nikolay
Gueorguiev: IMF is satisfied with country's economic development over past three

June 19, 2013
Government of Moldova
Press Release: New IMF mission
visits Moldova
June 18, 2013
Tokhir Mirzoev's presentation at the
International Conference "MACRO
2013: A global view on Moldova’s

June 14, 2013
Press Release: Tax
Administration Priorities Discussed with IMF Resident Representative

June 10,
"Profit" Magazine:
Interview with Tokhir Mirzoev:
A Meaningful Visit

May 28, 2013
Infotag: IMF mission to
visit Moldova in mid-June - Tokhir Mirzoev

May 14, 2013
- New on website:
Statistics for Moldova on International Reserves
and Foreign Currency
May 2, 2013
Nobil Luxury Butique Hotel magazine:
"A Few Questions for Tokhir
May 1, 2013
Economist Weekly:
Interview with Tokhir Mirzoev
Moldova's program with IMF had good results but the
laws approved in March
have reduced its efficiency

April 25, 2013
Radio Free Europe:
Interview with Tokhir Mirzoev:
"IMF will be able to discuss
about financial support
only within a new program, with a new government"
April 25, 2013
Infotag: Interview: "Tokhir
Mirzoev says that IMF remains open for discussing a new cooperation with
Moldova, and that there are substantial differences between 2009 year and
current economic situation in Moldova"

April 25, 2013
Interview with Tokhir Mirzoev:
"Moldova will not receive the
last tranche from IMF of
approximately $76 million and the current IMF's
three-year arrangement with Moldova will come to an end"

April 15, 2013
Fiscal Monitor
IMF grants assistance in
implementation of Risk Compliance Management

April 2, 2013
Infotag: Interview: "Tokhir
Mirzoev Hints IMF Mission May Not Come to Moldova Until Late April"

March 1, 2013
Interview with Tokhir Mirzoev
Mission Impossible

February 25, 2013
- IMF Press
In response to media questions
regarding the timing of the next IMF mission
to hold discussions with the
Moldovan authorities...

February 5, 2013
- IMF Press
In response to media queries
regarding the situation at Banca de Economii...

January 26, 2013
STI: IMF: Hopes,
priorities, and current problems of tax administration

January 23, 2013
Press Release: Visit of the
IMF's Technical Assistance Expert John Buchanan

December 21, 2012
"Profit" Magazine:
Interview with Tokhir Mirzoev:
A Christmas Wish List for Moldova

December 6, 2012
Chisinau Observer:
Interview with Tokhir Mirzoev "Moldova
Needs to Rely More on Itself"

November 28, 2012
- Publication of
Aide-Mémoire of the IMF mission to the Republic of Moldova
November 26, 2012
Publika TV:
On-air program "Banii tai"
("Your Money"), guest Tokhir Mirzoev
November 21, 2012
- IMF Press
Statement at the Conclusion of an
IMF Staff Mission to the Republic of

6, 2012
- IMF Press
IMF mission will visit Chisinau
during November 7-21, 2012

October 23, 2012
- Publication of Republic of Moldova: Selected Issues

October 23, 2012
- Publication of the Staff Report for the
2012 Article IV Consultation, Fifth Reviews Under the
Extended Arrangement
and Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility, and
Requests for
Waivers for Non-Observance and Modification of Performance

October 23, 2012
Publication of the Letter of Intent and
Supplementary Memorandum of Economic and Financial

October 16, 2012
Press Release: Opportunities
of the IMF/WB Annual Meetings

October 8, 2012
Press Release: NBM
Officials will Participate in the IMF/WB Annual Meetings

October 2, 2012
- IMF Press
Release: IMF Executive Board
Completes Fifth Reviews Under the Extended Credit Facility
and the Extended
Fund Facility Arrangements with Moldova, Approves US$77.0 Million in Disbursements
1, 2012
- Public Information
Notice: IMF Executive Board
Concludes 2012 Article IV Consultation with the
Republic of Moldova
August 7,
"Profit" Magazine:
Interview with Tokhir Mirzoev:
IMF Ready to Discuss the New Memorandum

July 11, 2012
- IMF TA Report released:
Moldova -
Technical Assistance Report on Taking Compliance Management
June 30,
"Profit" Magazine:
Interview with Tokhir Mirzoev:
More recommendations from IMF

18, 2012
Government of Moldova
Press Release: Prime Minister Vlad Filat met with Menno Snel,
Director in the IMF

May 21, 2012
Moldova – 2012 Article IV
Consultation, Concluding Statement
May 17, 2012
- IMF Press
Release: IMF Reaches Staff-Level
Agreement with Moldova on Fifth Reviews of Extended Credit
Fund Facility Arrangements

26, 2012
- IMF Press
IMF mission will visit Chisinau
during May 3-17, 2012

April 26, 2012
Tokhir Mirzoev's Presentation at the
Conference on Corporate Governance in
Moldova's Banking and
Financial Sector

March 23, 2012 -
Logos Press Weekly:
Interview with Tokhir Mirzoev

March 20, 2012 -
Fiscal Monitor
Interview with Tokhir Mirzoev
"Tax Service needs significant

March 1, 2012
- Publication of IMF
Working Paper:
Fiscal Policy Response to External Crises the Case of Moldova
February 22, 2012
- News Portal:
Interview with Tokhir Mirzoev

February 13, 2012 - News Portal:
Interview with Tokhir Mirzoev

February 10, 2012
Survey: Interview with Nikolay Gueoguiev
Moldova Growing Strongly Despite
Rising Risks

February 9, 2012
Publication of the Staff Report:
Fourth Reviews Under the Extended Arrangement
and Under the
Three-Year Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility, and
Requests for Waiver for Nonobservance of a
Performance Criterion and for
Modification of a Performance Criterion

February 9, 2012
Publication of the Letter of Intent,
Supplementary Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies,
Technical Memorandum of Understanding
February 1, 2012
- IMF Press
Release: IMF Executive Board
Completes Fourth Reviews Under the Extended Credit
Facility and the Extended
Fund Facility Arrangements with Moldova, Approves US$77.5 Million Disbursements

November 2, 2011
- IMF Press
Release: IMF Reaches Staff-Level
Agreement with Moldova on Fourth Reviews of Extended
Facility/Extended Fund Facility Arrangements

30, 2011 -
Interview with Tokhir Mirzoev

30, 2011 -
Infotag: Discussion
with Tokhir Mirzoev

27, 2011
"Business Class" Magazine:
Tokhir Mirzoev: Comment
about the gold

September 22, 2011
Concluding Statement of the IMF
September 12, 2011
- IMF Press
IMF mission will visit Chisinau
during September 13-21, 2011
July 27,
"Business Class" Magazine:
Tokhir Mirzoev:
Comment on the CIT policy

July 27,
"Business Class" Magazine:
Tokhir Mirzoev:
Comment on the exchange rate policy

July 25, 2011
- Publication of the Staff Report Bundle:
Third Reviews Under the Extended Arrangement
and Under the
Three-Year Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility, and
Request for Modification of Performance Criteria

July 21, 2011
- Publication of the
Letter of Intent,
Supplementary Memorandum of Economic and
Financial Policies,
and Technical Memorandum of Understanding
July 13, 2011
- IMF Press
Release: IMF Executive Board
Completes Third Reviews Under the Extended Credit Facility and
the Extended
Fund Facility Arrangements with Moldova, Approves US$79 Million Disbursement

June 30, 2011 -
Infotag: IMF does not
expect new negotiations with the Government of Moldova on VAT for sugar

June 3, 2011
Chisinau Press Club
Discussion with Tokhir Mirzoev
May 20, 2011
Infotag: Interview with
Tokhir Mirzoev

19, 2011
The European Times: Moldova
Tokhir Mirzoev's comment about Moldova's progress
May 12, 2011
- IMF Press
Release: IMF Reaches Staff-Level
Agreement with Moldova on Third Review of Extended Credit
Fund Facility Arrangements

27, 2011
Government of Moldova
Press Release: Prime Minister
Vlad Filat met with the IMF mission, headed by
Nikolay Gueorguiev
April 22, 2011
IMF publication:
Republic of Moldova: Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper - Progress Report
April 21, 2011
- IMF Press Statement:
IMF mission will visit Chisinau
during April 27-May 12, 2011
20, 2006
- Nikolay Gueorguiev: Interview to
Moldova should develop engines of
alternative to money transfers. Money transfers may stop one day”
April 18, 2011 -
Info-Prim Neo:
Excerpts from Tokhir Mirzoev's
interview to Radio Moldova

April 15, 2011
Publication of the Staff Report; Staff Statement;
Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion;
and Statement by the
Executive Director for the Republic of Moldova
April 15, 2011
Publication of the Letter of Intent,
Supplementary Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies,
Technical Memorandum of Understanding

13, 2011
Ministry of Finance Press Statement:
Minister of Finance Veaceslav
Negruta Will Participate at the 2011
Spring Meetings of the IMF & WB
7, 2011
- IMF Press
Release: IMF Executive Board
Completes Second Review Under the ECF and the EFF
Arrangements with Moldova,
Approves US$79 Million Disbursement

February 16, 2011
- IMF Press
Release: IMF Reaches Staff-Level
Agreement with Moldova on Second Review of Extended
Credit Facility/Extended
Fund Facility Arrangements
16, 2011
Government of Moldova
Press Release: Prime Minister
Vlad Filat and IMF mission head Nikolay
Gueorguiev held a news briefing on
the results of the second review mission
1, 2011
Government of Moldova
Press Release: Prime Minister
Vlad Filat had a meeting with IMF mission
1, 2011
STI Press Release: IMF
Assistance in implementing the Taxpayer Compliance Program
January 20, 2011
- IMF Press Statement:
IMF mission will visit Chisinau
during February 2-16, 2011
29, 2010
- Tokhir Mirzoev: Interview to
Economist Weekly:
main challenge in 2011 will be to
continue the
reforms started in 2010

29, 2010
- Tokhir Mirzoev: Interview to
Komsomolskaya Pravda:
Quick recovery of Moldova's economy after
the crisis has been a surprise for IMF

December 3 , 2010 -
STI Press Release: IMF
mission provides assistance to Moldova's tax authority
October 21 , 2010 -
Moldpres: IMF
official says Moldova overcame the crisis
October 21, 2010 -
Mirzoev: Presentation of the
Regional Economic Outlook

October 6, 2010
Ministry of Finance Press Statement:
Moldova Delegation Will
Participate at 2010 Annual Meetings of
the IMF & WB in Washington

September 30, 2010
- IMF Press Statement:
IMF Perspective on Recent Economic Developments in Moldova
July 27, 2010 -
IMF Country Report: Republic of
Moldova: Request for a Three-Year Arrangement Under the Extended
Facility and Request for an Extended Arrangement - Staff Report; Supplement;
Staff Statement, Executive
Director's Statement
July 27, 2010 -
Publication of the Letter of Intent and
Supplementary Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies
July 27, 2010 -
Public Information Notice: IMF
Executive Board Concludes 2010 Article IV Consultation with the Republic

July 16, 2010
IMF Press Release: IMF Executive
Board Completes First Review Under the Extended Credit Facility and
Extended Fund Facility Arrangements with Moldova
8, 2010
Chisinau Observer:
Interview with Tokhir Mirzoev on
tax policy

May 31,
"Profit" Magazine:
Interview with Tokhir Mirzoev:
Reforms, First and Foremost

May 13, 2010
Government of Moldova's Press Release: Prime
Minister Vlad Filat and head of IMF mission Nikolay
Gueorguiev held a press
conference today
May 13, 2010
Moldova–2010 Article IV
Consultation, Concluding Statement
May 13, 2010
- IMF Press Statement:
IMF Reaches Staff-Level Agreement
with Moldova on First Review of Extended
Credit Facility/Extended Fund
Facility Arrangements
May 5, 2010 -
Chisinau Observer Weekly
"The IMF Mission Is Meeting the

Government of Moldova's Press Release: Prime
Minister Vladimir Filat met today the IMF mission, headed
by Nikolay Gueorguiev
April 27, 2010
- IMF Press Statement:
IMF mission will begin its work in
Chişinău on April 28, 2010
10, 2010
- Tokhir Mirzoev: Interview to
Komsomolskaya Pravda:
A sharp increase in wages would lead to...
unemployment and price increases

February 2, 2010
Government of Moldova's Press
Release: Prime Minister
Vladimir Filat participated at the IMF press
February 2, 2010 -
IMF Country Report: Republic of
Moldova: Request for a Three-Year Arrangement Under the
Extended Credit
Facility and Request for an Extended Arrangement - Staff Report; Supplement;
Staff Statement,
Executive Director's Statement
February 2, 2010 -
Publication of the Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, and
Technical Memorandum
of Understanding

February 1, 2010
"Business Class" Magazine:
Tokhir Mirzoev:
Comment on public sector employment in Moldova

January 29, 2010
IMF Press Release: IMF Executive
Board Approves US$574 ECF/EFF Arrangements for Moldova
January 29, 2010
IMF Video: IMF approves ECF and EFF for Moldova
January 22, 2010
Government of Moldova's Press
Release: Prime Minister Vlad
Filat met the IMF's Executive
Director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn
January 20 , 2010
STI Press Release: IMF
mission on tax administration
October 28, 2009
Government of Moldova's Press
Release: Prime Minister
Vladimir Filat and head of IMF mission
Nikolay Gueorguiev held a press
conference today
October 28, 2009
IMF Press Release: IMF Announces
Staff-Level Agreement with Moldova for Extended Credit
Arrangement of About US$ 600 Million
October 12, 2009
Ministry of Finance Press Statement:
Moldova Delegation Participated in
the Annual Meetings of the

October 7, 2009 -
Capital Market:
IMF experts recommend Moldovan
financial companies to be vigilant in their clients'
30, 2009 -
Capital Market:
IMF will grant assistance to the
NCFM on AML/CFT matters
27, 2009 - Johan Mathisen: Interview to
Logos Press Weekly
What is more rational

26, 2009
"Business Expert" Magazine:
Johan Mathisen: "IMF can
intervene rapidly, but let's see the result of
the political process"

20, 2009 -
Infotag: IMF ready to
begin talks on new assistance program with new government immediately

2, 2009
- Johan Mathisen: Interview to
Chisinau Observer Weekly
"The next mission will come to
Chisinau fairly

May 26, 2009 - IMF Press Statement: IMF mission will work in
Chisinau during May 28–June 10, 2009
May 22, 2009 - Johan Mathisen: Interview to
Stroy-Business Magazine

April 22, 2009
- IMF Press Statement: The IMF stands ready to
support Moldova...
April 3, 2009
- Johan Mathisen: Interview to
Novosti-Moldova: Moldova
can benefit from preferential loans
23, 2009
- Johan Mathisen: Interview to
"Business Expert" Magazine
"Moldova has a limited choice of
options available"

13, 2009
- Johan Mathisen: Interview to
Logos Press Weekly Anti-crisis measures for Moldova

6, 2009 - Johan Mathisen: Interview to
Novosti-Moldova: "Influence
of world financial crisis on Moldova will be
stronger than it was forecasted
16, 2009
- IMF Press Statement:
IMF mission visited Chisinau...
16, 2009
STI Press Release: Proposal
from IMF TA mission
December 15, 2008 - IMF Press Statement:
IMF mission concluded visit to
December 4, 2008 -
Government of Moldova's Press
Release: Prime Minister Z.
Grecianii had a meeting with the IMF
mission, which started its work
in Chisinau
November 26, 2008
- IMF Press Statement:
Round Tables on AML/CFT
Supervision and Inspections
November 24, 2008
Johan Mathisen at the
Economic Press Club:
"The first signs of recovery
will be observed in 2010"
November 24, 2008
Round table on anti–money laundering
and combating financing terrorism

November 11,
- IMF Press Statement: IMF mission will work in Chisinau during

October 10, 2008
Ministry of Finance Press Statement:
Moldova Delegation Will
Participate in the Annual Meetings of
the IMF & WB in Washington

October 10, 2008
Logos Press:
"Firm stability"

October 10, 2008
Novosti-Moldova: Future
development of Moldova's financial system will yield many positive
says IMF Resident Representative 
October 9, 2008 -
CEI Summit Economic Forum / Moldova Investment Forum: J. Mathisen's
presentation "Moldova at a
- the challenges ahead to sustain growth over the medium term"

October 8, 2008
TV Moldova: On-air dialogue: IMF's Christophe Rosenberg and Johan
Mathisen invited to the
"European Vector" program

October 8, 2008
IDIS Viitorul:
IMF Resident Representative in
Moldova speaks to young leaders about main
economic challenges
6, 2008 -
IMF Country Report: Republic of
Moldova: Fourth Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under
the Poverty
Reduction and Growth Facility and Request for Waiver of Nonobservance of Performance Criterion -
Staff Report; Staff Report Supplement; and Press Release
September 18,
- IMF Press Statement:
IMF mission concluded visit to
13, 2008
- IMF Press Statement:
IMF TA mission concluded its work on Aug-12
August 7, 2008
Publication of the Financial System
Stability Assessment - Update
1, 2008
- Publication of IMF
Working Paper:
Zero Corporate Income Tax in Moldova: Tax Competition and Its
for Eastern Europe
August 1, 2008 -
Ministry of Finance Press Statement:
IMF Mission Pays a Working Visit to
MoF and STI During July 30 -
August 12, 2008

31, 2008 -
STI Press Release: IMF
July 30, 2008
Capital Market:
IMF supports NCFM's AML efforts

July 24, 2008
- IMF Press Statement:
Workshop on Effective
Implementation of Customer Due Diligence Requirements
July 14, 2008
Publication of the Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, and
of Understanding (June 30, 2008)

14, 2008 - IMF Press
Release: IMF Executive Board
Completes Fourth Review of Moldova's PRGF Arrangement and
Approves US$18.6
Million Disbursement
24, 2008
- Johan Mathisen: Interview to
Comments on inflation
9, 2008
- Johan Mathisen: Interview to Business
"It is our opinion that any
increase of reserves
contributes to taming the inflation"
29, 2008
- Johan Mathisen: Interview to
Chisinau Observer
lower inflation,
one needs to dampen
credit growth"
Logos Press:
IMF shows a reserved optimism

May 20, 2008
Infotag: Moldova to
receive $18 million in the near future

May 20,
- IMF Press Statement:
IMF mission concluded visit to
8, 2008
Moldpres: Moldovan
government to strengthen cooperation with IMF
6, 2008 - IMF Press Statement:
IMF mission will work in Chisinau during May 7-21
April 30, 2008
- Op-Ed: Nikoloz Gigineishvili and Johan Mathisen "Inflation
in Moldova"

April 29, 2008 -
IMF Country Report: Republic
of Moldova: 2007 Article IV Consultation and Third Review Under the
Arrangement Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility - Staff Report;
Staff Supplement; Public
Information Notice and Press Release on the
Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for
Republic of Moldova

April 29, 2008
IMF Country Report: Republic
of Moldova: Statistical Appendix

April 29, 2008
IMF Country Report: Republic
of Moldova: Selected Issues

April 29, 2008
IMF Country Report: Republic of Moldova:
Joint Staff Advisory Note of the Poverty Reduction Strategy

April 29, 2008
IMF Country Report: Republic of Moldova:
Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper - National Development
Strategy Report for

March 20, 2008
Publication of the Public Information Notice:
IMF Executive Board Concludes 2007
Article IV
Consultation with the Republic of Moldova
March 19, 2008
- Johan Mathisen:
Presentation at the Economic Press Club

March 19, 2008
- Op-Ed: Johan Mathisen "Moldova’s
Labor Market: Prospects Improving?"

March 19, 2008
Government of Moldova's Press
Release: Prime Minister
Vasile Tarlev met with Johan Mathisen,
Resident Representative
March 17, 2008
- Johan Mathisen: Interview to Business
Assessment of latest
developments on the foreign
exchange market
March 14, 2008
Publication of the Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, and
of Understanding (February 19, 2008)
13, 2008 - IMF Press
IMF Executive Board Completes Third
Review Under the PRGF Arrangement with
Moldova and Approves US$18.6 Million

March 12, 2008
Capital Market:
Johan Mathisen: "Leu still has room
for real appreciation against the dollar"

20, 2008
Vienna Economic Forum - Moldova Meeting:
J. Mathisen's presentation
13, 2008
- IMF Press Statement:
IMF TA mission concluded its work on Feb-8

28, 2008 - IMF Press Statement:
IMF TA mission concluded its work on Jan-25
January 25, 2008 -
Ministry of Finance Press Statement:
IMF Technical Assistance Mission
Concluded Its Work on
January 25
January 11, 2008
- Johan Mathisen: Interview to Business
Moldova has the required
potential for attracting
investments in all sectors of the economy
9, 2008 -
Moldova - 2007 Article IV
Consultation, Concluding Statement of the IMF Mission

21, 2007 -
Info-Prim Neo:
IMF does not regard Moldova as a
country that depends on remittances anymore

20, 2007 - IMF Press Statement: A
mission from the IMF's European Department, headed by Graeme Justice
Chisinau during December 5-21,

M. Piatkowski:
of the paper "Zero Corporate Income Tax in
Tax Competition
and Its Implications for Eastern Europe"

International seminar held at the NBM: "Monetary
transmission and inflation modeling seminar in

November 21, 2007 -
Capital Market:
Economic situation in Moldova is much better than projected, says IMF

November 7, 2007 -
Capital Market:
"NBM's decapitalization: true or

19, 2007
Ministry of Finance Press Statement:
Minister of Finance Mihail Pop Will
Participate at the 2007
Annual Meetings of the IMF & WB
October 16, 2007 - IMF Press Statement:
Joint IMF/World Bank FSAP mission
concluded its work on October 12
October 12, 2007 -
IMF Press Statement:
IMF TA mission concluded its work
on October 11
September 21, 2007
Logos Press: "NBM
intends to keep inflation under 10 percent", interview with
Victor Cibotaru,
NBM's First Vicegovernor

September 28, 2007 -
Pro TV:
IMF is preoccupied with the level of inflation in Moldova (video)

September 27, 2007
- IMF Press Statement: A
mission from the IMF's European Department, headed by Graeme Justice
visited Chisinau
during September 20-27, 2007

September 27, 2007 -
IMF Press Statement:
IMF TA mission concluded its
work on Sep-26
September 27, 2007 -
IMF Press Statement:
IMF TA mission concluded its
work on Sep-25

September 21, 2007
Logos Press: "Financial
security of growth"

September 14, 2007
Infotag (Weekly Finance Issue):
Johan Mathisen:
Moldova's outlook for further cooperation
the IMF is good

September 14, 2007
Info-Prim Neo:
IMF still
concerned about inflation in Moldova
September 14, 2007
- IMF Country Report: Republic of
Moldova: Second Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement
Under the Poverty
Reduction and Growth Facility and Request for Waiver of Nonobservance of Performance Criterion -
Staff Report; Staff Statement; Staff Supplement;
Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by
Executive Director for the Republic of Moldova
September 12, 2007
Government of Moldova's Press Release: New
head of International Monetary Fund's mission to
visit Chisinau
July 20, 2007
- Publication of the Letter of Intent, Memorandum of
Economic and Financial Policies, and Technical
Memorandum of Understanding
(June 25, 2007)
July 13, 2007
Government of Moldova's Press Release: Moldovan
premier participates in videoconference with
International Monetary Fund's
chief negotiator for Moldova
July 13, 2007
- IMF Press Release: IMF Executive
Board Completes Second Review of Moldova's PRGF Arrangement and
US$33.1 Million Disbursement
July 13,
2007 - IMF Press Statement:
New IMF Mission Chief for Moldova

July 12, 2007
General Mayor of Chisinau, Dorin
Chirtoacă, received Johan Mathisen, IMF Resident
Representative in

June 15, 2007 - IMF Press Statement:
IMF TA mission concludes its work on
June 15
June 14, 2007 - IMF Press Statement:
IMF TA mission concludes its work on
June 14
June 14, 2007 -
Ministry of Finance Press Statement:
Chisinau Hosted the Annual Meeting
of the IMF & WB
Constituency, June 9-10

May 11, 2007 -
Logos Press:
"Winners are not tried"

May 9, 2007 - Thomas Richardson: Interview to
President's initiatives will be
effective only if complemented
by other broader reforms
May 9, 2007
BBC: IMF concerned
about tax amnesty suggested by the Government

May 9, 2007 -
Eco: The IMF and
Chisinau authorities share different opinions on the increase of salaries in
the public

May 9, 2007 -
Moldova Suverana: Preliminary
agreement on the new Memorandum with IMF

May 8, 2007
- IMF Press Statement: A
mission from the IMF's European Department, headed by Thomas Richardson,
visited Chisinau during April 25-May 8, 2007

May 2, 2007
- Newsclip: President
Voronin awarded 'Civic Merit' medal to an IMF Director
April 26, 2007 -
Ministry of Finance Press Statement:
On April 25, Mr Mihail Pop, Minister
of Finance Had a Meeting
with the IMF EUR Mission Headed by Mr Thomas

April 19, 2007
- Johan Mathisen: Interview to
Chisinau Observer Weekly:
must become the state's
clients -
they must be valued and cared for"

April 13, 2007 - Johan Mathisen: Interview to Basa-Press:
If program goals are intact the
IMF will continue to finance
April 12, 2007
- IMF Press Statement: A
mission from the IMF's European Department, headed by Thomas Richardson,
will work in Chisinau from April 25, to May 8, 2007

April 3, 2007 - IMF Press Statement: IMF
technical assistance mission on tax policy and administration

March 2006
Profit Magazine (Banks
& Finance):
Fear has big
eyes, or optimism about GDP in 2007

March 2, 2007 -
Logos Press:
"Encouraging projections"

March 1, 2007 - Thomas Richardson,
presentation to Parliamentarians:
"Moldova and the IMF:
Evolution of a Partnership"

February 28, 2007 - IMF Press Statement: ...The
IMF mission took stock of the work of the government and NBM in
commitments under the PRGF-supported program

February 9, 2007 - Johan Mathisen: Interview to
Logos Press Weekly "Hierarchy
of Priorities"

February 7, 2007 - IMF Press Statement: A mission from the IMF's European Department, headed by
Thomas Richardson,
will work in Chisinau during February 21-28, 2007

February 7, 2007 - IMF Country
released: Republic of Moldova: First
Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement
Under the Poverty Reduction and
Growth Facility and Requests for Waiver of Performance Criterion and
of Access - Staff Report; Staff Supplement; Press Release
on the Executive
Board Discussion; and Statement by the
Executive Director
for the Republic of Moldova

February 7, 2007 -
Publication of the Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies
for 2007, and
Technical Memorandum
of Understanding
December 21, 2006
- Basa-Press:
Second disbursement
of the IMF loan in the amount of US$48.1 million was transferred
the account of the National Bank
of Moldova
December 15, 2006 - IMF Press
Release: IMF Executive Board
completes first review under PRGF arrangement for
Moldova and approves
augmentation of access and US$48.2 million disbursement
December 15, 2006 - IMF Press Statement: IMF's
Executive Board approves increase of loan for Moldova under PRGF and
48.2 million disbursement

December 13, 2006 -
Donors' Conference for Moldova:
Statement by the Staff of the IMF -
December 12, 2006
December 13, 2006 -
Conclusions of
the Donors Consultative Group on Moldova -
Brussels, December 12,
November 24, 2006
Profit Magazine (Banks
& Finance):
IMF has inspected
Moldova: How they see us, or
the $45 million

October 26, 2006 - Thomas Richardson: Interview to
Chisinau Observer Weekly:
"There is no such thing as free lunch"

October 26, 2006 -
Flux Newspaper:
IMF is concerned with the rising
inflation in Moldova
October 25, 2006 -
Joint Press Statement of the
IMF office and the Government of
October 22, 2006 - Thomas Richardson:
Statement for Moldova-1 TV: The IMF like the rest of the
community is ready to help Moldova to deal with the
difficulties it faces
October 11, 2006 -
Government's Press Service:
Report on Prime Minister's
meeting with the IMF mission
October 6, 2006 -
IMF Press Statement:
A mission from the IMF's European
Department, headed by Thomas Richardson,
will work in Chisinau during October 11-25
September 29, 2006 -
Profit Magazine (Banks
& Finance):
of Moldova: Who Needs Whom Most?

September 29, 2006 - IMF Press Statement:
IMF TA mission
concludes its
work on
September 27, 2006 - Johan Mathisen: Interview to
Capital Market Weekly
September 21, 2006 - Johan Mathisen: Interview to
Chisinau Observer Weekly:
"Looking ahead, we remain optimists"

August 25, 2006 - IMF Press Statement:
IMF TA mission
concludes its
work on August 25
August 4, 2006 - IMF Press Statement:
IMF technical assistance mission
on AML/CFT issues
July 25, 2006 - IMF Press Statement:
IMF technical assistance mission
on tax administration
July 21, 2006 - IMF Press Statement:
IMF staff visit (July 12-21)
June 21, 2006 - IMF Press Statement:
IMF FAD mission concludes its work on
June 21
May 27, 2006 - IMF Country
released: Republic of Moldova: Poverty
Reduction Strategy Paper Annual
Evaluation Report 2005 - Joint Staff
Advisory Note
May 27, 2006 - IMF Country
released: Republic of Moldova: Statistical Appendix 
May 26, 2006 - IMF Country
released: Republic of Moldova: 2006
Article IV Consultation and Request for a
Three-Year Arrangement Under the
Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility -
Staff Report; Staff
Statement; Public
Information Notice and Press Release
on the Executive Board Discussion;
and Statement by the Executive Director
for the Republic of Moldova

May 19, 2006 -
Government's Press Service,
Info-Prim Neo:
Reports about the press
May 19, 2006 - MEFP
published. Press
conference: The Government
of Moldova and the IMF have agreed to jointly
publish the MEFP...
May 19, 2006 - Johan Mathisen: Interview to
Logos Press Weekly: "No God, No Tsar, No Hero…"

May 17, 2006 - IMF Public
Information Notice: IMF
Executive Board Concludes 2006 Article IV Consultation with the
Republic of
May 17, 2006 -
Infotag: Zinaida Grecianîi:
Relations with IMF and WB will be
good provided reforms are efficient
May 15, 2006 -
Moldova has received the first
tranche of the IMF's preferential credit in the amount of
$17 million within
the new financing program
May 12, 2006 - Paris Club
Press Release: The Paris Club
and Moldova agree to a debt restructuring
May 5, 2006 - IMF Press
Release: IMF approves US$118.2
million arrangement under the Poverty Reduction and Growth
Facility with
May 5, 2006 - IMF Press Statement: IMF's
Executive Board approves US$118.2 million PGRF agreement with Moldova

May 3, 2006 - Joint IMF & NBS Press Statement: Republic
of Moldova joins world's top third in provision of advanced

May 3, 2006 - IMF Press Release: Republic
of Moldova Subscribes to the IMF Special Data Dissemination Standard
April 7, 2006 -
Moldpres: Jeroen Kremers:
Moldova's cooperation programme with
IMF likely to be approved in May
March 23, 2006 - Johan Mathisen: Interview to
Radio Free Europe and
This is the time
to take full
of the good will of donors and authorities' commitment to
implement reforms...

March 17, 2006 - IMF Survey, vol. 35, no. 3:
Building a better future at home: remittances in
March 13, 2006
- International Monetary Fund: Moldova
- Report on Observance of Standards and Codes - Data Module,
Response by the
Authorities, and Detailed Assessments Using the DQAF
February 10, 2006 -
IMF Press
Statement: An IMF mission headed by Thomas Richardson visited Chisinau
February 1-10, 2006 to conclude Article IV discussions and continue
discussions on policies
for a
program that can be supported by PRGF...
February 3, 2006 - Johan Mathisen: Interview to
Logos Press Weekly: Foreign exchange lending: arguments
for and
against it

January 27, 2006 - Johan Mathisen: Interview to
Logos Press Weekly: Having agreed on the main points, we

December 19, 2005 - International Monetary Fund: Moldova
- 2005 Article IV Consultation, Concluding Statement of the
December 16, 2005 -
Moldpres: New IMF mission
to come to Chisinau to complete negotiations on financing programme
November 29, 2005 -
IMF Press
Statement: An IMF mission, headed by Mr. Thomas Richardson, will work in
from Dec-1 to Dec-16, 2005...
November 29, 2005 -
Johan Mathisen - new IMF Resident
Representative in Moldova

October 21, 2005 - Basa-Press:
IMF mission is
cautiously optimistic about starting a new programme for Moldova

October 6, 2005 -
Moldpres: International
Monetary Fund's mission to
visit Moldova on 13-20 October
October 5, 2005 - Edgardo Ruggiero: Interview to
Radio Free Europe and
"Moldova is growing and its
changing under our own eyes..."
September 9, 2005 - Comment: Moldova's external trade
balance - will the deficit rise, or does the
Moldovan economy have the
"Dutch Disease"?
July 20, 2005 -
First comprehensive migration and
remittances study was launched in Chisinau
July 7, 2005
Chisinau Observer:
saw, assessed...
July 1, 2005 -
Infotag: Thomas
Richardson: IMF may resume talks with Moldova in Q4
May 27, 2005 -
Logos Press:
New IMF Mission Chief to Moldova

May 25, 2005 - Edgardo Ruggiero:
Interview to "ECO"
Weekly Newspaper
May 20, 2005 -
IMF waits for achievements from the
Moldovan government
February 23, 2005 -
IMF Country Report
released: Republic of Moldova: Financial System
Stability Assessment
(including ROSCs on Monetary and
Financial Policy Transparency, and on Banking Supervision)
February 17, 2005 - IMF Country
released: Republic of Moldova:
Selected Issues
February 17, 2005 - IMF Country
released: Republic of Moldova:
Statistical Appendix
February 17, 2005 - IMF Country
released: Republic of Moldova: 2004
Article IV Consultation - Staff Report;
Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement
by the Executive Director for the Republic
of Moldova
February 17, 2005 - IMF Public
Information Notice: IMF concludes 2004
Article IV consultation with the Republic of
February 10, 2005 - Basa-Press:
IMF Directors
appreciate Moldovan growth,
but advise Chisinau to
speed up reforms
January 5, 2005
- Edgardo Ruggiero:
Interview to "ECO"
Weekly Newspaper
December 20, 2004 - IMF Country
released: Republic of Moldova: Report on
the Observance of Standards and
Codes - Fiscal Transparency Module
December 8, 2004 - IMF Country
released: Republic of Moldova: Poverty Reduction
Strategy Paper
December 8, 2004 - IMF Country
released: Republic of Moldova: Joint Staff
Advisory Note of the Poverty
Reduction Strategy Paper
December 1, 2004
- IMF Press Release: IMF
Executive Board reviews the Republic of Moldova's Poverty Reduction
Paper and Joint IMF-World Bank Staff Advisory Note
November 12, 2004 - Edgardo Ruggiero: Interview to
"A priority would be to accelerate
November 5, 2004
Logos Press:
IMF mission visited Moldova
November 3, 2004 - Basa-Press:
IMF mission
chief says Moldovan government registers some progress, but reforms are

October 26, 2004 - -
Economic comment: Renewal of
external financing is not under discussion. Yet
October 18, 2004
- Edgardo Ruggiero: IMF press
conference on the occasion of Article IV Mission arrival:
Full transcript
August 30, 2004 -
VIP Magazin:
Edgardo Ruggiero: About the IMF And
the Ladies

May 21, 2004 -
Ignacio Ibarra about Rodrigo Rato,
the new IMF Managing Director
27, 2004 -
Moldavskie Vedomosti:
"IMF continues not to give
money to Moldova"
March 26, 2004 -
Logos Press/Interlic:
IMF doesn't like Moldova's business
March 25, 2004 - -
Marta Castello Branco: "The ball is in
Moldova's government court"
March 24, 2004 -
IMF remarks problems with the
implementation of policies in the Economic Growth and
Poverty Reduction Strategy
March 16, 2004 - Basa-Press:
IMF Resident
Representative says EGPRSP is rather good, the Fund expects
February 19, 2004 - IMF
Country Report
released: Republic of Moldova:
Statistical Appendix
February 19, 2004 -
IMF Country Report
released: Republic of Moldova: 2003
Article IV Consultation - Staff Report;
and Public Information Notice on the
Executive Board Discussion
February 3, 2004 - IMF Public Information Notice: IMF
concludes 2003 Article IV consultation with the Republic of
December 24, 2003 - Edgardo Ruggiero: Interview to
"The resumption of financing
is dependant on the
economic program that will be prepared by the Moldovan
December 24, 2003 - Edgardo Ruggiero: Interview to
Basa-Press: "In 2004
we hope to build on the basis of what we have
learned in 2003 and 2002"
14, 2003 -
Logos Press: IMF stands ready
to discuss the new program
November 13, 2003 -
Chisinau Observer:
IMF ready to give more freedom of action to Moldova
November 11, 2003 - Basa-Press:
IMF mission head
avoids forecasts over beginning of negotiations on new financing
program of
Moldova, saying everything depends on government...

October 27, 2003 - Basa-Press:
Negotiations over a
new programme for Moldova may begin in early 2004 under the most
scenario - Edgardo Ruggiero...

October 24, 2003 - Edgardo Ruggiero: Interview to
"There are not so many
examples in the world, where
governments decide on who and where should
October 22, 2003 - Edgardo Ruggiero: Interview to
"The most important thing for
investments growth is
to have a favorable business environment"

October 17, 2003 - Basa-Press:
IMF mission to
arrive in Chisinau on October 28 to assess economic performance...

September 21, 2003 - Edgardo Ruggiero: Interview to
Pro TV: "The key
is to develop sound economic policies"
September 10, 2003 - Edgardo Ruggiero: Interview to
Infotag: "External lending may be
resumed in Q2 2004, at best"

September 9, 2003 - Edgardo Ruggiero: Interview to
Basa-Press: "If everything goes fast, new
financing programme for
Moldova could be approved in the first half of 2004"

July 30, 2003 -
AP Flux:
The IMF stopped financing for the
Republic of Moldova because the government did not fulfill
July 30, 2003 - Basa-Press:
Moldova not
persuading IMF to release new tranche
in September...

July 30, 2003 -
Infotag: Press
conference of the IMF Resident Representative Edgardo
Moldova will not get
IMF credit in 2003. Moldova unable to apply to Paris Club for debt
July 14, 2003 - Edgardo Ruggiero: Interview to -
Moldova has to undertake four more
steps in order to
unlock external financing
June 27, 2003 - Jeroen J. M. Kremers: Interview to
Moldpres News Agency: Moldova
has important economic assets
that should be fully exploited
June 27, 2003 -
Logos Press: Jeroen J. M. Kremers -
In order to establish an efficient
market economy in Moldova,
focused work is needed
June 19, 2003 -
Moldova may receive the next $15m tranche from IMF in September 2003...
June 19, 2003 -
AP Flux:
The government
must fulfill, till July 21st, a series of requirements to obtain financing
June 19, 2003 -
"Chisinau Observer"
Weekly Newspaper: Moldova
has last chance to get IMF credit
June 19, 2003 -
Infotag: IMF may resume
lending in September...
June 19, 2003 - Basa-Press:
IMF mission,
Moldovan government reached preliminary agreement, some problems not
resolved yet...
June 19, 2003 -
Mission reached a preliminary
agreement with the government, but there are still many
issues to be

June 6, 2003 - Edgardo
Ruggiero: "Visit of the IMF mission is a chance of success, but it does
guarantee the success"
June 5, 2003 -
Practically none of the prior
actions agreed with the IMF were met in full...

June 5, 2003
AP Flux:
Ruggiero: "It will be intricate for the Republic of Moldova to survive
without external
June 5, 2003 -
"Chisinau Observer"
Weekly Newspaper: “Very
interesting discussions”
in the framework of cooperation
with the IMF
June 4, 2003 -
The IMF considers the new bill on the pre-shipment inspection as acceptable..,
And disagrees
with the government that the transition from judets to rayons
would lead to a reduction in expenditures...
June 4, 2003 - Basa-Press:
Government makes
some progress in actions agreed with IMF, but there is still much to do -
says Ruggiero...
May 17, 2003 - Edgardo Ruggiero: Interview to
Radio Free Europe and
Basa-Press: "We need to look at
expenditures in
future years"
March 26, 2003 -
Infotag: IMF mission not
ruling out chance for Moldova to receive $25 million in June
March 26, 2003 - Basa-Press:
failing to meet preliminary actions previously agreed with IMF,
missiom says...
March 20, 2003 -
In order to receive the next tranches
Moldova has to fulfill all the IMF
14, 2003 -
Logos Press: E.
Ruggiero -
The International Monetary Fund has some questions for the government...
March 12, 2003 - Basa-Press:
IMF to study resumption of financial
assistance for Moldova in June...
March 3, 2003 - Basa-Press:
IMF mission expected in Chisinau on
March 13...
February 28, 2003 - Basa-Press:
IMF Resident Representative says
further assistance depends on terms and content of
future law on
pre-shipment inspection...
February 27, 2003 -
AP Flux:
IMF had informed the government from
Chisinau about its position regarding
legalization of pre-shipment
February 20, 2003 - Information
about Moldova and General Data Dissemination System (GDDS)
February 19, 2003 -
Infotag: IMF to
continue to work with Moldova
January 27, 2003
- John Odling-Smee: Interview to
Basa-Press News Agency:
Creditors will condition support
for the poorest CIS countries with
continuation of reforms...
January 24, 2003 - Basa-Press:
Lucerne conference on CIS-7 initiative
calls for more assistance from donors...
January 23, 2003 - Edgardo Ruggiero: Interview to
"Chisinau Observer"
Weekly Newspaper:
Mission to Moldova will
conditions upon its arrival...
January 17, 2003 - Edgardo Ruggiero: Interview to
Info-Prim News Agency: IMF
postponed by few months the
examination of the issue related to the next
January 10, 2003 - Edgardo Ruggiero: Interview to
Basa-Press News Agency: New
IMF mission to visit Chisinau not earlier
than in February...
December 19, 2002 - Basa-Press:
IMF will continue supporting Moldova, if Chisinau
continues reforms - IMF officials...
November 30, 2002 - Basa-Press:
Moldova likely to receive ordinary
tranche of IMF credit not earlier than in
November 15, 2002 -
Logos Press: H. Köhler -
Restoring Confidence to the Global
October 30, 2002 -
Interlic: Moldova must
execute three conditions for getting next tranches of credit from IMF...
October 30, 2002 -
IMF will support Moldova's talks with
Paris Club for foreign debts restructuring, premier

October 30, 2002 -
IMF mission makes more precise forecast
of GDP and indictors in Moldova...
October 30, 2002 -
Infomarket: Why does
Moldova need credits of the IMF...
October 22, 2002 - Basa-Press:
IMF mission on assessment visit to
October 16, 2002 -
Interlic: IMF evaluation
mission to work in Moldova starting October 22...
October 8, 2002 - Edgardo Ruggiero: Interview to
Infotag News Agency: IMF
ready to hear Moldova's proposals on
pre-shipment inspection issue
September 18, 2002 - AP
Flux: IMF pleads against
the decrease of taxes and cancellation of PSI... Paris club debt
restructuring... Few credits in 2003...
September 18, 2002 -
Financial situation in Moldova is
not much worse than in other countries... IMF
against drastic reduction of taxes... GDP
growth in 2002 ...
September 18, 2002 -
Interlic: IMF is against
abolition of the PSI... Big FDI inflow into Moldova requires attractive
September 16, 2002 - Basa-Press:
Chisinau government has to work hard to
ensure legislative stability and fight against
corruption – IMF official...
September 16, 2002 - Basa-Press:
Moldova must continue preshipment
inspection program - IMF official...

September 10, 2002 - Edgardo Ruggiero: Interview to
Basa-Press News Agency: I
have been pleasantly surprised by both
Chisinau and its people...
September 5, 2002 - IMF Press
Statement: A team of the IMF will visit Chisinau during September 10-18. It
be led by
Marta Castello-Branco...
August 27, 2002 - IMF Country
released: Republic of Moldova: 2002
Article IV Consultation, First Review Under
the Three-Year Arrangement Under the
Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility and Request for Waiver of Performance
Criteria -- Staff Report
August 27, 2002 - IMF Public
Information Notice: IMF concludes 2002
Article IV consultation with Moldova
July 27, 2002 - Basa-Press:
Third tranche of IMF credit available in
the National Bank's account...
17, 2002 - Supplement to the Memorandum of
Economic and Financial Policies of the Government and National
Bank of Moldova
was posted on IMF's web site
July 17, 2002 - Interim Poverty Reduction
Strategy Paper for Moldova was posted on IMF's web site
July 11, 2002 - Basa-Press:
IMF approves new disbursement for
Moldova under PRGF arrangement...
July 10, 2002
- IMF Press Statement:
IMF Completes First Review of Moldova's PRGF-Supported Program,
Million Disbursement
July 9, 2002 - Basa-Press:
New IMF Resident Representative takes
office in Moldova...
May 22, 2002 -
Moldpres: IMF added certain
conditions on resumption of Moldova's foreign financing...
May 22, 2002 - Basa-Press:
Moldova has to fulfill several
pre-conditions before meeting of IMF managing board...

May 8, 2002 - IMF Press Statement:
An IMF mission will visit Chisinau May 14-21, led by Marta Castello-Branco, the
IMF mission chief for Moldova...
March 7, 2002 - IMF Press
Statement: Conclusion of IMF mission to Moldova, February 26 to March 7,
March 2, 2002 - Basa-Press:
Moldovan authorities meet new IMF
mission with unprepared homework...
February 28, 2002 - Hassan Al-Atrash: Interview to
Infotag News Agency: I am
optimistic about Moldova's prospects,
says former head of IMF's mission. But
optimistic in long-term
February 28, 2002 - Hassan Al-Atrash: Interview to "Observator
Economic" Magazine: I'm
leaving Moldova more pessimistic
than when I came here
February 28, 2002 - Hassan Al-Atrash: Interview to "Chisinau
Observer" Weekly Newspaper:
Moldova's uphill financial
February 28, 2002 - Basa-Press:
Al-Atrash: Moldovan-Russian gas
agreement compromised IMF assistance for Tarlev's
February 26, 2002 -
IMF will name no successor to outgoing
Resident Representative to Moldova for time
February 22, 2002 -
Moldpres: IMF to resume
negotiations with Moldovan cabinet next week...
February 14, 2002 -
IMF considers that the resignation of
Mihai Manoli is a major loss...
February 14, 2002 -
Problems when inspecting goods prior
to delivery must be settled between
government and SGS...
February 13, 2002 -
Hassan Al-Atrash rejects accusations
that IMF is imposing political conditions to
de-block financing...
February 7, 2002 -
Moldova will lose chance to restructure
foreign debts, if it fails to honor international
commitments, IMF official
February 6, 2002 -
IMF decision on assistance for Moldova
will be announced not earlier than April...
February 6, 2002 -
Press conference at the IMF office
December 22, 2001 -
Chisinau to urgently present
interpretation of Moldovan-Russian gas supply agreement
to IMF...
December 21, 2001 -
IMF mission ends three-day visit in
December 21, 2001 -
AP Flux: IMF experts and
those of Moldova treat differently the Moldovan-Russian agreement
regarding the
delivery of natural gas...
December 21, 2001 -
Infotag: IMF mission
dislikes gas supply terms...

December 17, 2001 -
IMF mission due in Chisinau on December
18 to clarify objections towards Moldovan
December 13, 2001 -
Moldova raises doubts over
foreign debt payments...
December 12, 2001 -
Moldova faces delay on IMF loan
December 12, 2001 -
Infotag: IMF concerned
about some provisions in gas agreement with Russia...

December 11, 2001 -
Chisinau loses chance to obtain
financing from IMF this year...
November 20, 2001 - Infotag:
Moldova close to preferential lending resumption as never before...

November 15, 2001 - Hassan Al-Atrash: Interview to Infotag News Agency
Moldova stands to get $5 million IMF
representative says...
November 14, 2001 - Basa-Press:
Resumption of international financing is
government's strategic objective, says
Premier Tarlev...
November 12, 2001 - Basa-Press:
Government trying to repair holes in relations
with IMF...
November 6, 2001 - Basa-Press:
President Voronin says Moldova will fulfill all
conditions of IMF "these days"...
November 5, 2001 - Infotag: IMF
presumes Moldova has not yet lost chances to get $40 million by end of the
but World Bank believes Moldova may count on maximum $5 million...
November 5, 2001 - Basa-Press:
Moldova registers progress in implementation
of the supplement to memorandum,
says IMF Resident Representative...
October 29, 2001 - Infotag:
Moldova approaches traditional default season...
October 23, 2001 - Infotag:
Interview with Leonid Talmaci: IMF and NBM think along similar lines...
October 19, 2001 - Infotag: World
Bank may consider SAC-III possibility only after IMF resumes lending...
October 15, 2001 - Basa-Press:
Moldova losing chances to receive international
assistance this year, finance minister
October 9, 2001 - Basa-Press:
Moldova may remain cut off international
assistance this year...
14, 2001 - Hassan Al-Atrash: Interview to
News Agency The possible postponement of the
Annual Meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank should in
no impact the resumption of IMF
lending to Moldova...
September 10, 2001 - Infotag: IMF
mission rectifies draft of Moldova's 2002 budget...
September 6, 2001 - Basa-Press:
2002 draft budget may be modified after
consultations with IMF, finance minister
September 4, 2001 -
News Agency comment: The supplement to the
memorandum with IMF - everything
works according to the plan. But whose plan is

August 29, 2001 - Moldpres: IMF
mission to assess draft of state budget of Moldova for 2002...
August 21, 2001 - AP
Flux: An IMF mission will
look at the budget law draft for the
year 2002...
August 14, 2001 - Basa-Press:
Government optimistic of resumption of
international financial assistance, even if IMF's
decision will be announced in
two months...
August 9, 2001 - Basa-Press:
Moldova gains chances to reschedule debts that
mature next year...
August 9, 2001 -
News Agency comment: IMF promises money. But
not earlier than in autumn

August 8, 2001 - Infotag: IMF
mission satisfied with new government's performance, and says lending may be resumed
this year...
August 8, 2001 - Basa-Press:
IMF mission agrees on resumption of assistance
for Moldova...
August 8, 2001
IMF agrees deal to restore funding to
August 2, 2001 - Basa-Press:
Premier Tarlev: bureaucratic hurdles, not our
unwillingness delayed adoption of laws
demanded by IMF...
August 1, 2001 - Moldpres: Government
is determined to implement clauses of memorandum signed with IMF...
31, 2001 - Infotag: Moldovan
President says: Moldova fulfils all conditions for resumption of IMF lending...
31, 2001 - Moldpres: Results
of negotiations with IMF mission to be favorable for Moldova, Moldova President
30, 2001 - Infotag: Borrowing should
make Moldova richer, not poorer, President says...
30, 2001 - Moldpres: Moldovan
President met Richard Haas...
28, 2001 -
Moldavskie Vedomosti
Newspaper: "To give or not to give?"
27, 2001 - Basa-Press:
Central Bank's policy corresponds to provisions
of Memorandum on Economic and Financial
Policies – IMF experts...
27, 2001 - Infotag: Default all but
inevitable without IMF funds...
26, 2001 - Basa-Press:
Government to present changes to memorandum in
one week to IMF mission...
26, 2001 - Basa-Press:
Chisinau speaker, IMF mission chief discuss
implementation of memorandum...
21, 2001 - Basa-Press:
Chisinau is the one to persuade foreign
creditors to resume financing, even if creditors
have reservations towards
19, 2001 - Moldpres: Moldova's
future depends on results of negotiations with IMF...
19, 2001 - Basa-Press:
Chisinau wants re-negotiate memorandum signed
with IMF...
19, 2001 - Moldpres: Moldovan
Premier affirms that government fulfils its commitments from memorandum with
17, 2001 - Moldpres: Dialogue
between Moldovan Premier and IMF Resident Representative...
16, 2001 - IMF Press Statement: IMF
is planning a mission during July 25-August 8, 2001 to conduct the
consultation review and to assess progress under the IMF-supported program...
13, 2001 -
Why is the Minister of Finance alarmed?
2, 2001 - Moldpres: Dialogue:
Moldova - International Monetary Fund...
28, 2001 - Moldpres: Moldovan
Premier is optimistic about development of Moldova-IMF relations...
26, 2001 - Infotag: Moldova must get
itself back on track with IMF by October at the latest, Deputy Prime
19, 2001
Debt-ridden Communist Moldova seeks IMF
16, 2001 - Basa-Press:
Chisinau challenges international lenders...
4, 2001 -
Will Moldova fall for Bulgarian variant?
2, 2001 -
Moldavskie Vedomosti
Newspaper: IMF says: "If we were the
doctor for Moldova, then the patient did
not listen to us"
29, 2001 - Basa-Press:
Moldova will have to choose between lenders'
game rules and default...
24, 2001
IMF urges Moldova leadership to take
action on debt...
22, 2001 - Infotag: IMF
hands in an Aide-Memoire to Moldovan leadership...
17, 2001 - Article in "Chisinau
Observer" Weekly Newspaper: IMF
upset at Communists' plans...
16, 2001 - Hassan Al-Atrash: Interview to Infotag News Agency If
the policies of promoted by the new leadership
of Moldova are not consistent
with the memorandum, it would be difficult for the IMF to resume lending...
16, 2001
- Hassan Al-Atrash: Interview to Basa-Press
News Agency (continued) The image of
the state seems
unfavorable for investments says the IMF Resident

15, 2001
- Hassan Al-Atrash: Interview to Reuters
- Headline news: Reform or jeopardize
funding, IMF warns
12, 2001 - Basa-Press: IMF
asks to be a consultant of Moldovan government in issues contradicting the
11, 2001 - Moldpres: IMF
requests to be consulted by Chisinau cabinet for adoption of decisions on rise
budgetary expenses...
11, 2001
- Hassan Al-Atrash: Interview to Basa-Press
News Agency The relations of the
Republic of Moldova with
IMF are presently at a critical juncture...

10, 2001 - Basa-Press: IMF
welcomes the accession of the Republic of Moldova to WTO...
7, 2001 - Russian translation of the IMF Country Report
of Moldova: Recent Economic Developments
2, 2001 - AP
Flux: Richard Haas: Revision of the
Law on Privatization of wine and tobacco industry enterprises will
affect the
relations of IMF with the Republic of Moldova...
2, 2001 - Basa-Press: Moldova
has not fulfilled a part of its memorandum commitments, says Haas...
2, 2001 - Interlic: IMF
Ready to continue its dialogue with Moldova...
27, 2001 - Infotag: IMF stands ready
to assist in privatizing Moldtelecom and REDs...
27, 2001 - Moldpres: Moldovan
parliament's speaker meets IMF representative...
26, 2001 - Moldpres: Moldovan
Premier met Richard Haas...
26, 2001 - Basa-Press: IMF
makes public 2000 report on Moldova' development...
25, 2001 - Basa-Press: Future
Moldova-IMF relations depend on findings of present Fund mission to Chisinau...
20, 2001 - IMF Press Statement: IMF
is planning a mission during April 25-May 2, 2001 to assess progress
the PRGF
and to discuss future economic and financial policies with the new
President, Parliament, and

28, 2001 - Moldpres: IMF
to assist Moldova in rescheduling of foreign debts...
26, 2001 - Moldpres: V.
Voronin meets IMF Resident Representative in Moldova...
13, 2001 - IMF Public Information Notice: IMF
Concludes Article IV Consultation with Moldova
27, 2001 - Infotag: IMF disburses $12
million tranche to fight poverty in Moldova...
24, 2001 - Basa-Press: IMF
releases to Economics Ministry recommendations for drafting laws on Free
Economic Zones...
16, 2001 - Basa-Press: IMF
to release second 12-million-dollar tranche in late February...
2, 2001 - Basa-Press: New
IMF mission due in April to assess Moldova's performance under assumed
2, 2001 - Basa-Press: IMF
mission head says Moldova has image of business-unfriendly country...
2, 2001 - Basa-Press: IMF
will continue crediting the Republic of Moldova...
26, 2001 - Basa-Press: Richard
Haas: Irrespective who comes to power in Chisinau, IMF will continue
26, 2001 - Infotag: L. Talmaci:
National Bank fares better than IMF expects...
January 26, 2001 - IMF Country Report
of Moldova: Recent Economic Developments is
17, 2001 - IMF Press Statement: IMF
is planning a mission during January 25-February 5, 2001 to
under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility...

3, 2001 - Infotag: IMF and WB resume
crediting for Moldova...
22, 2000 - Interim Poverty Reduction
Strategy Paper for Moldova was posted on IMF's web site

21, 2000 - IMF News Brief: IMF gives final approval of PRGF loan for Moldova...

21, 2000 - Basa-Press: IMF
Resident Representative in Chisinau gives assessment of Braghiș government's

16, 2000 - Basa-Press: Approval
by IMF of $142 million loan is a decision Moldova has been waiting for a
period, Braghiș says...

16, 2000 - Memorandum of Economic and Financial
Policies of the Government and National Bank of Moldova
was posted on IMF's
web site 
16, 2000 - IMF Press Statement: IMF
approves in principle loan of US$142 million for Poverty
Reduction and
Growth in
the Republic of Moldova...

13, 2000 - Moldpres: IMF
makes good ties with Moldova conditional upon reforms' continuation and
maintenance of political stability...

12, 2000
- Hassan Al-Atrash: Interview to Moldpres
News Agency "IMF Board of Directors
might probably
take a positive decision on resumption of crediting for

12, 2000
- Hassan Al-Atrash: short interview to "Jurnalul National"
newspaper "What is the IMF's forecast
economic growth in the Republic of Moldova in 2001?"

6, 2000
- Hassan Al-Atrash: Interview to Basa-Press
News Agency "Moldova could receive
external financial
support of 42 million dollars in December..."

1, 2000 - Basa-Press: Moldova
signs three-year memorandum with IMF, awaiting approval...

30, 2000 - Infotag: Budget adoption will
de-frost external crediting, Finance Minister says...
30, 2000 - Infotag: 2001 State Budget
adopted in Moldova...
24, 2000 - Government
of the Republic of Moldova posted on
its official web site the draft of
Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper for Moldova...

10, 2000 - Article from
Electronic Magazine: Memorandum with IMF is
signed - is everyone

8, 2000 - Infotag: Memorandum to be signed
with IMF this month...
1, 2000 - Basa-Press: IMF ready to
offer Moldova credits to fight poverty under 0.5-percent rate...

31, 2000 -
Press Statement by the Government
of the Republic of Moldova: With regard to the
the mission of the International Monetary Fund led by Mr. Richard Haas held over
the last
two weeks in
30, 2000 - Basa-Press: Memorandum
with IMF could be signed on December 18...

30, 2000 - AP Flux: The government has
finalized the negotiations with IMF on the new draff memorandum...

30, 2000 - Infotag: IMF ready to resume crediting...
30, 2000 - Reuters: IMF sees new $150m
Moldova loan plan approved in December...
23, 2000 - Infotag: IMF sets tough
timing for Parliament...
19, 2000 - Hassan Al-Atrash: Statement for the
Electronic Magazine
"We are pleased that
Parliament has approved the privatization bill..."
16, 2000 - Hassan Al-Atrash: Interview to "" Internet
Magazine "In Moldova the IMF funds were
used properly"
14, 2000 - Hassan Al-Atrash: Interview to Basa-Press
News Agency "IMF
mission could finalize negotiations
regarding new three year credit program"
12, 2000 - IMF Press Statement: An
International Monetary Fund mission is expected to visit
Chisinau during

30, 2000 - Basa-Press: October will be
decisive for relations between Moldova and IMF, Fund
representative says...
22, 2000 -
Logos-Press: "IMF's
16, 2000 - Hassan Al-Atrash: Interview to Basa-Press
News Agency "New
memorandum will contain older
conditions of crediting"
16, 2000 - Basa-Press:
Approval of a budget with low inflation is one of conditions for resumption of
external financing to Moldova...
15, 2000 - Basa-Press:
IMF representative evaluates the activity of Braghis government...
July 26, 2000 -
Interlic: IMF to resume funding Moldova before the end of 2000...

July 26, 2000 -
Interlic: IMF giving high Praise to Actions by Moldovan Government...
July 26, 2000 -
Infotag: IMF forecasts 5 percent GDP growth for 2001...
July 26, 2000 -
IMF, Moldova could sign new credit agreement in October...

July 26, 2000 -
The IMF expects Moldova's GDP to grow by 5% in 2001 after a 7% fall this year...
July 25, 2000 -
New IMF programmes for Moldova to aim at concrete reform results...

July 12, 2000 -
IMF mission is coming to Chisinau on Wednesday...
July 10, 2000 - IMF Press Statement:
An International Monetary Fund mission is expected to visit Chisinau
on July
June 9, 2000 - Hassan Al-Atrash: Interview to "Jurnalul National"
Newspaper: "Good governance is vital for
growth and
economic development"

April 25, 2000 -
Reuters: Moldovan leader hopes for new IMF programme

April 19, 2000 - IMF Press Statement:
IMF will not be able to recommend to its Executive Board a
resumption of Fund

April 17, 2000 -
Reuters: Moldova vote puts IMF loans, government in danger

April 11, 2000 -
Reuters: Moldova
passes tight budget, govt hopes for loans

28, 2000
- Hassan Al-Atrash: Speech at the CISR
round table "Burning Issues of the
Economic Policy for 2000"
■ December 1, 1999
- Publication of IMF
Working Paper:
Fiscal Federalism and Government Size in Transition Economies -
The Case of

24, 1999 - IMF Press Statement:
"There have been a number of questions from the media recently
concerning the
relationship between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Republic
October 8, 1999 - IMF Country Report
of Moldova: Recent Economic Developments is
7, 1999 - Mark Horton: Interview in FLUX
"Lack of a national consensus continues to generate
many problems and
doctrinaire misunderstandings"
23, 1999 - IMF Public Information
Notice: IMF
concludes Article IV consultation with
6, 1999 - IMF News Brief: IMF Executive Board
completes fourth review under
the Extended Fund
for Moldova...
29, 1999 - Republic of Moldova: Memorandum of
Economic and Financial Policies for 1999 was posted
on IMF's
web site
8, 1999 - IMF Press Statement: IMF
mission to Moldova during July 12-19, 1999...
22, 1999 - IMF Press Statement: IMF
mission to Moldova during April 28-May 13, 1999...
6, 1999 - Mark Horton:
Interview to BASA-Press News Agency
"Ciubuc's resignation was not anything
16, 1999 -
Mark Horton: Interview to BASA-Press News Agency
"IMF-Moldova relationships are the best ever"
6, 1999 - IMF Press Statement: The
Board of Directors of the IMF on January 4, 1999, approved the completion
of the
third review of Moldova's three-year, Extended Fund Facility program and
disbursement of
SDR 25 million...
1, 1999 - Romanian language translation of the IMF Articles of Agreement
by the Ministry
of Foreign
Affairs of
10, 1998 - IMF Press Statement: A
visiting IMF mission led by Mr. Richard Haas reached provisional
agreement on
November 10, 1998 with the Government and National Bank of Moldova on a
memorandum of economic
policies for the remainder of 1998 and the first half of
12, 1998 - Mark Horton: Interview to BASA-Press News Agency
“Major problem of Moldova's energy sector is
improvement of its
26, 1998 - Mark Horton: Interview
to BASA-Press News Agency "Expo-Business-Chisinau is a load
Moldova's budget"
August 6, 1998 - IMF Country Report
of Moldova: Recent Economic Developments is
2, 1998 - IMF Press Statement: IMF
Mission to visit Chisinau during June 4-18, 1998...
27, 1998 - IMF Public Information
Notice: IMF
concludes Article IV consultation with
4, 1998 - IMF Press Statement: Mr.
John Odling-Smee, the Director of the European II Department of the
International Monetary Fund, will visit Chisinau during May 7-9, 1998 to hold
discussions with the Moldovan
26, 1998 - IMF Press Statement: IMF
Mission to Arrive in Chisinau on Wednesday, January 28...
31, 1997 - IMF Press Statement: An IMF
team led by Mr. David Owen, Deputy Chief of the Southern Division of
the Fund's EU II Department and IMF Mission Chief for Moldova, yesterday concluded its
mission in Chisinau to review of
economic and financial developments during the
first three quarters of 1997...
16, 1997 - IMF Press Statement: IMF
Mission Arrives in Chisinau today for two-week visit...
17, 1997 - IMF Press Statement: The
Executive Board of the IMF on July 16 considered performance of the
Republic of
Moldova under its Extended Fund Facility arrangement and approved disbursement
of the third tranche
under the arrangement in an amount of SDR 15 million...
25, 1997 - IMF Press Statement: IMF
Mission to Chisinau: Moldova's economic performance has improved;
reforms must be accelerated and caution displayed on external debt...
16, 1996 - IMF Press Statement: A
mission from the IMF will visit Chisinau during October 17-31 to review
economic developments and to assess financial performance and implementation of
structural reforms in
connection with the 3-year extended arrangement...
20, 1996 - IMF Press Release: IMF
approves EFF credit for Moldova...
11, 1995 - IMF Press Release: Republic of Moldova
accepts Article VIII obligations...
22, 1995 - IMF Press Release: IMF
approves a 12-month stand-by credit for Moldova...
■ December 19,
1994 - IMF
approves CCFF credit for Moldova of SDR 12.2 million
1, 1994
- Publication of IMF
Working Paper:
Monitoring Financial Stabilization in Moldova:
The Role of Monetary Policy,
Institutional Factors and Statistical Anomalies
■ December 17,
1993 - IMF
approves a
15-month stand-by credit for Moldova of SDR 51.55 million
■ September 16,
1993 - IMF
approves a 12-month STF credit for Moldova of SDR 45 million
■ January 15, 1993 - IMF
approves CCFF credit for Moldova of SDR 13.5 million
■ August 12,
1992 - Republic of Moldova joins the IMF
July 28, 1992 - Decision of the Parliament
of the Republic of Moldova on joining the IMF